
These 8 Tips Pretty Much Sum Up Secrets To Find A Reliable Web Host

website hosting

"Who is your web host?"- It's often the common query among my visitors who leave rave remarks on the speedy navigation as shown by my site. Well, the credit, on the large part goes definitely to my web host and its robust server. It's really crucial to find out a reliable web host as the performance of your website is much determined by the assistance of your hosting provider.

Speaking further, there are 3 main issues that are going to bug your website and you if you are not particular about your web host-

Negative impact on SEO - Slow websites courtesy the poor-performing servers can plummet your SEO rankings to a great extent. Your ranking on the search engines are largely determined by the volume of traffic received by your site. A sloth website is no doubt a nuisance for you visitors, if your pages are taking too long to load, you will soon experience a steady decline in visitors' graph which will automatically lower your ranking.

Malware issues - The security of your website data is also dependent on your web host as reliable web hosting companies are very serious about protecting client data – but you can't always have that guarantee from a cheap hosting company.

Revenue loss - Downtime issues are also common when you are not so careful about your web host. It is especially crucial when you have an ecommerce site where even a 40-minute downtime could mean loss of thousands, if not millions.

Thus, it's really important to be careful while finalizing on your web hosting company. Here are 8 tips that have helped me a lot and I would love to share them with you.

  1. Market survey & great reputation

It's very easy to find a web hosting company online. Just type "web hosting services" and you will have several links lining up. But don't make the mistake of just ending up with any random link. The ideal solution here is to make a shortlist of 3-4 potential names and carry a market survey on them. There are leading web hosting review guides online from where you can have your background check. A solid reputation is really important. You can even contact the company sites individually and ask for endorsements & testimonials from their current clients.

  1. Unlimited bandwidth & storage

If you are going to have enormous multimedia content in your website including videos, images and so on, make sure your chosen web host is ready for an unlimited bandwidth & storage facility. This way you can be guaranteed of faster loading and smooth site navigation.

  1. User friendly control panel

Even if your web hosting company would be looking after the major technicalities, there are some technical jobs that you have to do it on your own- such as Wordpress installation, setting up of FTP accounts etc. in such a situation, you have to make sure beforehand that your web host has guaranteed an easy control panel for you and no clunky interface.

  1. Robust uptime

This is one of the most important tips to choose web host. The percentage of uptime of your site as determined by your web host would decide the site's visibility before your visitors and I have discussed earlier how much a low uptime or download issues can impact your website. Thus, you have to make sure that your chosen web host is ready to support you with more than 99.0% uptime because even 99 percent means up till 100 minutes downtime a week.

  1. Easy scalability

You are here to grow your business, don't you? Well, it might be a startup now with limited visitors but over time your website is going to receive a larger number of visitors as your reputation grows. Thus, you should team up with such a web hosting company that would be ready to help you with easy scalability as your needs increase with your growth.

  1. Round the clock customer support

Your server might crash anytime and such crashes do not mind business hours. Thus, one of the most crucial factors to check while choosing a web host is to see whether the company is ready for a 24/7 live support.

  1. Does it support your blog script?

Blogs are an essential aspect of any website and you sure have plans to include one in your platform. But not all web hosts support every web script. Thus, make sure your chosen web hosting company is ready to back your web script so that you can enjoy a breezy blogging.

  1. Cash back guarantee

As I sit here to write about the tips for choosing a reliable web host, I can vividly remember what my mentor advised me when I was trying to find a web host for my own website. A seasoned web developer and digital marketer himself, he suggested me to check the cash back guarantee offer before finalizing my web host. Your web host is going to be the lifelong partner for your website and hence it's absolutely necessary to check out its services in practice before you invest your hard earned money into it. The best and most credible names always offer a money back guarantee.

As it's time to conclude

Winding up, I would only say that though pricing is a big factor yet don't be too focused on cheap pricing plans. After all, quality doesn't come cheap. Be prepared to pay a reasonable price for a fair service.