
Found Footage: Photoshop v1.0 recreated on iPhone

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Photoshop, Adobe recently recreated Photoshop 1.0 -- on the iPhone. Porting the venerable application over to the iPhone reportedly took Adobe a mere two weeks of development. The application is not available on the iTunes Store; Adobe only created the app as a promo for their 20th anniversary Photoshop celebration. The app is really only valuable as a bit of nostalgia anyway, as Adobe's free iPhone app, Mobile, has far more features than the Photoshop 1.0 app demoed above, which only seems to perform global level and RGB channel adjustments.

Even though the app isn't available to the public and is of limited utility compared to more modern offerings, it was still pretty cool to see UI elements from Classic Mac OS running on the iPhone. Using the Mac startup chime when Photoshop 1.0 launches on the iPhone was a particularly inspired touch, even if they did use the modern chime rather than any of the three 1990-era chimes. Now, if someone ever ports HyperCard over to the iPhone, I think my geek-meter might go right into overload.