
Join the Engadget HD Podcast live on Ustream today at 5:30 pm - Update: cancelled

We're delayed by one day this week, so update your calendars and bingo cards. It's Monday, and we know that getting the week started can be tough. We're here to help by letting you peek into the recording booth when the Engadget HD podcast goes to tape at 5:30 pm, Tuesday. Think of it as a kind of time machine that will help you power through your day by reviewing what happened in the week HD-wise. Embedded Ustream tools and a list of topics after the break. Now with Engadget Podcast Bingo!

Update: Unfortunately we've had to reschedule again and this week we won't be doing a live podcast. Hopefully we'll still be able to get it done today and have it up for your listening pleasure and Bingo scoring tomorrow -- thanks for hanging in there with us.

Best Buy sees big drop in TV sales, eases pain with beefy mobile revenue
LG's next set of 3D glasses were designed by a designer, will grace CES 2011
Panasonic's Avatar 3D monopoly runs into 2012, no 3D Blu-ray release until Mayan calendar ends?
Disney announces Bambi Blu-ray/DVD combo for March 1st, debuts new Second Screen PC/iPad app
Advertisers, broadcasters fight over who owns the HD sidebars during 4x3 commercials
Comcast 'Xcalibur' test program brings web video, unified search to cable boxes
Netflix adds streaming content for Canadians including The Kids in the Hall
CE Oh no he didn't!: Time Warner chief likens Netflix threat to Albanian army
Prima Cinema plans to offer $500 first-run movie downloads, with a mere $20k setup fee
Ask Engadget HD: Combo media streamer and Blu-ray/DVD ripper?
Kaleidescape launches 100-disc Blu-ray movie server
Engadget's Holiday Gift Guide: HDTVs and home theater

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