
Watch Will Smith's Grand Canyon helicopter bungee jump at 6 PM ET

He's celebrating his 50th birthday in Big Willie Style for charity.

Of all the things you could possibly be doing on a Tuesday afternoon, watching a live stream of Will Smith bungee jumping out of a helicopter is probably not among the worst. Oh, and he's doing the stunt over the Grand Canyon on his 50th birthday. No biggie. The multi-hyphenate megastar is celebrating his big day in Big Willie Style, and you can watch the jump as it happens, because YouTube is airing it as one of its originals.

Proceeds, including those from the stream's paid Super Chat comments, are going towards Global Citizen's education campaigns. You can watch Will Smith bungee jump out of a helicopter over the Grand Canyon (it's a strange enough event to warrant writing that out once more) right here at 6 PM ET.