3g iphone


  • WWDC to launch a 3G iPhone and Atom-based MID device? [updated]

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Honestly, we're exhausted by the sheer magnitude of 3G iPhone chatter swamping the rumor channels (and our inbox). Nevertheless, it would be a disservice to you, dear reader, if we let this one slide without comment. The perennial Apple touchscreen tablet rumor was given a fresh polish yesterday by Intel's chief German Burgermeister. Hannes Schwaderer stated unequivocally that Apple would be using the new Intel Atom processor in a "future iPhone" which is slightly larger than the existing model due to a larger display. Of course, this isn't the first time that Intel has openly discussed Apple's plans to develop products based on Intel's Centrino Atom, Mobile Internet Device (MID) platform. And as MacRumors and AppleInsider point out, an older rumor calls for a new multi-touch Apple tablet to launch mid-year with a 720 x 480 display on a device said to be about 1.5x the size of the current iPhone. With Intel officially launching Atom in June and Jobs' next keynote scheduled for June 9th... well, it wouldn't surprise us to see Otellini riding a chocolate pony on stage with a multi-touch Newton in hand. Actually, that would be surprising.P.S. That's a pic of Intel's concept MID from Mr. Blurry Cam.Update: Er, ZDNET.de has printed a disclaimer from Intel saying that ZDNET got the whole thing wrong. Intel claims that Schwaderer's comments were generic and not based on specific knowledge about future iPhone models. Where's the damning video evidence when you need it?[Via MacRumors and AppleInsider]

  • As the 3G iPhone draws near, what's your plan of attack?

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    And so forth. If you're like many of us, you very well could be weighing your options as the 3G iPhone seems increasingly imminent. Some might have a wad of cash already laid aside, others might be thinking of jumping ship to one of the iPhone's numerous competitors, or just getting some more months of utility out of their current iPhone. And then there's the trouble of disposing of your existing iPhone when you do upgrade. Do you give it to a friend, mount it on the wall, or bury it in the backyard with the hope of growing it into a cute little iPhone tree? The options are endless. Let us know which way you're leaning.%Poll-14190%%Poll-14197%

  • O2 to announce 3G iPhone in "the coming weeks"

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    It's all starting to come together. After getting a general ballpark courtesy of AT&T store employee vacations last week, and a hint of "next month" on Monday, O2's own CEO is promising a 3G iPhone announcement in "the coming weeks." Which, let's face it, doesn't really put us any closer to pinpointing the exact date, but does make us feel a bit better about the 1000 "iPhone 3G in June or life isn't worth living anymore" t-shirts we just bought on CafePress.

  • Official: Swisscom to launch iPhone in Switzerland -- 3G, GPS, mobile TV, video conferencing rumored

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    So there was a little rumor bouncing about yesterday which claimed that Swisscom would land the iPhone. Today, Swisscom confirmed the deal while saying little else. What's interesting then is what the rest of the rumor, started by the leading Swiss newspaper, Le Matin, had to say. Namely, the 3G iPhone will be on sale in Switzerland this summer (on sale in the US by June) offering 2-way video chats, mobile TV and GPS navigation all powered by an even beefier processor. That certainly sounds like the same 3G iPhone we're expecting to pop at WWDC now doesn't it?[Via MacPrime, thanks Stefan R.]Read -- Le Matin rumor Read -- Swisscom teaser

  • Jobs WWDC keynote all but confirmed

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    While there still hasn't been an official announcement from Apple (as of this writing), Fortune has reported that Steve Jobs will don the black shirt and blue jeans to deliver a keynote address on June 9, kicking off WWDC '08.It's not a surprise, of course, as Steve typically talks during the show. Also expected is the announcement of a 3G iPhone, as well as plans for international distribution, as rumors have been at their usual pre-event levels for a couple of weeks.If you can't wait for all of the fun to begin, download the Countdown to WWDC Dashboard widget and stare at it obsessively.

  • AT&T listing "iPhone Black" model, O2 gets the original back in stock

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Good news and bad news on the imminent 3G iPhone front. O2 apparently got another batch of 16 giggers in stock, since it's currently accepting orders, while the 8GB remains out of stock, and both phones remain unavailable on the US and UK Apple Stores. More encouraging, however, is the new listing of an "iPhone Black" model on AT&T's account management site. There's nothing else on the site to hint at specs or release or whether this is indeed the upcoming 3G iPhone, but it does fall in line with the word we have on a glossy black back for the much anticipated phone. Whether all this means we have weeks or months to wait is anyone's guess, but there are plenty of encouraging signs out there for the true believers to cling onto.[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]Update: Telecom Italia Mobile's Executive VP Luigi Licciardi claims they'll be selling the iPhone 3G next month. How's that for clarity? [Thanks, Giovanni]

  • iPhone is 'unavailable' in UK and US Apple stores; 3G release imminent?

    Christina Warren
    Christina Warren

    As many of our intrepid readers have pointed out, iPhones are unavailable at the online Apple Store in both the US and the UK. As we mentioned earlier in the week, cell carrier and Apple retail stores on both continents are reportedly facing shortages as well.With all the buzz surrounding the 3G model, the international rollout and the SDK, this is just one more sign that the release of a new device is right around the corner.While I'm obviously not privy to any official dates (or even unofficial speculation), my past experiences in the cell phone retail world lead me to believe that an early June release seems very, very probable.Thanks to everyone who sent this in!

  • iPhone is good and done in the UK -- until the 3G version, anyway [updated]

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    The headline kind of says it all, but if you weren't already sure enough that the first gen iPhone's stint in the UK was coming to a close, O2's pushing to make things crystal clear. It's hard to imagine both companies are going to just stop selling such a high profile device for too long, but clearly we're all still in the dark as to when its 3G replacement will officially be out.[Thanks, Keith]Update: While European carriers are running out of stock left and right, it seems Apple Stores in the UK and elsewhere still have iPhones -- for now. Update 2: Okay, and now O2's page is showing that the iPhone is once again available. Temporary glitch or preparatory? Beats us, but if you want a 16GB device, it's apparently still up for grabs.

  • Leaked AT&T memo points to 3G iPhone release in late June?

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    A friendly neighborhood AT&T employee forwarded us a purported memo for AT&T retail store employees that could provide a rather telling clue about the next-gen iPhone's release date this summer if it proves true. A similar memo went out last year around this time requesting that employees not take any vacations between June 15 and July 15, and this year those dates are June 15 and July 12 -- which seems suspiciously early, but that's what the man says. The memo cites "an exciting Summer Promotional Launch," which we're guessing doesn't refer to some new Motorola flip phone. Also telling is the fact that employees might be able to take some vacations later within that window when things die down a bit, which seems to imply that Apple could be aiming for a launch date right around the iPhone's one year anniversary of June 29th. How romantic.

  • T-Mobile admits that 3G iPhone will be tested in Austria

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    derStandard, the same publication that announced that the iPhone would be sailing into Austria via T-Mobile is now reporting that the same carrier will be testing the 3G iPhone in the aforesaid country. During a press conference in Vienna, T-Mo Austria reportedly affirmed that a UMTS version of Apple's handset would "soon be available," and that Austria would be the "testing ground" for the new mobile -- not to mention "among the first countries in the world with the UMTS iPhone." Furthermore, bigwigs stated that "more flexible" offers would be made available, but details beyond that were scant.[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Next-gen iPhone spotted in the wild?

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Well here's an interesting one. French iPhone blog iPhon.fr got these pics from an anonymous and unverified source, and while there's no way of telling if the shots are legit, they certainly have a truthy ring to them. They follow what we know so far about the shape, size and color of the upcoming 3G iPhone, and while there's always the possibility of knockoff, a Photoshop job, or some other evil plot to mislead us, we're certainly not going to discount these shots entirely in the runup to iPhone's second coming.[Thanks, Janvier]

  • Case manufacturers getting early 3G iPhone size specs?

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    Next-gen iPhone rumors are swirling fast and furious, but the latest out of iLounge matches up with what we've heard: the 3G iPhone will be glossy black and slightly thicker than before. iLounge says that Apple has once again provided overseas case manufacturers with details of a new device, and they've mocked up the image above as an illustration, with the old model on the left and top for comparison. There's not much to go on, but we're curious as to what that additional front-mounted sensor is, and we know a few people that would kill for a red iPhone. iLounge says that developers and case manufacturers believe the specs to be correct and have already started work on accessories, but only Steve (and a couple hundred Apple employees) know for sure -- the rest of us will just have to wait.

  • 3G iPhone to be discounted to $199 by AT&T?

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    According to Fortune, AT&T will subsidize the cost of the new, 3G iPhone by as much as $200, bringing the price within the $199 range. Apparently, a "person familiar with the strategy" claims that the provider will create this bargain bonanza for customers signing new, two-year contracts. Of course, the author of the story also says that the new phones will be available in "8-gigabit-memory and... 16-gigabit-memory" versions (for $399 and $499, respectively), so take that as you like. In addition to these discounts, the source says the new iPhone will be 2.5mm thinner than the previous iteration, although we understand that right after telling Fortune this information, the "person" burst into a cloud of rainbow-colored sparkles and went flying off into the night sky.[Thanks, Penny]

  • Foxconn wins 3G iPhone contract, 3 million units shipping in June?

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Need more unsubstantiated evidence that the 3G iPhone is near. Good, the Chinese language Commercial Times is quoting sources claiming that Foxconn (aka, Hon Hai) -- the maker of the 1st gen iPhone -- is ramping up 3G iPhone assembly by "the end of May" to ship 3 million units in June. It's expected to produce some 24-25 million units before the product reaches end of life. If those numbers are true then Apple had better be prepared for a proper global launch without those pesky revenue sharing schemes seen holding back world-wide uptake.

  • 3G iPhone confirmed in Italy without revenue sharing?

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    We've been avoiding the 3G iPhone rumor mongering as much as possible recently. After all, we know it's coming as both AT&T and Apple have confirmed. Now this: one of Italy's most respected newspapers, La Repubblica (like the WSJ with red sauce), is claiming in no uncertain terms that the 3G iPhone is coming shortly to Telecom Italia without a revenue sharing deal and without long-term exclusivity. If true, this change in strategy opens the doors for a true, global, 3G iPhone launch on UMTS networks around the world come summer time.We contacted Telecom Italia who refuse to comment on the matter.[Thanks, jimbojambo and Claudio]

  • 3G iPhone rumors building up steam

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    Apple's next big event is still over two months away, but the iPhone rumor mill is suddenly in full swing, and we'd say the buzz is back after that short-lived Mossberg "60 days" euphoria wore off. Tgdaily is the one making waves today, claiming that we'll see next-gen 8GB and 16GB iPhones debut at WWDC this June for $399 and $499, and that the iPod touch will always offer twice the storage at any given price point. The new units are said to feature revised casings that eliminate the current model's "plasticky" feel, which is interesting, because that supposedly-leaked image from the other day seems pretty ultra-plasticky to us, but we're not exactly expecting any of these rumors to be true, let alone add up. Other than the re-design, tgdaily says there aren't any OS or interface changes in store, and that Apple is really serious about building the Cocoa Touch platform in addition to OS X-- hence the two bridges on those WWDC invites that went out. That's about it -- nothing too shocking, really, but we'd still take all this stuff with a huge grain of salt until Steve sets things straight.

  • iPhone 3G's baseband chip revealed?

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    The folks at ZiPhone spotted some code in the brand new 2.0 beta iPhone firmware that could point to the chip to be used in the upcoming 3G iPhone. The code makes mention of "SGOLD3," which could very well refer to Infineon's followup chip to the S-GOLD2 which powers the current iPhone. Infineon's less fancy name for the S-GOLD3H chip is the PMB8878, a 7.2Mbps HSDPA chip with all the video acceleration and media playback features iPhone users have come to expect. Advantages over its predecessor include higher resolution camera support (5 megapixels instead of 2), a 2x speed MMC / SD interface and DVB-H module support, but that doesn't necessarily mean any of those specs will end up in the ensuing iPhone 3G -- S-GOLD2 has plenty of features the current iPhone doesn't take advantage of. The processor speed, however, remains the same. [Via ZiPhone; thanks Adam B.][Warning: PDF link]

  • Mossberg says just kidding about that whole "3G iPhone in 60 days" thing

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    Oh Unkie Walt, you toy with us so. Just a couple days after promising that the 3G iPhone would be out within 60 days, the Moss-man is saying that he was simply making a prediction based on the same data as the rest of us: price cuts, dried-up inventory, and all kinds of rumors. That's not at all what it seems like on the tape, but sure. Walt also thinks that a little meta-media-analysis is due here, asking Silicon Alley Insider, "If I knew when this date was, why would I announce it in the middle of a sentence at the Finnish embassy, rather than report it in the Wall Street Journal?" Excellent point, but you might want to be a little more careful the next time you flatly declare "The iPhone will be 3G in 60 days" with no caveats and the cameras running, okay?

  • Mossberg just kidding about that whole "3G iPhone in 60 days" thing

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    Oh Unkie Walt, you toy with us so. Just a couple days after promising that the 3G iPhone would be out within 60 days, the Moss-man is saying that he was simply making a prediction based on the same data as the rest of us: price cuts, dried-up inventory, and all kinds of rumors. That's not at all what it seems like on the tape, but sure. Walt also thinks that a little meta-media-analysis is due here, asking Silicon Alley Insider, "If I knew when this date was, why would I announce it in the middle of a sentence at the Finnish embassy, rather than report it in the Wall Street Journal?" Excellent point, but you might want to be a little more careful the next time you flatly declare "The iPhone will be 3G in 60 days" with no caveats and the cameras running, okay?

  • Walt Mossberg promises 3G iPhone in 60 days

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    While talking up web as a video delivery medium at a Beet.TV executive summit, Walt Mossberg casually yet confidently mentioned that the iPhone will be going 3G in 60 days. Of course, it doesn't take an illustrious position as tech pundit to the masses to figure out a 3G iPhone is just around the corner: price cuts, stock shortages and word from Ralph de la Vega himself have rapidly narrowed down the launch window, but a semi-guarantee from Uncle Walt is certainly icing on the cake. The video snippet is after the break, or hit up the read link for the whole thing. [Via 9 to 5 Mac; thanks, TedB]