
What WoW mobile app would you like to see next?

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For those of us who simply can't get enough WoW time in while we're in front of a computer, Blizzard has already created the Mobile Armory and Mobile Auction House applications. We can look up character stats, achievements, gear, and talents as well as buy, sell, and collect gold from our auction house deals. These are very cool tools to give yourself a little more Warcraft on the go or at work.

I think there are a lot more possibilities, though. There's a new app out there that can solve sudoku puzzles just by taking a picture of them. There's an app that can tell you where you are based on star constellations or tell you what the sky looks like above you based on your GPS and the angle of your phone.

Don't you think WoW could take advantage of some of these amazing advances in phone technology? What about an app for crafting? It could work in conjunction with the auction house application and let you do crafting from your smart phone. I can picture an easy interface that would be similar to our in-game crafting menu, showing the recipes with the sort by categories such as item type, materials on hand, or gem color. Of course, considering how fast our technology is rolling out, it might not be too long before we could see a slimmed-down version of Warcraft in our hands. Can you imagine WoW Lite? It probably wouldn't be suitable for raiding, but questing, gathering, or maybe easy dungeons could be a blast on a long bus ride.

Would you get excited about a crafting app or WoW Lite, or is there another application idea you've been dying to see Blizzard develop?