
Foxconn doubles factory size to meet iPhone demand

Chinese manufacturer Foxconn is growing again, with recent reports stating that the company is doubling the size of one of its production lines in order to keep up with production for current and future Apple products. The Foxconn Science Park in Zhengzhou is undergoing a $1.1 billion expansion, which will double the current output of about 200,000, with more than 130,000 workers kicking out tons of products for sale all over the world.

The facilities are apparently going through constant updates, so Foxconn is pushing for more and more production all the time, rather than waiting for a big plan to finish and then updating everything. But by this time next year, the work is all scheduled to be finished, which should make for getting plenty of iPhone 5s out the door.

Foxconn looks to be the most direct and open beneficiary of all of Apple's success, and it's wasting no time at all in expanding its operations to make even more money off of the sustained demand for Apple's products. You have to wonder what the endgame of this looks like, if Apple ever decides to go with another production line. I don't know if there will ever be another company that would need this kind of setup in the same way. We'll have to see.