
Tell us your holiday IT nightmares in video and you could win!

Ever go home for the holidays and wind up troubleshooting or fixing family computers? Ever spend an hour with an aunt or uncle showing them, finally, how to set up email on their iPhone? Or use FaceTime? While Apple's software and hardware are notoriously easy to use, it is inevitable that the circuit-savvy among us will be called into active nerd duty when we head home for a spell.

With that in mind, we're working with Los Angeles startup FilmThis to bring you a fun holiday treat this year. Just express your holiday IT stories in video form and use this special FilmThis page to enter. The videos with the most votes will win the prizes listed on that page, courtesy of your friends at TUAW.

Be creative and have fun! You're not limited to Apple stories, really, as many a family has converted to Mac after spending too many Thanksgiving dinners trying in vain to get Skype to work on an aging PC at grandma's house. Tell us your craziest stuff and put it on the FilmThis page (note: You'll need a Facebook account to log in and enter, plus our normal giveaway rules apply as do those for FilmThis).

To everyone going somewhere for the holidays, we wish you patience and safe travels!