
Apple TV coming to seven more countries next week

Apple's little black set-top box is due to arrive in seven more countries next week, according to a release from Apple sent to MacRumors. Belgium, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland are all on the list of those receiving the device for sale, so if you're in one of those places and need more content on your TV, there you go. In Finland, the price will be set at €119 including the VAT charges, which is pretty standard for that region of the world.

AppleCare for the units will also be available, for an extra €29. The Apple TV is a pretty popular device worldwide at this point, and adding these countries into the mix should make for even more growth for the unit. Not to mention that since Apple TV is rumored to get some form of iOS apps in the future, now's an excellent time to get in on the action.