
Apple Watch to include built-in Messaging, Navigation, Photos and third-party apps

Apple Watch

Apple today announced the new Apple Watch with a sapphire display and a UI that combines both a physical dial and a touchscreen for control. The new Watch will ship with a handful of built-in applications including a Messaging app with emoji support and a photos app for viewing your iCloud photos.

A communications app with a dedicated physical allows you to share quick drawings or even a recording of your heartbeat with other users. There's also a Maps app with turn-by-turn directions navigation that include a haptic feedback function. The haptic feedback of the Watch will provide you with different vibrations based on whether you should turn left or right.

Besides Apple apps, the company also introduced Watchkit, which will allow for the development of third-party apps. These other apps will allow you to Tweet or Facebook from your watch, browse Pinterest, check flight information, and even unlock your hotel room by waving your watch at the door supported hotels.