
Google Podcasts is finally sifting through individual episodes

The app is maturing into a viable option for avid listeners.

Google Podcasts is still a fairly basic app in spite of meaningful upgrades, but that might change before long. Product Manager Zack Reneau-Wedeen has announced that Podcasts will start showing search results for individual episodes, not just whole shows -- you can start playing a favorite episode right away. While it's only available to a handful of Google Podcasts users at the moment, it should be available to everyone before the week is over.

Reneau-Wedeen also vowed that other discovery features would come to Podcasts. Google had previously talked about using episode transcriptions to find keywords within episodes, and populating general Google search results with podcasts in the same way that you'd see video features. Although there's no guarantee you'll see those features soon, you may have more compelling reasons to use Google Podcasts even if you're fond of alternatives.