
10 million flock to download Angry Birds Rio

It took just ten days for Angry Birds Rio -- the movie tie-in spinoff of Angry Birds -- to land on over 10 million mobile phones. An ambiguous tweet from Angry Birds dev Rovio announced the news, stating, "10 in 10 ... Angry Birds Rio breaking all records. A massive thanks to all our fans!!!" clarified the tweet's meaning moments later, asking if the "10 in 10" was referring to 10 million downloads in the first 10 days.

Unfortunately, Rovio didn't parse which of those 10 million downloads were of the game's Android version versus the iOS version -- Angry Birds Rio is free through Amazon's Droid Marketplace, whereas it costs $1 for iOS devices. That said, even if only half of those sales were of the $1 version, that's roughly $3.5 million after Apple takes its 30 percent. Not too shabby for 10 days on the market!