
How Business Software Will Evolve in 2017 and Beyond

business software

Businesses everywhere now rely on software for a number of important functions, as they've gradually been able to replace mechanical or—in some cases—human-level tasks with automation. It helps business owners collect and organize data, streamline communication and productivity, and even measure and analyze the results of their efforts.

But like all forms of technology, business software is going through constant changes, and 2017 looks to be an interesting year for its advancement. If you're accustomed to a lineup of software dictating how you run your business, look forward to these momentous changes to come:

Predictions for Software Evolution

These are some of the biggest and most important changes we'll see in the coming years:

1. More intuitive features.

Most business software will work harder to make its features more immediately intuitive to use. This leads to higher user satisfaction and easier adoption, which are musts for customer retention and acquisition, respectively. For example, as Deputy illustrates, we'll start seeing functions like "drag and drop" editing and WYSIWYG-style platforms becoming commonplace. Rather than investing in lengthy tutorials, businesses will make the functionality of their software products more discoverable.

2. More flexible integrations.

Because businesses are using so many different types of software platforms, the winners of the next several years will be the ones most accommodating to external integrations. SalesForce currently leads the way in that department, with an open API and a full forum dedicated to its peripheral developers. Business owners will be looking for options that allow them to keep the software platforms they already have, and stitch platforms together to consolidate as many functions as possible.

3. Greater reliance on visuals.

We're already starting to see more data visualization platforms rise up—Domo is a good example here—but in the future, we'll see even greater reliance on visuals to process information and communicate. Visuals are easier and faster to process, and most software platforms are trying to jump on this bandwagon early.

4. Higher forms of security.

Though it's a natural progression and not necessarily something new, business software of the next few years will likely boast higher forms of security. Better encryption, multi-factor authentication, and more advanced methods of storage and retrieval are a minimum here. cybercrimes will always be a threat, and businesses will always be looking for the most cutting-edge security in their software platforms of choice.

5. Greater customizability.

Demand for custom-made apps has been rising dramatically over the past few years. Out-of-the-box solutions are fine for some businesses, but most brands are demanding more, especially as technology becomes more sophisticated and more malleable. Expect to see more customizable solutions grow popular for businesses in the next few years.

6. Interdisciplinary specialties.

The most successful business software platforms tend to be ones with a niche specialty, such as tracking SEO progress or improving web conversions. However, we may start seeing a trend to interdisciplinary specialties, or hybrid platforms that make the most of both worlds. This is a way to distinguish apps from their competitors and give bonus incentives for business owners who sign up. It's a step away from the specificity we've seen in the past.

7. Blurrier lines.

As the Harvard Business Review explains, virtual and augmented reality have the power to completely change how we think about retail—but it may also blur the lines between physical and digital realities in business. When combined with the power of data visualization, an augmented reality platform for managers could radically change how we interact with our environments and with each other. Though unlikely to become popular by the end of 2017, it's reasonable to suspect the emergence of AR and VR for business within the next 5 years.

How to Prepare

These predictions are all well and good, but what can business owners start doing now to accommodate them, or otherwise anticipate their arrival?

Because many of these features and possibilities still lie on the horizon, there aren't many practical options you can take today. Your best bet is to take inventory of your current software platforms and how you're using them, taking special note of any key areas that require improvement, or problems that could be mitigated. This will help you keep an eye out for solutions that could potentially solve those problems, or better equip you in the fight against them. Beyond that, work to stay abreast of new developments and keep working toward more streamlined procedures.