
Recommended Reading: A second act for 'Guardians of the Galaxy'

The best long-form writing on technology and more on the web.

Marvel Studios

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 hits theaters this weekend, the sequel to the 2014 film that introduced us to Star-Lord, Gamora, Groot, Grax and Rocket on the big screen. While the new installment appears to be just as entertaining, the plot suffers where the original shined. The Atlantic has a full review of the film if you want to read up before, or after, you go see it. And yes, there are spoilers. When you do decide to head to the theater though, don't forget to sneak in your Doritos.

ESPN Can't Afford to Go On
Like This

Joe Nocera, Bloomberg

It's no secret that ESPN is shedding subscribers like crazy and last week, the network laid off 100 people as it tries to right the ship.

'American Gods:' How Neil Gaiman's Cult Novel Became an Instant Weird-TV Classic
David Fear, Rolling Stone

By now, you've likely hear something about the love scene in the series premiere of American Gods, but there's a lot more to the show than that.

Mark Zuckerberg's Tour of the Country Is Fueled by Cliches and Stereotypes
Lousie Matsakis, Mashable

The Facebook CEO says he's touring the US "to get out and talk to more people," but his trips won't provide much enlightenment.

Hubert L. Dreyfus, Philosopher of the Limits of Computers, Dies at 87
William Grimes, The New York Times

NYT's William Grimes reflects on the life of Dreyfus, a man whose work became an inspiration to those researching artificial intelligence.