

  • Video: BioShock 360 vs. BioShock PS3 look similar

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Seeing that it has been quite a while since we've posted one of these little gems, here, for your viewing pleasure, is a video comparing the look of BioShock on the Xbox 360 versus BioShock on the Playstation 3. Press play, watch, analyze and we'll wait ...Okay, by now your video watching should be complete, (achievement unlocked audio sample goes here) and hopefully you noticed that the games are nearly identical. How fun! You should have also realized that you wasted a good three minutes of your day squinting at your computer screen trying your damnedest to spot a pixel differences between the two. Don't feel bad though, because we did the same. It's just something that's in our fanboy genes that makes us do it.

  • 2K Sports reveals MLB Superstars

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    With October right around the corner, everyone's got baseball fever. We must admit that we're even caught up in it a bit, cheering our favorite team onto victory. And 2K Sports is trying to capitalize on the madness by unveiling their newest baseball title for the Wii: MLB Superstars.MLB Superstars is being developed by Deep Fried Entertainment and will be a party title (see: minigames), featuring games such as Baseball Golf, Baseball Pachinko and Baseball Bocci. It will also feature minigames that aren't even in the realm of baseball, such as Mascot Dance (you can probably imagine what this is) and Green Monster, where players must break down a wall with a baseball bat.[Via press release]

  • Fanswag: Top Spin 3 goes to ...

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Sorry it took so long to announce the winners of our latest giveaway, but it's better to be late than never, right? No? Well, while we get our twenty lashes from our bosses, we'll leave you to congratulate the winners. So let's get to it!Our Top Spin 3 winners are: Greg mrshl Better luck next time to those of you who didn't get a copy and thanks for reading Wii Fanboy!%Gallery-24903%

  • Carnival Games 2 delayed due to first game's success

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    We like to bash the shovelware as much as anyone, but Take Two's Carnival Games must have been a real gem, because it has sold well consistently and "exceeded expectations" since its release. That's why Take Two has been taking their good old time in churning out a sequel to the game, which is now in the works."We saw the original title was a big success, and we had the developers [Cat Daddy] thinking down the line for the brand," said 2K Play marketing director Christina Recchio. "So there will be a 'Carnival Games 2,' but when that is, I can't say that right now. We just have to assess the market and see when the right time is to release the title." What does this mean? Well, that they won't need to rush development on the sequel so long as the first title keeps on selling. Any of you play the original Carnival Games? Think it got a bad rap from the critics? Or was it just a bad game?

  • 2K Games, would you kindly release BioShock PS3 on October 21?

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Well, that was easy. 2K Games has complied with our subliminal request that it release the PlayStation 3 version of sublime, submerged shooter BioShock in North America on October 21. There was some mental resistance to our suggestions of a worldwide release, however, so you international folks will just have to make do with October 24. BioShock comes to the PlayStation 3 sporting the same aquatic utopia-turned-dystopia that made the game one of 2007's best, along with Trophies, a new "Survivor" difficulty level and challenge rooms, to be released as downloadable content "shortly after launch."%Gallery-23874%

  • Reminder: We're giving away Top Spin 3

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Hey, you there. Yeah, you reading this. Do you like free stuff? We're giving away two copies of Top Spin 3, so head on over to the original contest post and read up on how you can enter. Good luck!%Gallery-24903%

  • Fanswag: Top Spin 3

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    It's that time again kiddies. It's time to give you some free swag. Our latest giveaway is highlighting 2K's Top Spin 3 for Wii. We've got two copies (each valued at $50) of the game to give away to a pair of lucky readers, so prepare to get your comment on.How do you enter? Easy, all you have to do is leave a comment telling us who your favorite Tennis player is. Don't have one? Okay, then they can be fake. Is it Mario? That's fine! You can comment once per day and the giveaway will close on Sunday, August 17th at 11:59PM ET. Oh, and you also must be 18 years of age or older and a current and legal resident of the United States and Canada (excluding Quebec). Finally, before you enter, make sure you read the official rules.Best of luck to all of you entering and thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for stopping by Wii Fanboy every day.%Gallery-24903%

  • Ken Levine: BioShock film won't be a stinker

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Speaking to videogaming247.com, 2K Boston's Ken Levine did his best to allay the fear that the upcoming BioShock film will be a turkey. "You're always going to be worried that in that first meeting they're going to be, like, 'OK, it's Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey on a desert island hunting for pirate treasure,' but it's not going to go that way," said Levine. The film's director Gore Verbinski (Pirates of the Caribbean) "gets" BioShock according to Levine, and he assures fans that Verbinski and script writer John Logan "will very much honour the dramatic and thematic elements of the game." Considering Verbinski managed to turn a theme park ride into a decent set of films, we're hopeful that Levine's faith is justified. Then again, the last time someone made a game movie and claimed to really understand the source material, we wound up Silent Hill.Fingers crossed.

  • Visit Monster Island in Champions Online

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    The PC gaming gurus at Big Download have put together the second in a series of features on Champions Online, the upcoming superhero MMO for the Xbox 360 and PC. Today's feature deals with one of the game's many zones, Monster island. As you may have guessed, Monster Island is filled with various and sundry giant monsters. Of particular note is the giant gorilla that is also on fire. The preview covers some of the creatures you'll meet and places you'll visit on monster island. The preview also discusses the gameplay design of Champions Online, including what Cryptic Studios calls "console action gameplay," in which players engage in more active play than many other MMO games. Head over to Big Download for the full scoop. Gallery: Champions Online

  • Meet the heroes and villains of Champions Online

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Our buddies over at Big Download have put together a massive feature detailing the universe of Champions Online, the upcoming 360 and PC superhero MMO from Cryptic Studios and 2K. The feature discusses the story of the Champions universe as well as the background history of its heroes and villains. If you're keen to learn everything there is to know about Champions Online -- and why wouldn't you be? -- head over to Big Download. After all, Champions Online isn't landing until next year, so you have to pass the time somehow, right?

  • Meridian's $185,000 810 Reference Video System unveiled

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Anyone even remotely familiar with Meridian will understand that it caters to the affluent sect. Anyone even considering disputing that fact need look no further than the recently unveiled 810 Reference Video System. This monstrous projector boasts ten full megapixels of resolution, a native 4,096 x 2,400 resolution, 3-chip D-ILA module, PKI Xenon light, 10,000:1 contrast ratio, 4,000 lumens and a video processing box created by Marvell. Slated to ship in Q3, the PJ comes packaged with a long, short or medium-throw lens as well as a "motorized 2.35:1 anamorphic lens assembly for fixed height ultra-wide screen installations." Each unit also comes bundled with the 810 Reference Video Scaler "which connects to the projector with four parallel DVI-D cables, each carrying one quadrant of the image." Early reports suggest that even with all the fancy hardware, the $185,000 asking price may still be a bit high, so make sure you give this one a serious look before committing.[Via BigPictureBigSound]

  • Zelnick: GTA isn't Take-Two's only moneymaker

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Take-Two Chairman Strauss Zelnick believes the company can be profitable in a non-Grand Theft Auto year. Speaking with Venture Beat, Zelnick explains that while GTA may have been the main source of profitability before, Take-Two is a different company in the wake of titles like BioShock and Carnival Games. Reportedly, the company now has "30 million-plus selling titles, 15 of which are full owned."Depending on the nature of the content in the first GTA IV DLC (expected later this year), the company might very well see some nice cash flow from the second episode next year. We also have no idea when to expect GTA: Chinatown Wars. From what we can see, GTA is going to be on the T2 fiscal calendar in one form or another for quite some time.[Via GI.biz]

  • BioShock's PS3 graphics identical to Xbox 360

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    For those out there who thought BioShock on the PS3 was going to exploit the full strength of Cell processors and Blu-rays, 2K Games' senior producer Melissa Miller, tells VideoGamer that the PS3 version "looks no different from the 360 version." It looks so similar, in fact, that when we saw it at E3, it never even crossed our minds to do an impressions post on the game. We just reported on the new DLC content and moved on. From what we've seen of it, BioShock on PS3 is the same as it ever was on Xbox 360. There, we've written our impressions post now.

  • E308: NHL 2K9 demo gets us pumped for hockey

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    We haven't highlighted many sports games at E3 (unless you count Wii Sports Resort), but NHL: 2K9 is different, as it's the first legitimate hockey game to hit Nintendo's console. We are some very hockey-starved individuals, so we're keeping a cautious eye on this one. You can see a little bit of the game for yourselves in the demo above, and maybe we're just easy to please, but we like what we've seen so far.Ignoring the fact that the 2K rep is blatantly (and unconvincingly) reading a script, we appreciate some of the features he highlighted. Getting into fights sounds like fun (and makes us wistful for the days of Mutant League Hockey), as well as the simple but clever Zamboni driving. Seriously, who's never wanted to drive a Zamboni? At least we'll sort of get the chance now, even if it has to be through virtual means.The rep also takes special care to mention the Wii game and its controls, which he says are simple but work well (as you hold the Wiimote like a hockey stick). Sounds good to us.

  • WRUP: Leading the revolution edition

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Without a doubt, the biggest and best release of this week is Civilization Revolution. We're big fans of that Sid Meier guy, so his latest game immediately won us over. You can bet we'll be spending a large amount of time this weekend taking Abe Lincoln and the Americans to the top (their bonuses are just too awesome to ignore).What about you all? Going to lead the revolution, as we are, or are you playing something else? How will you fill these last few days leading up to E3 2008?%Gallery-14922%

  • Civilization Revolution comes with a mini-poster surprise

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    What's better than a pin-up of Izuna? Well, a pin-up of Napoleon, for starters. Bow chicka wow wow. In all seriousness, we do like this Civilzation Revolution DS poster better (although this blogger isn't exactly in hormone-crazy young male demographic that the Izuna pieces are meant to appeal to). Hormones aside, though, Napoleon is looking pretty badass here, and we're confident he could even conquer the Ziggy Pig looking like he does.So, how do you get one? As with Izuna, this mini-poster comes as reversible cover art, so all you have to do is buy the game. We're starting to get spoiled here, though, and soon we're going to demand that every DS title comes with such an awesome feature.[Thanks to ChristianBK for the tip and picture!]

  • Metareview: Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    We may have weighed in on the portable title, but what about the rest of the reviewers out there? Now that the title has been available for a little while now, many of the critics have put out their verdict. And, just as we enjoyed the game, the majority of them also found it to be a good time. Game Informer (85/100) gives it a good score: "Some few sacrifices have been made, notably the absence of the in-game Civilopedia, and the control is nowhere near as smooth as it is on a gamepad. However, you won't find a deeper or more replayable portable strategy experience anywhere. Civilization Revolution is a very worthwhile investment for any strategically minded DS owner." Gamespy (80/100) says it's barebones, but good: "While it won't be winning any beauty contests with its barebones 2D graphics, the play's the thing and the combination of solid controls and lots of content in the form of the technologies, units and variegated civilizations make Civ Rev an enjoyable and entertaining romp through the traditionally staid and somber realm of nation management." Nintendo Power (75/100) said the game lacks any competition: "If you're a fan of the genre, there are few better ways to get your fix on the go." [Aug 2008, p.89] GameZone (75/100) says the DS version loses a bit compared to the consoles, but is still a good choice for on-the-go action: "Civilization Revolution is a solid entry to the series, bringing the experience to a whole new audience. While the DS version loses a little bit in the translation, it's still worth a look from hardcore series fans looking for a portable version of their fix." %Gallery-14922%

  • Carnival Games causing a Havok

    philip larsen
    philip larsen

    One of the most well-known development tools in the world has been secured by 2K Games for some upoming titles. The Havok physics engine is used in squillions of high-profile games like Halo 3, Oblivion, BioShock and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Naturally, 2K wanted to acquire the license for none other than Carnival Games: Mini-Golf.Before crying shovelware, the original Carnival Games sold over a million copies, so 2K is doing the right thing by wanting to get the best software for improving the series. A few other titles are also in line to use Havok, but no word on specific names as yet.

  • Experience love with the Top Spin 3 demo

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    As Major Nelson pointed out, that just in time for Wimbledon there's a new Top Spin 3 demo available for download off the Xbox Live Marketplace. Accessible to all Xbox Live regions, this rather light 394MB Top Spin 3 demo should improve your back-swing, your forehand and possibly your serving skills. Of course, not in the physical world, we're talking about improved tennis skills in the digital Top Spin world. Go download and experience love.

  • Prize Fighter demo punches XBLM

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Demos are sort of a mixed blessing. Every morning, we fire up the old Xbox, quickly put out the fire, and then browse the Marketplace hoping to find something special. A good video is nice, but a demo is even better ... usually. You see, today's demo is Don King Presents: Prizefighter. A few months ago, sure, we might have looked at the Prizefighter demo with some sense of excitement. Now, after some especially tepid reviews, we can barely muster even detached interest. Still, it's not like you have any other choice if you're looking for a new boxing game. At the very least, it could save you from making a costly mistake, right?