
Patch 4.0.6 PTR patch notes updates for Jan. 28

The official patch 4.0.6 PTR patch notes were updated yet again this evening. The updates to the patch notes aren't particularly long. Combine that with a certain placeholder blog post (which will certainly be removed soon) on the official blog, and signs are good that the patch will be releasing soon. The team will be hard at work this weekend cleaning up and assembling our patch 4.0.6 resources, but until then, you'll need to be content with these patch note updates.

Updates to Tol Barad (which Mat McCurley will be discussing shortly), fishing, jewelcrafting and more are behind the break below.

Tol Barad

  • Attacking forces will receive a 200% capture speed bonus when they control 2 keeps.

  • Defending forces will receive a 200% capture speed bonus when they control all 3 keeps.

  • Daily quest creatures, herbs, minerals, etc. will only spawn when Tol Barad is in the quest phase between battles. There will be 5-minute and 1-minute warnings before the quest phase ends. The quest phase ends 15 minutes before the battle for Tol Barad begins and queuing is made available. At that time any players in the daily micro dungeons will be ported just outside. This does not apply to Tol Barad Peninsula or the daily quests there.

  • The weekly PvP quest "Victory in Tol Barad" now awards 200 Honor Points and 3 Tol Barad Commendations.

  • Players can now see the status of Tol Barad on the World Map no matter where they are. The time to the next battle is displayed by zooming into the Tol Barad section of the map. The current controlling faction can be seen on the Eastern Kingdoms map.


  • Fireball mana cost has been reduced to 9% of base mana.

  • Frostfire Bolt mana cost has been reduced to 9% of base mana.


  • Strength of Soul now occurs when the priest casts Inner Focus on oneself, rather than Power Word: Shield. In addition, Strength of Soul now also causes the priest to become immune to silence, interrupt, and dispel effects for 2/4 seconds after using Inner Focus.


  • Rare fishing poles now have a chance to be found in the Bag of Fishing Treasures earned via the Stormwind and Orgrimmar Fishing daily quests.


  • Wrath of the Lich King purple, green, and orange gems have been increased in cost to match red, blue, and yellow epic gems (220 Justice Points). Burning Crusade epic gems have been increased in cost to match the most expensive Wrath of the Lich King gems.


  • Normal PvE helms (item level 359) no longer have a chance to drop from Nefarian or Cho'gall on Heroic difficulty. Instead, the Heroic PvE helm and shoulder pieces (item level 372) only require their associated Crown/Shoulders of the Forlorn tokens to purchase, and do not require players to obtain the normal helms or shoulders first.

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