
Google Maps pit stop feature arrives on iOS

Easily find quick stops along your route without leaving navigation mode.

Back in October, Google Maps rolled out a new feature for finding pit stops along your route. Today, the handy tool is making its way to the iOS version of the app. If you missed the news the first time around, the feature allows you to add a detour to your road trip without leaving navigation mode. Tap the magnifying glass in the top right and you'll be given a list of options like gas stations, restaurants and more. If you need to search for something else, you'll be able to do so. You can also use voice search to find a specific place or another category. You know, so you don't have to futz with your phone too much.

No matter how you access them, search results will display the average rating for the destination and how much time the stop will add to your trip. The pit stop feature is rolling out to iOS users starting today, so you should be able to use it soon.