
One Shots: That's no moon

We've seen lots of interesting things when it comes to EVE Online, but this one definitely made us stop and think. Is today's One Shots actually a glitch as contributor Snowflake Tem, CEO of the Order of Symbolic Measures, suspects it might be? Is it a nod to that well-known fully armed and operational battle station many of us know from popular culture? Only CCP's developers likely know for sure. Nonetheless, it makes for a very interesting full-size image to go along with Snowflake Tem's note, in which he suggests another option. "[I] noticed this while plying my routine trade route through Gallentean high-security space. It's probably time to clear out the game client cache, or maybe it's glitched because I'm running the game through Wine on Ubuntu Linux. Anyhow, I like the texture of the barren world shown in the image. Intentional or not, I imagine heavily industrialised worlds and moons will look like that someday."

Have you found an interesting location in your favorite game recently? If so, we'd love to see screenshots of it! Send them in to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. Please make sure your image is at least 1024 pixels wide and has no visible UI elements. Also double-check and make sure your image is attached to your email since we can't publish what we don't get! (When in doubt, feel free to put it on Flickr, Picasa, or your own server and send us a link!) Your screenshot could be the next one we feature here on Massively.