3g iphone


  • iPhone 3G hits the FCC

    Like you even had to ask. Yes, Johnny, the iPhone 3G will be getting looked over by the FCC.[Thanks, Chris]

    Joshua Topolsky
  • The Lucky 22: countries receiving iPhone 3G on July 11th

    While it's a given that the iPhone 3G is hitting the US on the 11th, the rest of our global readership was left scratching their collective heads wondering if they were part of the 22 "biggest markets" mentioned in the keynote. So here you go, the 22 countries scheduled to go live with the iPhone 3G on July 11th: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and the US. $199 for 8G and $299 for the 16GB model... in the US at least and with a 2-year contract. The remaining 48 countries listed after the break will get theirs "later this year."

    Thomas Ricker
  • Sizing it up: iPhone 3G vs. the rest

    We thought you'd like to see how the new iPhone 3G stacks up against the ol' EDGE-based iPhone, Sony Ericsson's Xperia X1, and HTC Touch Diamond and Touch Pro handsets. To QWERTY or not to QWERTY, that is the QWEstion.

    Thomas Ricker
  • iPhone push notification service for devs announced

    Apple's just announced a push notification service for the iPhone that it'll provide to all developers. It'll maintain a persistent IP connection to the phone and let a 3rd party server ping Apple's notification service in order to push out notifications your device, which can be in the form of badges, sounds or custom textual alerts. According to Apple, the service will preserve battery life and maintain performance, not to mention work over WiFi or cellular. Look for it to roll out in September, with seeding to developers starting next month.

    Donald Melanson
  • Engadget's WWDC 2008 predictions

    Yes, it's almost that time -- WWDC 2008. By now you're well acquainted with the rumors circling Apple's next big event. Will the 3G iPhone make an appearance? Will Jobsy bust out a multitouch Newton tablet? Will Snow Leopard come in from the cold? It's anyone's guess, but the editors here at Engadget have a few hunches that you can pretty much bank on. Of course, you can see the real thing happen during our live coverage of the keynote set to start at 10:00AM PT / 1:00 PM ET.Josh T: "Hillary Clinton named president... of AppleCare division. Finally, Universal AppleCare."Ryan: "Apple announces acquisition of Sharper Image's remaining assets; rebadges flagship product line iOnic Breeze."Thomas: "iPods, iMacs renamed EeePods and EeeMacs; iPhone launched which is somehow both bigger and smaller than the current model."Chris: "iPhone Capsule is introduced to thunderous applause, allowing consumers to effortlessly go 'back in time' to retrieve their obsoleted iPhone models."Josh F: "In a surprise move, Steve Jobs says 'But wait: There's more!' instead of his signature 'Just one more thing,' then proceeds to throw in a Shamwow and two Infinity Razors if you order in the next 30 minutes."Paul: "Jobs in a white wife-beater tucked into Levi's 501 cutoffs."[Okay, that last one is more a wish from Paul than a prediction.]

    Joshua Topolsky
  • The not-3G iPhone unboxing gets faker still

    C'mon guys -- you're going to have to do better than this. First you show us that beat looking gray phone with the "dot" front-facing camera. Now the dot has magically grown, and the gray face looks more and more like a Colorware job or a badly cut sticker. But you know what's really insulting? You show that colored plastic back, and then in the next picture, the original iPhone aluminum back is clearly visible. Honestly... it's like you're not even trying.

    Joshua Topolsky
  • The 3G iPhone not unboxed

    Hey look, that NDA box which Apple never, ever sends was opened to reveal a severely misaligned reflection. Next.[Thanks, Hays Y.]

    Thomas Ricker
  • Exclusive details on new iPhone firmware confirm 3G and GPS

    Hey, did you hear that there might be a new iPhone being announced (and possibly released) next week? Yeah, us too, and we've been slid some details on what exactly the gold master firmware for the new 3G-laden model contains. Hardware-wise, we've been able to confirm the presence of a whole lot of HSDPA along with the oft-rumored GPS receiver, which is going to help us get a couple good nights' rests ahead of Steve's WWDC keynote on Monday. Head on over to Engadget for the full scoop!

    Chris Ziegler
  • 3G iPhone firmware leaked: tri-band HSDPA and GPS are go

    It's easy to take for granted the 3G iPhone's launch at this point. After all, Steve said it was "coming later this year," as did a number of prominent mobile executives. And then there's been the barrage of carrier announcements, many in international markets that use UMTS and have zero support for the iPhone as we know it today. But the fact of the matter is we've had very little to go on by way of material evidence -- until now.We have it from a reliable source that a version of the 3G iPhone's firmware has been released -- possibly for carrier partners currently field-testing the device -- and has since been dissected. While nothing is ever guaranteed, in combing through the raw data, we think we got more than enough information on the low-level hardware and drivers that run the device to make some informed conclusions about what we can expect: quad-band GSM support (as we currently have), A-GPS (as we'd already gotten from another source), and tri-band UMTS / HSDPA -- which would make the new iPhone(s) 3G-capable in just about every market in the world. Hardware details after the break. We're through the looking-glass, people!

    Ryan Block
  • Reuters: 3G iPhone announcement for Italy Monday, or Tuesday

    Reuters Italia is reporting that the 3G iPhone will be announced by the Italian carrier TIM (and presumably the rest of Europe) on Monday, Tuesday at the latest. Better yet, Reuters' source within TIM says that the 3G iPhone will be available immediately, Tuesday at the latest. Availability is still rumored for sometime in June for Italy and it's been awhile since Apple did an announce-and-launch on the same day. Quietly distributing 3 million or so iPhones around the world even with Apple's stealth is no easy task and we still haven't seen it, or anything from Apple hit the FCC. Still, at this point the biggest surprise of WWDC would be for Jobs not to announce a 3G iPhone. Update: After some initial confusion over the translation, Reuters says that it will be announced on Monday or Tuesday. [Via ToTouch, thanks Giovanni]

    Thomas Ricker
  • Pre-WWDC iPhone rumor roundup: AT&T out of stock, subsidized pricing, last minute size changes

    As we inch towards the towering precipice of WWDC 2008, rumors swirling around Apple's next iteration of the iPhone are being deposited onto the interblogs at an alarming rate. The latest set comes in three distinct flavors, the first of which recalls an earlier story that telcos would be offering subsidies for long-term contract signers. According to separate sources, Spain's Telefonica and the UK's O2 would offer the 3G iPhone at discounted rates (as low as €100) for those willing to put pen to paper, while some are claiming that O2 might also offer a "free" upgrade to the new phone for existing users. In other pot-stirring news, iDealsChina is reporting that the phone will suddenly be 2.0mm shorter and 0.5mm thinner than previously spec'd by Griffin in its new casing molds, thus causing all kinds of trouble for the accessory-maker... and people with big hands. Finally, we can safely report that AT&T has run out of stock of the device online (finally joining Apple). The site claims it's a "temporary" situation -- one which we suspect will be rectified by the appearance of a new model. Time to get in that line?[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]Read - Telefonica to be sole distributor of 3G iPhone in Spain for 100 euroRead - Rumour: O2 plans free iPhone 3G upgrade and pay-as-you-goRead - iPhone 3G last minute size change!Read - AT&T iPhone page

    Joshua Topolsky
  • iPhone SDK contains a 3G iPhone icon?

    Take this one with a huge grain of salt, but some enterprising members of the MacRumors forums went poking around the iPhone SDK files and unearthed what might be an icon representation of the 3G iPhone. (We looked ourselves and it's definitely there.) There's only one tiny image (scaled up on the left), but it's clearly different from the other iPhone icons in the bundle, and it matches up nicely with some of the other leaked images we've been seeing. Of course, this is more likely a bad render or even just temporary art for the SDK, but things certainly seem like they're starting to domino here -- June 9 can't get here fast enough, can it, Steve?[Thanks, Michael]

    Nilay Patel
  • 3G iPhone case molds leaked in pre-WWDC hysteria?

    The spy shots just get weirder and weirder in the breathless run-up to the presumed WWDC 3G iPhone launch. In fact, this is the first time we can recall seeing case molds -- in this instance, from Griffin -- leaked prior to an announcement. Nevertheless, that's exactly what iDeals China Insider claims they possess. While consistent with the XSKN case, specs, and other leaks we've already seen, it's proof of nothing except a lot of self-perpetuating nonsense. Check the 3D images purportedly used to make the silicon molds after the break.[Thanks Cal]

    Thomas Ricker
  • Even more "leaked" 3G iPhone photos make it out

    Either Apple's getting leakier or the fakers are getting fake...ier, but the latest round of supposed 3G iPhone pictures is upon us courtesy of Dutch site iPhoneclub.nl and our old friend Mr. Blurrycam, and they're pretty convincing. You'll notice that they show a device almost identical to the one in the last set of images we saw, with a white back and three dots inside the earpiece. Of course, that's not to say some aspiring Photoshoppers haven't just been copying each other, but we're not here to kill your dreams, people. You'll just have to trust your friends for that. Hit the read link for the rest of the pics.Update: Looks like we killed iPhoneclub's website, check after the break for the other two shots, courtesy of Macfreak.nl.

    Nilay Patel
  • Orange France calling iPhone users with offers of subsidized 3G upgrades?

    When it comes to subsidy rumors for Apple's 3G iPhone, some are more believable than others. In this case, we'll leave the likelihood judgments up to you. Readers of French tech site PCInpact say that they are getting calls from Orange with offers of an upgrade to the upcoming Apple wonderphone. For only 50€, readers say they have been told they can swap out their current-gen iPhone for the new one. Or, say the French, the upgrade will be offered at a "generous" discount. With Orange's recent 3G iPhone distro deal in the books, we had to give this rumor some airtime. Either way, this could mean everything -- or absolutely nothing -- for those of you residing stateside and looking to bump your iPhone this summer.[Via AppleInsider]

  • 3G iPhone to support 42Mbps Evolved HSPA data?

    Get this. Australian site ChannelNews claims that a "senior executive of Telstra" is the latest 3G iPhone bean spiller. They quote the exec as saying the following:"We know what is coming we have seen the new device and it will be available on our network as soon as it is launched in the USA. By Christmas this phone will be capable of 42Mbps which will make it faster than a lot of broadband offerings and the fastest iPhone on any network in the world." Interesting. We know that Telstra's Next G HSDPA network has been capable of 14.4Mbps since 2007. At GSMA Mobile World Congress, they even committed to 21Mbps before the end of the year and 42Mbps using HSPA+ (aka, Evolved HSPA, HSPA Evolution) technology in 2009... not Christmas of 2008. Hard to say if this is just industry blow-harding or actual insider info. June 9th: T-minus 17 days and counting.[Thanks, Paul S.]Read -- Telstra 42Mbps HSPA+ in 2009Read -- Telstra 3G iPhone rumor

    Thomas Ricker
  • 3G or not 3G: WHERE is the question

    With all of the excitement about the 3G iPhone, one question you should ask yourself is "Am I actually in an area with AT&T HSDPA 3G service?" After all, a 3G iPhone will only poke along at EDGE (or even, God forbid, GPRS) speeds unless it is in a 3G service area. Fortunately, AT&T Wireless has a list of the major markets that have HSDPA service. Unfortunately, you have to go through the list by state and city name before you can actually click on a map and see if your house or office is in a zone of 3G love. My house, which has sucky AT&T service at this time, is allegedly in a 3G-happy area (blue on the screenshot). That's the good news. The bad news is that I'm right near the border of one of those orange zones, which indicate no 3G service.My sister currently enjoys EDGE service in her home town of Richland, WA, but is anxious to get her iPhone connected with 3G service. I hate to tell her that she's not on the list.

    Steve Sande
  • Apple looks to OTA downloads for 3G iPhone, record labels look for cash

    According to a churning rumor-mill, Apple desperately wants to make over-the-air downloads of iTunes content a reality on the 3G iPhone. Apparently, a record label executive "familiar with the discussions" states that the Cupertino gang is hoping for a "big launch in June" which includes OTA music downloads, ringtone sales, and ringback tones (the substitute music you hear instead of a ring when calling someone). There's only one problem: the labels want a higher premium for those services than a typical MP3 download. Of course, Apple's iTunes pricing has been a point of contention for some time, though its recent rule-bending for HBO could lead to upped charges for the new services. Something tells us Apple has the tenacity and bullheadedness to make this work -- let's just hope they can temper the labels' greed with the end user's economic realities.[Via AppleInsider]

    Joshua Topolsky
  • 3G iPhone revealed in third-party case render?

    Look, we're not saying this means anything, but the above rendering from iPhone case-maker XSKN sure does look like those supposed design changes we've been hearing about. You'll note the larger, more curvy back, space opened up near the earpiece for the rumored front-facing camera, and what appears to be a non-recessed headphone jack. Sure, this could be a ploy to get eyes on their pages, but even if they're citing the specs we've heard, this is still the first case design we've seen for anything other than the original iPhone.[Thanks, Brenden]

    Joshua Topolsky
  • Orange lands broad iPhone distro deal too

    We'll make this brief. Orange spokesperson Therese Wenger told the SDA news agency that it has secured rights to release the iPhone (3G version, presumably) in Switzerland and more than 10 other countries -- take that Swisscom! Other countries include Austria, Belgium, Poland, Portugal, and Romania. And France of course where it's already on sale. See, that was quick and leaves room for a dozen or so other iPhone related announcements today.Update: Official Orange press release now out.[Via 20minuten, thanks Pascal M. and Pae]

    Thomas Ricker