
Amazon wants developers to build more Echo Button games

The company has opened up the beta version of the Gadgets Skill API.

When Amazon launched Echo Buttons last year -- the Bluetooth devices that bring a new dimension to games on Alexa -- the general consensus was that they were a cute addition to the ecosystem, but probably weren't going to add anything significant to the Alexa experience. However, Amazon has now opened up a beta version of the Gadgets Skill API for the hardware, suggesting that it wants developers to take the accessory's capabilities further.

Vice president of Amazon Alexa Steve Rabuchin said earlier this year that consumers could expect more compatible games. Indeed, a preview version of the API has yielded an Alexa version of board game classic Trivial Pursuit, and an Alexa-style take on light up memory game Simon is reportedly on its way. Another creation includes light up play back of Dr Martin Luther King's famous "I have a dream" speech. This isn't a game, admittedly, but it does nod at other ways Echo Buttons can be used, which Amazon now seems very keen to explore.