
Mobile Authenticator available for Android

Blizzard appears to be trying to make it easier for everyone to have an Authenticator and to that end, there is now a Mobile Authenticator for Android. The Android version works just like the iPhone/iTouch app and is available at the Android App store (you can view it via a third party site). Once you get it on your phone, you then link it to your account at the official World of Warcraft Account Management page. We have reports of the app working for people.

Though we were unable to find this app from Blizzard directly, we believe it to be legitimate. However, we have contacted Blizzard for confirmation. We'll let you know what they have to say when we hear back from them. Update: Here is the link to the official Blizzard support page for the Android app. Looks like it's legit. Update 2: Here is the official announcement.

If you don't have an Authenticator yet, we can't recommend it enough. The added protection an authenticator provides to your account is much greater than the slight inconvenience of needing access to your phone whenever you login. This is particularly the case if you game at internet cafes.