
Pink for Tink gets official Mythic support

Finding out that you have cancer of any variety is always a bombshell, and for Warhammer Online player Trish, it became doubly difficult as she discovered that her breast cancer returned as of April this year. Feeling the urge to support Trish -- who goes by several variations on the word "Tink" in WAR -- her friends, guild and the surrounding Badlands server community created a "Pink for Tink" movement to raise awareness and offer encouragement. This eventually led to the creation of a pink-themed guild specifically for this cause, with several blogs which have been reporting on its growth.

As Tink's husband wrote on their blog, "One sort of expects close friends and family to express support, but to have strangers (including your "enemies") stand behind you in solidarity is touching in a very different way."

This past Tuesday, Mythic lent their support by adding a couple "very special dye vendors" into the game: Alda Tinkengruber (Order) and Grobbik Bigtink (Destruction). These vendors are selling "Slaneesh Pink Dye" and "Light Purple Dye" for a limited time for players who want to support Tink, enjoy the unusual shades, or both.

It's always a terrific sign when both developers and players can join together for a selfless cause such as this, and we hope Tink emerges victorious. You can read more about the new dyes over on the WAR Herald.