
'Super Meat Boy Forever' will miss April release date

Team Meat wants to finish the game without a last-minute crunch.

Super Meat Boy Forever is facing yet another delay, but don't panic -- it's not as bad as it has been. Team Meat has pushed the release of its squishy platformer to "after but not too far after April 2019." The developers are close and believe they could have met April if they'd pushed themselves to the limit, but they wanted to finish the game at a "healthy and sustainable pace." They're not going to go through the hell of crunch time just to make an arbitrary release schedule.

It's not completely surprising that the game would take a little while longer. Super Meat Boy Forever is an endless runner, but it's built with an element of procedural generation and plays more like the original than a typical mobile-style running title. It's also slated to hit the PC, PS4, Switch and Xbox One -- that's a considerably more ambitious launch strategy than the initial two-platform release for the first game.