

  • NHL Hockey finally comes to the Wii

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    NHL for the Wii? All we can say is, it's about damn time.Sure we've had football, baseball, soccer, and even tennis grace our precious white consoles, but hockey has been sorely missing from the group -- unless you count Ice Hockey and Kidz Sports Ice Hockey, which we don't. Finally, 2K Sports has stepped up and is bringing NHL 2K9 to the Wii. We don't know much about the game, except that it's coming, which is enough for us at the moment. Oh, and it will utilize the Wii's motion controls, in case you had any doubts.[Via press release]

  • More Top Spin 3 screens, tennis fans clap politely

    philip larsen
    philip larsen

    Thwock goes the tennis ball, and the crowd goes wild! Tennis fans should be automatically impressed with the graphical quality displayed in Top Spin 3 for the DS, if only because some pour souls actually tried their hand at Tennis Masters.Five new screens are ready for action in the gallery, and they certainly hold true to our original positive impression. Here's a tip - open the gallery, put a hat and sunglasses on, then pay some chump five bucks to hold up your monitor while running back in forth in front of you. It's just like being there! The upside of buying Top Spin 3 when it comes out? You'll have no more money left to waste on paying people to do stupid things. %Gallery-21669%[Via press release]

  • Civilization IV: Colonization announced, no Civ IV required

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    2K Games announced today that they'll release Civilization IV: Colonization sometime this autumn. Don't let the title fool you, the game is a stand-alone product (meaning it doesn't require Civ IV) and is an update of the classic strategy game, Colonization, by Sid Meier and Brian Reynolds back in the Microprose days.Colonization has players leading one of four European nations trying to take over the New World. 2K Games says the title will feature "all-new graphics" -- although we can't tell much difference from Civ IV -- along with improved diplomacy. Considering it's a stand-alone product, we understand the Civ IV name was put in the title to sell more copies; however, we hope Colonization doesn't feel like a missing member from the "scenarios" available in Civ IV: Beyond the Sword., many of which could arguably have been stand-alone products.%Gallery-24746%

  • Bioshock 3 confirmed, likely coming with the movie

    Terrence Stasse
    Terrence Stasse

    While it was assumed when there was an announcement of Bioshock 2, it's now been confirmed that the series is officially set to be a trilogy. In an investor conference call Strauss Zelnick, Take-Two CEO discussed the movie and the likelihood that it wouldn't be ready in time for the second game (duh) but that it could see release alongside the third in the series. Given the surprising sales of the first game and the potential of the IP at this point, Bioshock 3 is as sure of a thing now as Halo 3 was in 2003. That is to say financially guaranteed, but a long way off.

  • Bad Company and Civilization demos now on XBLM

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Today, we're officially declaring it an Xbox Live Marketplace Demo Extravaganza day, because we're seeing the release of not just one, but TWO super new video game demos to the XBLM. Like we said, it's a demo extravaganza!First up is a new 1.25GB Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution demo, featuring both single and multiplayer play and enough turn based strategy to shake a stick at. And for those of you who didn't win early access last week, the new 1.5GB Battlefield: Bad Company single (slash) multiplayer demo is ready to be consumed by you, the masses. Hit up the XBLM, queue some demo deliciousness up for download and get your game on.

  • BioShock will splash onto the PS3 [update 2]

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Update 2: Okay, we admit it ... it's true. BioShock is headed to the PS3.Update: This rumor is beginning to be more factual then not, with news that next month's EGM will also be revealing the PS3 version of BioShock. And it's reportedly scheduled to release around Christmas '08. Interesting ... A warning to 360 fanboys who pride themselves on being selfish and protective over their 360 exclusive titles. We have rumor news that will not sit well with you.CVG is reporting that next month's issue of UK PSM3 promises an in-depth look at (deep breath kids) BioShock for the PS3. ZOMG! Shocker! According to early magazine reports, the PS3 version of BioShock is said to be superior to the currently Xbox 360 exclusive version, packed with all previously released DLC and improved visuals. While you wipe your selfish fanboys tears, take comfort that this news is still firmly planted in the rumor garden and know that even if it does turn out to be true, you being the 360 fanboy that you already experienced the world of Rapture last year. Now, buck up.[Via PS3 Fanboy, Thanks xenocidic]

  • Wii releases this week: Wii Fit edition [update]

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Well folks, the time for you to get down with Nintendo's fitness software and new peripheral, the Balance Board, has come. Now, it's time for us to enjoy what the Japanese and Europe have been enjoying for quite some time now. Along with Wii Fit, there's also one other title releasing: Wii Fit Top Spin 3 Who's anxious to try out Nintendo's new exercise experience? Anyone excited for 2K's Top Spin 3?Update: Looks like the listing for Top Spin 3 is wrong. Sorry about that.%Gallery-4745%

  • Top Screens

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    2K has released the first screens of the DS version of Top Spin 3, and we're pleased to say it looks pretty nice! We always feel surprised when a 3D game on the DS doesn't look awkward and jag-tastic.We aren't sure how much of an audience there is for portable tennis, but with this relatively high-profile release, along with Tennis Elbow and the recently released Sega Superstars Tennis, there seems to be something for everyone (who wants to play tennis on the DS). Top Spin, of course, brings the series' pedigree and a stable of (3D models in the likenesses of) real tennis stars like Roger Federer, Maria Sharapova, and Andy Roddick.%Gallery-21669%[Via press release]

  • Rumor: Comic Con brings The Darkness sequel talk

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Comic Con is not only good for comic related news and culture, but also for semi-official video game sequel announcements as well. It's true!According to The Quarter Bin's recap of Top Cow Production' Comic Con panel, when talking about their future comic book licensing agreements they responded by hinting pretty heavily that The Darkness 2 is real and in the works. More specifically, Top Cow told everyone in attendance that "we can't say DARKNESS and video game sequel in the same sentence. So, DARKNESS. Wink. Sequel." So, there you have it. A possibly, maybe, probably The Darkness sequel announcement straight from The Darkness creators Top Cow. Fun stuff.[Via Joystiq]

  • Observify this spectaculous new trailer for 2K's Prizefighter

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    We know that 2K Sports' upcoming stab at the world of professional pugilism, Don King Presents: Prizefighter, is the only official video game endorsed by the titular, wispy-haired promoter -- which is a damn shame, if you ask us. Far too often, incredible games fly under the radar of the mainstream commercial market -- if only Ubisoft had the foresight to release Don King Presents: Beyond Good & Evil, and let the world's second greatest hype man work his magic. "You'll be photographizing and pulverizing alien baddies with astonishing robustitude!"Alas, 2K was the only developer intelligent enough to cash in on the boxing bigwig -- and it looks like they've got a game to back up the King's boasts. Sure, it's not as pretty as Fight Night Round 3, but with fast-paced brawling and training sequences that hearken back to the beloved Ready 2 Rumble series, we're filled with anticipationalism to step into the ring come June 10.

  • Video: Witness two Prizefighter titans in the ring

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Behold! It's the debut trailer for Don King's upcoming boxing game Prizefighter and it's really, really ... boxy? The first thing we must mention is that Prizefighter's graphics are best described as "meh, okay", only because EA's Fight Night is so freakin' gorgeous. The other thing we must say is that the game's button mashing training sequences are actually an interesting idea that look to switch things up a bit. We're serious about that. Other than that, Prizefighter looks like a boxing game, one that's full of Don King chatter, blood, sweat and (hopefully) tears. Watch the trailer and see if you like.

  • Bioshock 2 dev posts job listing for experienced Wii and PS3 designers

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    According to a job posting over at Gamasutra, 2K Marin (the new Irrational Games) is looking for those experienced in the ways of Wii and PS3 design. Now, we've all seen these job postings never pan out into what we hoped they would before (confirmation that the game in question will release on the platforms in question), but sometimes these things pan out.Rumor had it that the first Bioshock game was going to be ported over to the Wii, but the likelihood of that happening now is between none and, well ... none. But, could 2K Marin be developing the game with the Wii in mind from the get-go? It is a possibility. We hear 2K likes money. And putting your game on Wii gives you more of a chance to get precious money. We'll just have to wait and see.[Via GamePro]

  • GTA IV 'better than all the hype suggests' according to first person to complete the game

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    We've seen our fair share of previews on Rockstar's crime drama opus, Grand Theft Auto IV, but we've yet to hear from someone who has enjoyed the bullet-riddled adventure in its entirety -- until Xbox World 360 editor Rob Taylor, after 24 hours of play time, triumphantly viewed the ending credits with the knowledge that he was the first person on the planet (aside from a gaggle of Rockstar employees, we assume) to finish GTA IV. Can someone be envied to death?Fulfilling his civic duty as a gaming journalist, Taylor gave his impressions of the complete work in a spoiler-free interview with GamesRadar -- unsurprisingly, he was a fan. The fourth installment apparently "craps on all the others" in the franchise, and the main character, Niko Bellic, is "most amazing protagonist in any game [he's] ever played." We suggest perusing the remainder of his colorful commentary to help pass the remaining twenty-three days and nine hours until the game lands in our quivering, anticipatory laps.

  • Get creative with BioShock vending MP3 downloads

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Major Nelson and Elizabeth from 2K Games just partnered up to offer a few short, sweet and completely downloadable audio clips from everybody's favorite Big Daddy adventure, BioShock. The audio clips are all master tracks taken from Rapture's quirky odd talking vending machines. As an added bonus, once you play but one of these audio clips, we guarantee that you'll be instantly taken back to your Rapture gaming days. Ahhh ... Rapture ...Now, you may be asking what the heck you want with a few random (yet very yummy) audio samples from BioShock's vending machines. Well, if you were a creative fellow, you wouldn't be asking that now would you? Use them as a ringtone, apply them as your computer's error message, mix some samples into a full fledged song or just keep looping a clip while you sleep at night. Be creative and share how you'll be using your newly downloaded BioShock vending clips.

  • MLB 2K8 spends Opening Day Weeked on XBL

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    In preparation for a baseball season that seems to span eleven of the twelve calendar months, Major League Baseball 2K8 is holding a bunch of Xbox Live festivities as part of their MLB 2K8 Opening Day Weekend.Scheduled to bat-off (eh?) on April 4th and run through April 6th, baseball fans and not-so baseball fans will be able to register for a Play & Win (where oodles of Microsoft points can be won), download the already available MLB 2K8 demo and have a chance to play with the game's creators during the April 4th Game With Developers. All the funnery kicks off next Friday, so file those cleats to mini-daggers and add some cork to your bat ... MLB 2K8 Opening Day Weekend is near.

  • Take 2: Bioshock MMO "potential opportunity"

    Terrence Stasse
    Terrence Stasse

    Well it's to be expected that when an IP becomes successful it begins to be exploited, but it sure seemed to happen fast with Bioshock. After the game's release and subsequent success, rumors whirled about a sequel, and mobile rights were even purchased, but Take 2 appears to have even larger plans for the new franchise. An entry on MTV Multiplayer details Take-Two chairman Strauss Zelnick, speaking at the 2008 Smid Cap Conference giving an explanation for why Take 2 is turning down EA's offer to purchase the company for $26 a share. To do this he details the company's past projects, present assets, and future potentials. That's where the above image came from. We already know that the mobile rights have been sold, and there have been Bioshock movie rumors before too. Well it seems the MMO arena may be the next space targeted by Take 2 for 1950's dystopian invasion. How about it readers, would you be interested in a Bioshock MMO?

  • MLB 2K8 strikes out, patch in the works

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    After playing inning upon inning of MLB 2K8 you've come to realize things just aren't up to snuff. You can't put your finger on it, but you know there's something just off. Well friend, you are spot on correct, because 2K has formally announced that they are working on a patch for MLB 2K8 to fix some of the game's "issues". Issues including frame-rate problems and bugs that pop up while playing as the San Diego Padres in franchise mode. No word to when the update will roll out, but hopefully it'll be released before the baseball season comes to an end.

  • Christie intros 95-pound CP2000-M DLP Cinema projector

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It's not often that you need to phone a friend over in order to help you physically lift a projector for installation, but if you happen to place an order for Christie's newly announced CP2000-M, um, you may want to have some brawn nearby. At 95 frickin' pounds, this thing is hailed as "the most compact DLP Digital Cinema projector in the world," and true though that may be, you can tell it wasn't designed for the "average" home theater (or home theaters at all, really). As for specs, you can look forward to 12,000 ANSI lumens, a motorized lensing system and a selection of eight zoom lenses, 2K resolution, a 2,000:1 contrast ratio, and twin HDCP-compliant DVI ports. We have absolutely no idea how many vacation homes you'd have to liquidate in order to call one of these your own, but for the vast majority of us, we doubt it'll matter.

  • Would You Rather ... Takeover Edition

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    In our continuing effort to bring you fresh and interesting content, X3F presents Would You Rather ... a weekly feature that asks you the hard questions. The point? If you had to choose one or the other, which would you go for?Consolidation. The word sounds so ... dirty. Yet, companies seem to be piling on top of each other to stay afloat as rising costs of game creation threaten to ruin the little guys. Sometimes, like in the case of this week's WUR, larger companies decide they should absorb their competition having some gamers scream MONOPOLY! Speaking of Monopoly, this week's WUR is all about EA and their recent bids to gobble up competitors Ubisoft and Take Two Interactive. Well X3F Army, which would you rather join Team EA?Feel free to share the reasons for your vote in the comments. We'll share the results of the poll during the next edition of Would You Rather ... which hits X3F every Wednesday.Last weeks WUR results can be find after the jump ... and bid!

  • More Carnival Games come to the Wii

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    Because Carnival Games was such a success (the title has sold over one million copies worldwide), it was only inevitable that 2K would make another game utilizing a similar formula. This newest creation is essentially a miniature golf version of its predecessor, titled Carnival Games: Mini-Golf. We have nothing against a mini-golf game that could very possibly be fun. We are, however, very against the press release calling this title "a hole in fun." It's no secret that we've subjected our readers to some terrible punnery over the years, but there's some lines that you just don't cross.The game supports up to four players, and will feature characters that were "made popular" from the original Carnival Games. So, if you've missed Carnival Bob so much that it hurt, you'll be able to see him again soon.Also, if and when this game succeeds, you can bet it won't be the last Carnival output on the Wii from 2K.