
LogMeIn Ignition half-price sale -- and a TUAW giveaway

LogMeIn's iOS app -- LogMeIn Ignition -- is a sweet way to connect your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad to a Mac or PC running the LogMeIn desktop client. As part of a Back To School promotion, LogMeIn has put Ignition on sale at 50 percent off. With the normal price of $29.99 being cut in half, you're saving a whopping $15 on your purchase.

At that price, LogMeIn Ignition is perfectly priced for students who may need to have mobile access to a Mac or PC back in the dorm room or lab. With Ignition's recently added ability to transfer files to, from, or between computers, it's the next best thing to sitting behind the keyboard of your computer.

Be sure to check out our long history of posts about both LogMeIn and its mobile companion, and keep an eye on our Facebook page today. We'll be giving away four LogMeIn Ignition promo codes, so four lucky TUAW readers will have a chance to get the app for free.