
Google Plus coming soon to the iPad

Google kicked off its I/O developers conference by unveiling its latest Nexus hardware and new software, including a Google + app designed for tablets. The tablet app has a user interface that The Next Web describes as being part Flipboard, part Apple Coverflow.

Users now can easily swipe through their stream and add comments using their tablet device. The app embeds images inline and sizes them according to their popularity. The more +1s an image has, the bigger it will be. The tablet app supports Google +'s new Event feature that lets you use the social network to setup and coordinate an event. There also is a new notification stream that scrolls incoming information on the left-hand side of the app. And if your tablet has a front-facing camera you can use the device to do a Hangout.

The tablet app is available now for Android tablets and will debut soon for the iPad.

[Via The Next Web and MacStories]