
Twitch wants to make sure you register to vote

Red + blue = purple

Elijah Nouvelage / Reuters

Twitch's latest move to expand beyond its game broadcasting bread and butter is to get you to the polls. Amazon's $970 million baby announced a partnership with TurboVote, a web app designed to make voter registration simpler; National Voter Registration Day is tomorrow, September 26th. To celebrate, a handful of Partnered streamers who will encourage viewers to register to vote, via a TurboVote (not to be confused with Twitch's own Turbo subscription) link. Those streams will be from 6pm to 8:30pm Eastern.

While it might seem odd -- especially during an off-year for voting -- Twitch has hosted both the Republican and Democrat National Conventions in addition to carrying former FBI chief James Comey's hearings and launching its News channel. There are plenty of local elections happening this year, and midterm national elections take place in 2018, though, so at least Twitch is getting out in front of this.