
Around Azeroth: When pigs fly?

Around Azeroth When pigs fly TUESDAY

"A quiet stroll through the Valley of the Four Winds turned ... strange last night," writes submitter Karrin of Union on Cenarion Circle (US-A). "A rogue and dangerous mage, Hirrus, found out that she could manipulate the very essence of butterflies, warping them into pigs in an attempt to get free bacon. By the light of the full moon you can see the confusion in their poor little eyes. Her disgusting creations still fly! A simple meditative moment and a Consecration of the ground turns them back into butterflies, but sadly they cannot survive the cleansing by the Light. This mage MUST be hunted down and stopped for the sake of all pretty blue butterflies everywhere! Please contact Karrin for your instructions on finding this Light-hating mage."

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