
TUAW TV Live at 5 PM EDT: iOS 5, iPhone 4S, and Steve Jobs

Just after the conclusion of last week's TUAW TV Live show, word of the death of former Apple CEO Steve Jobs began circulating. It's hard to believe that it's been a week, and a lot has happened since then. iOS 5 is about to drop, the iPhone 4S is arriving in the hands of Mac fans around the world, and iCloud is live.

Today on TUAW TV Live, my guest is everybody's favorite target for cyber-stalking on Find My Friends, Doc Rock! We know where he'll be -- sitting in front of his Mac, talking with you and me. Much of our discussion will be aimed at iOS 5, Siri, and iCloud.

As usual, I'll be starting the show at 5 PM EDT (2 PM PDT / 10 PM BST) sharp, and we'll take a few minutes to chat before the demos and discussion start. To join in on the chat and watch the live streaming video, drop by TUAW about five minutes before the start time to get your instructions on how to participate. If you're unable to join us for the show, remember that you can always subscribe to the video podcast and watch the show at your leisure in iTunes or any other favorite podcatching app. The past shows are also available on the TUAW YouTube channel.

The chat is now available as well on IRC: join us on server, chat room #tuaw-tv.

One more thing: Doc has a wonderful video available for your viewing pleasure, titled "Before You Update to iOS 5, Watch This Video." We've embedded it below.