
Be our next Public Access Q&A Guest Star!

BHXE70 Microphones in front of red curtain Fame celebrity nobody nightlife stage

Way down toward the bottom of the Public Access homepage are two oft-overlooked sections: Our User Reviews box, which displays examples of product reviews written by readers, and our Q&A section, which asks irreverent and light-hearted questions to a variety of celebrities and industry-insiders. Our past Q&A interviewees have included Becky Stern, Jake Solomon and Lil' Jon, and as part of our first year anniversary celebrations, we've decided to host a contest to find the next Q&A guest star from Public Access Weekly readers and members.

In the past few Public Access Weekly posts, I've mentioned that there would be an upcoming opportunity to be our next Q&A interviewee courtesy of a similarly irreverent mini-contest that would consist of guessing the 'secret' pop culture references to the Public Access Weekly titles. If you are eager to tell us the answer to questions like "Who is your favorite villain?" and "What was the last thing you Googled?" here's what you need to do:

Guess the references to the list of 21 Public Access Weekly titles listed below. They are all pop culture references of some sort, mostly television or music, and almost always relate to something that was occurring in the news during the week it was posted. Send us your answers in an email, to, by July 15th. The person who guesses the most correct will be our next Q&A interviewee, which means you'll have something in common with the guy who is responsible for "Turn down for what?" Questions? Leave them in the comments to this post or send us an email.

January 25th: So this is the New Year

January 29th: Trigger fingers/Twitter fingers

February 5th: Let me see your Super Bowl

February 11th: Ooh, a piece of candy!

February 19th: Careless whispers

February 26th: This chain reaction

March 4th: Feelin' good

March 11th: Underoos

March 18th: What's this?

March 25th: What planet are you from?

April 1st: What kind of fool?

April 8th: Renegades, rebels and rogues

April 15th: Six for the taxman

April 22nd: The sky was all purple

April 29th: The cool breeze

May 6th: Island in the sun

May 20th: Sumn quick

May 27th: Time of the preacher

June 3rd: Cake every day

June 10th: The Safety dance

June 17th: Come out and play

Good luck to all the entrants!