
  • A still from the movie 'The Martian' showing astronaut Mark Watney on the surface of Mars.

    'The Martian' is a reminder we're all in this together

    For a film that's centered on one unfortunate astronaut marooned on Mars, Ridley Scott's The Martian (based on the wildly successful Andy Weir novel) is far more than just one man's story. Ultimately, it's about humanity coming together to attempt something impossible. Mark Watney, played by Matt Damon, is smart enough to figure out how to survive alone on Mars, for a while, at least. But to get back home, he'll need help from Earth's brightest minds — and that doesn't just mean NASA. One of The Martian's most affecting scenes is when two typically antagonistic groups learn to put aside old conflicts and work together. For science. It's something to keep in mind as we face bigger, planet-shifting, humanity-wide issues throughout the twenty-first century. The driving force behind The Martian is a positive, "can do" attitude towards science and problem solving. Mark Watney isn't exactly a realistic interpretation of what an astronaut would do when stranded millions of miles from Earth, with limited supplies and no hope for a quick rescue. (Damon's similarly stranded character in Interstellar might be a more fitting example of that.) Instead, he is our ideal -- an indefatigable survivor with the botany skills to grow crops on a barren planet, and the engineering chops to create water from rocket fuel. He's MacGuyver, on Mars. Back on Earth, NASA scrambles to come up with a way to save Watney once they realize he's still alive. And once again, that "can do" attitude comes into play. There's still the usual governmental bureaucracy to fight through — embodied by Jeff Daniels' NASA administrator — but as the stakes continue to rise, the importance of acting decisively quickly becomes clear. Timelines get pushed up. Engineers come up with entirely new strategies on the fly. Everyone works harder than they ever have before. We haven't seen NASA this heroic since Apollo 13. Not everything comes easy, though. There's a huge (and necessary) debate on whether it's even worth devoting resources to saving one man. Daniels' stodgy NASA suit points out that any failure could be a huge blow to future space missions. Just look at how catastrophes like the Challenger explosion affected NASA, and any rational personal would realize he has a point. On the more optimistic side is Vincent Kapoor (played by Chiwetel Ejiofor), who argues that it's their duty to at least attempt a rescue. And there's also the remainder Watney's flight crew on the Hermes, a spacecraft returning to Earth from Mars, who would naturally jump at the chance to risk their lives and save their colleague. Really, there isn't much of a choice. Mark Watney isn't just one man -- he is an extraordinary one, the culmination of the totality of humanity's achievements trapped on a desert planet. And if we don't at least try to save him, what's the point of this whole civilization thing, anyway? Similar to Interstellar (which also shares a few cast members), The Martian presents an idealized version of space travel. It's far more believable though, because Andy Weir based most of the book on technology that already exists or will soon be finished. There's no need for mysterious wormholes leading to distant galaxies with a giant black hole in the center here. It's also a slightly more convincing argument for space travel. The world isn't on the brink of destruction — we're just pushing our innate desire to explore. Sure, it's all a bit sappy, but The Martian is a refreshing change from our current sci-fi obsession with the end of the world. It's akin to what Gene Roddenberry wanted to convey with Star Trek — by working together, we'll be able to explore uncharted reaches of space, and hopefully better understand what it means to be human. And you can bet that just as Star Trek inspired countless kids to pursue science and engineering, The Martian will have a similar affect on a new generation. As a culture, we champion the geniuses -- the Steve Jobs, the Elon Musks. But we often forget that their greatest accomplishments are due to a team of brilliant people working together to change the world. Forget hero worship, we should be worshipping the collective power of humanity to do good. [Photo credits: Aidan Monaghan, Giles Keyte/Twentieth Century Fox]

  • Tech Arsenal for Activists

    There's a groundswell of new activists organizing in the current political landscape and technology is a powerful tool to aid in social activism. It can, however, be complicated to know where to begin or what to do beyond retweeting yet another plea to "contact your senator!" Here is an arsenal of apps, podcasts, and websites to help concerned individuals pave a path towards activism by staying informed, learning how to get involved while also keeping you entertained and sane. Countable Recognizing the inherent difficulty of tracking the frequently complex machinations of the Legislative Branch, Countable is an application through which voters can remain informed and updated regarding congressional lawmaking. Users of the Countable app are not only provided with brief, non-partisan summaries of pending or active legislation, but they are also able to quickly communicate their opinion directly to their congressional representative by voting "Yay," or "Nay," through the app. Countable aims to further connect members of Congress with their respective constituents, thereby ensuring elected officials are held accountable to the voters they represent. Pod Save America With the goal of providing access to thoughtful, informed, and, perhaps above all, sane political discourse, Pod Save America is a self-declared no-bullshit conversation about politics. Founded by experienced politicos that include Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Dan Pfeiffer and Tommy Vietor, Pod Save America dissects American politics in the most direct manner possible while acknowledging the need to engage, entertain, and inform listeners. Vietor also recently launched a sister podcast, Pod Save the World, leveraging his experience as President Obama's National Security Spokesman into a thoughtful podcast about foreign policy issues. 5 Calls A growing chorus of voters has expressed increasing concern and dismay that the voice of the people is not being heard by lawmakers or worse, ignored. 5 Calls addresses this critical issue by providing voters with information and guidance intended to ensure each voter's voice is not only heard but is also amplified in the most substantial way possible. 5 Calls understands that lawmakers are most likely to be swayed by a deluge of constituent phone calls, which is why it researches the issues most important to voters and provides contact information for the most appropriate representative. 5 Calls also provides an outline or script so callers can clearly and succinctly express an opinion to the appropriate representative. Also, check out to easily send messages to representatives and Faxzero to fax a senator when you can't get through via phone. Togetherlist Togetherlist is designed to create a united front for social justice advocates, groups, and organizations representing different causes yet sharing a common goal. Volunteers, organizers, and supporters can quickly and easily access a comprehensive database of advocacy groups and organizations working in support of a wide range of causes. Togetherlist uses technology to connect with organizations and people who can make an actual difference and allows one to get off the Internet to join the efforts. Track Trump Track Trump eliminates all the sound and fury emanating from the White House and instead provides substantive coverage of the actual policy changes being proposed or introduced by the new administration. Through the use of a straightforward and easy-to-use digital dashboard, Track Trump users can compare the campaign promises made by the current president with the actions taken since entering the White House. Progress can, therefore, be seen in real-time, providing users the opportunity to hold the president accountable to the people he represents as President of the United States of America. Signal Signal provides end-to-end encryption designed to ensure all communication between Signal users is secure and protected. Using Signal's end-to-end encryption, it is possible to engage in one-on-one as well as group voice or text conversations. Users are also able to use the Signal app to send images and videos to other Signal users. Recently, some activists concerned about the new administration's potential willingness to engage in abuses of power, or perhaps even fearful of retribution -- have taken to using Signal as a way to ensure their communications remain secured against any unwanted intrusions. CSPAN Radio Available through iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn, SiriusXM, AudioNow as well as through the C-SPAN Radio app, C-SPAN Radio provides a live stream through which listeners can listen in on congressional hearings as well as speeches given by political leaders. Their gavel to gavel coverage of House and Senate sessions familiarizes listeners with the inner workings of the legislative branch without any partisan analysis. An arsenal should also be rounded out with a news app from a source with minimal partisan bias. Check out the apps from Reuters, BBC News or NPR News, for excellent sources of analytical news.

    Emily Chi
  • What's the solution to fake news?

    Fake news goes well beyond satirical websites that aim to make a point about the absurdity of a current event. Rather than evoking a chuckle or sparking a conversation, fake news sites seek to deliberately confuse and misinform the general public on a wide variety of hot topics. Some fake news sites go so far as to appear as if they are a legitimate version of a credible news site, such as The New York Times or ABC News. While some people dismiss fake news sites as an unfortunate jinx, there has been widespread public outrage over the effect that fake news sites have had on elections and public discourse. What makes fake news sites so difficult to track down and control is that the sites are often maintained in foreign countries and are able to produce new content at a remarkable rate. In addition, public appetite for sensational journalism is exceptionally high. It stands to reason that these fake news sites would not gain the viewership that they seek without major platforms, such as Facebook and Google. If there were legislation in place to ban the profit from advertising dollars from fake news sites, individual companies would put more vetting practices in place to check for fake news content posted on their sites. While there is no realistic way to stop an individual from posting fake content online, top companies can certainly do more to make the spread of such distasteful content more difficult. Public pressure on Facebook to take a more active role in policing fake news content has brought this issue into the limelight. While Facebook has acknowledged that more can be done to put a stop to the spread of fake news, it also says it does not want to police its users or stand in the way of their free speech. For the sake of getting a handle on legitimate journalism once again, there is a strong case to be made for Facebook and similar sites to act as a better gatekeeper of the content that is masquerading as journalism. California is considering a bill to require public schools to arm students with the knowledge of how to spot a fake news site from grade seven through high school. Many universities are also addressing this topic so that students are equipped to navigate the often confusing sea of fake news articles all over the Internet. Some of the most common ways that you can spot a fake news site are to check for the URL. If the address ends in ".co" or something similar, there is a good chance that it does not belong to a reputable news site. You can also check to see where the contact for the site is located. If it is not based out of a commercial building, then it is probably not an actual news site. Keep in mind that it is highly unlikely that an individual site is reporting on a story that the major news outlets have otherwise missed. If you think you are reading an exclusive story, try checking other recognizable sites to see if they have also mentioned it. Many fake news sites use fake author names to make themselves appear legitimate, but no worthwhile author would actually attribute their name to the article. Google search the names of the authors of the article you are reading to see what else they have written. If there are no matching results, then it is likely that the article is not credible. The same goes for the name of the publication itself. You may find the publication listed on another site that tracks fake news outlets, such as or Try to resist the urge to share a story that is blatantly inflammatory or polarizing before you go through the process of checking these criteria. If something seems too outlandish to be true, it almost always is.

    Raj Fernando
  • Nintendo Switch: A New Gaming Console Announced by Nintendo

    Courtesy: Nintendo Co., Ltd. Nintendo is all set to start the 2017 gaming venture with its innovational device on offer. The company introduced its new gaming console at an event held on 13th January this year. In front of its Tokyo fans, Nintendo unveiled its latest product, the 'Nintendo Switch.' The Nintendo Switch is a unique gaming console which can also function as a gaming tablet. This latest device by the Nintendo is all set to go on sale from this 3rd March at a price of 299 USD. Although the price of the Switch is on a little higher side, Nintendo still hopes to attract both the console and smartphone gaming community which it has been losing over the past few years. Nintendo has been lagging the competition in the gaming world for almost two years, and the Switch might help the company to get back on track. Regardless of its high price, the Nintendo Switch can still prove to be a good buy for a variety of reasons. A console that is convertible into a handheld device is not something that we see very often. The battery can last about 3 to 6 hours depending upon the type of games played on this console. The controllers of the Switch are detachable and are known as the Joy-Cons. These Joy-Cons work as a conventional controller with the console attached to the dock. The console can independently act as a gaming screen with the Joy-Cons attached to its sides. It is this Joy-Con feature of the Switch that puts it into an entirely different league from its competition. Each Joy-Con can also be used for multi-player gaming on a single console. The controllers of the Switch have more buttons than a regular controller and can even be used to take a screenshot of the games running on the device. Joy-Cons come equipped with multiple sensors that will be useful for a variety of games. This device will also use cartridges for the console which will be known as the 'Game Cards.' It is also equipped with the Wi-Fi connectivity. The Switch has an inbuilt storage of 32GB. In the box, it will come with an AC adapter, device's dock, and an HDMI cable. A strap for wrists will also come with the device, which will be useful while playing with the Joy-Con in the detached mode. Joy-Cons will be available in different colors to buy separately. The Nintendo Switch is equipped with a 6.2-inch 720p display. It supports connection to up to 1080p external display to enjoy your games on a bigger screen. In the event, Nintendo also introduced two new games, '1-2 Switch' and 'Arms.' The 1-2 Switch is a simple motion game which tests the reaction time of the players, and the Arms is a game where two individuals clash in a face-off with an ability to use their arms to punch or defend. Both the games use motion sensors of the device. The device also has gyroscope sensors for a rich gaming experience. A glimpse of Super Mario Odyssey was also shown in the event, which is a modern 3-D Mario game. Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim were also some of the notable mentions in the hour-long event. Another major news that came from the event was the announcement of The 'Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild' to be released along with the console on March 3. In totality, the Nintendo Switch looks quite a promising device for gaming, but a high price for a new kind of console might turn out to be tricky to the buyers. Regardless of this, Nintendo deserves appreciation over this take on both the smartphone and console gaming community. The Switch is yet to receive a hands-on review which will give a clearer picture as to what it is capable of. The Nintendo has currently made the device available for pre-booking in selected countries across different online platforms.

    Shivani Ahuja
  • Exclusivity in Modern Consoles: Who's Reigns Supreme?

    Console gaming is a modern battlefield for corporate titans. Microsoft's Xbox One and Sony's PlayStation 4 represent the newest generation of advancements in console warfare. The question now is, who's winning? If we look at each console's list of exclusive titles for indication, the answer is pretty clear. Sony takes it by miles. Of the approximately 1,200 retail games available on the PS4, over 100 are platform exclusive. Meanwhile, the Xbox One, whose list of retail titles is something closer to 900, has only 30 exclusive games to date. A primary reason for such a huge disparity may be the Xbox One's unsuccessful launch compared to that of its competition. By January 2016, less than two months after its launch date, the estimated number of units sold for the Xbox was 18-19 Million. That's roughly half of the 36 Million reported by Sony around the same time. In turn, this might have caused Microsoft's console to appear less attractive to developers, who then flocked to Sony as the obvious alternative. Speculation aside, it's clear that Sony has gained control of the larger developer market, with such AAA exclusives as Bloodborne, Until Dawn, The Last of Us 2, and the recently released Horizon Zero Dawn, among several others. Compare that list to Microsoft's relatively meager offering of Halo 5: Guardians and Gears of War 4, neither of which are new intellectual properties, and the difference in scale becomes unmistakable. A string of high-profile exclusive cancellations from Microsoft has only made the case for PS4's dominance stronger. That said, the Xbox One is by no means a weak console. Interest in developing for the system has been rekindled somewhat by the impending release of Xbox Scorpio, and with exclusives aside, the system supports an admirable library of AAA and independently developed titles. As a company, Microsoft's gaming arm is exploring exciting avenues for the future, not the least of these being their Play Anywhere initiative, which strives to combine the best of PC and console gaming through shared games and profiles across connected Windows devices. At the time of writing, Microsoft has also just unveiled a new Xbox Game Pass initiative that will give subscribers unlimited access to over 100 Xbox One and backwards compatible Xbox 360 titles for $9.99 per month. The "Console Wars" have seen momentum swing back and forth many times over the years, and it's important to remember that this oscillation is typical of a market whose strategies and technologies are constantly evolving. Going into the future may yet see the tide of battle swing again into Microsoft's favor, for it is in times of strife where we see the most critical leaps of growth. This is the result of competition. Better products reaching wider audiences, more games and technologies being developed for the end users to enjoy. Whoever wins the battles of today, it is we, and the gamers of tomorrow, who will claim the real victories.

    Emily Chi
  • How Indoor Location Systems Have Evolved in the Last 5 Years

    How Phones Will be Able to Guide Your Every Movement, Indoor and Outdoor! If you want to know where you are during a hike or a long walk, then you can simply check an app on any GPS-enabled device to get a fix on your position. GPS uses 'global positioning satellites' in order to bounce signals off of satellites, thereby triangulating your location. GPS has near-limitless applications and makes navigating significantly simpler. However, Indoor location systems (AKA indoor positioning systems AKA IPS) are a little different. These systems fill the gap left by GPS by allowing similar indoor functionalities. While GPS is highly effective, its use is limited to outdoor scenarios due to limitations with signals (walls and roofs can easily block signals, while reflective surfaces can cause problems too) as well as insufficient accuracy. The very best GPS systems will still only be able to pinpoint a location within 4 meters. Indoor GPS has countless potential uses. This includes military applications, emergency response, virtual reality systems and navigation within supermarkets and other retail stores. Right now, GPS guidance tends to abruptly cease functioning the moment you walk inside a retail store. Imagine a world where you can get guidance around museums, where you can find your friends in concert halls or where firefighters can locate victims trapped inside burning buildings. Just how far are we? Current IPS Solutions Early attempts at IPS largely revolved around the use of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Tags) and 'inertial measurement'. Inertial measurement involves the use of gyroscopes and accelerometers in order to track an individual's movements. The downside is that it is only effective when the starting location of that person is known. This is still handy in military settings, where there may be no opportunity to install beacons within a location and the latest technology from DARPA is a chip smaller than a coin. These options are generally not suitable for commercial use, but several other solutions have made their way to the commercial market. Among the most popular, is the use of WiFi hotspots, which work by calculating the strength of known WiFi sources in order to pinpoint a location. Unfortunately, this method is limited due to the lack of available WiFi sources and the many factors that can impact signal strength. Other technologies rely on LED light fixtures or even magnetic fields to determine a location. Providers include the likes of ByteLight, which uses LED installations read by phone cameras. This process is less 'passive', as it requires the user to actively scan the light fixture and send the information away in order to get a response. Bluetooth for Indoor Positioning Systems One of the most effective solutions for these settings involves the use of Bluetooth beacons. Bluetooth beacons act like GPS satellites and communicate with any smartphone or other GPS-enabled device. Bluetooth beacons can be stuck to walls or ceilings of airports, museums, shopping malls and other indoor locations and allow visitors to find their way around via provided apps (most IPS require a map of some form). This allows visitors to save time and enjoy a more efficient trip. At the same time, it is effective for retailers as it can increase turnover and customer satisfaction. Ultimately, commercial demand is what drives technology to move forward. Pointr, for example, is one indoor positioning system that, embedded through an SDK into the venues app, is able to provide turn-by-turn navigation to lead users directly to specific locations within a building. This is possible not by Bluetooth beacons, but by utilizing the compass built into most smartphones. The company's recent partnership with solar provider GCell has enabled further development. Network Rail, which owns and operates the railway infrastructure in England, Wales and Scotland, has recently allowed the use of solar-powered Bluetooth beacons around the Liverpool Street tube station in London. These systems are capable of being powered by any available light source - even LED lights. The system is not open for public access yet. However, it represents a big step as the beacons, retrofitted throughout the whole station, provide indoor positioning and navigation to certain areas. They can also capture and transmit data, which is useful for future analytics in order to improve the customers' journeys. Last but not least, these solar-powered Bluetooth beacons will never need to be changed. The Future of Indoor Tracking While current solutions offer many different functionalities, they largely require the use of pre-installed systems of some nature. Given the many possibilities for this industry, companies like Google and Microsoft are racing to find more flexible answers. Likewise, we might one day see 'inside out' positional tracking used in experimental augmented reality headsets and Google's own Project Tango making their way to location systems. This would rely on 'computer vision' to analyze images from a camera and calculate a location based on that information. It is generally known that the best method will be a form of 'hybrid' that utilizes several different solutions in a synergistic manner. Whatever the case, this is likely to become an increasingly important subject and one that will receive more attention. The next time you get lost at a train station could be your last.

    Shachar Shamir
  • Best Holiday & Winter Tech-Gifts I Received This Season

    In terms of gifts, this past Holiday season was an interesting one. I'll go ahead and spoil the rest of the article for you by telling you the gifts I received: a Fitbit style bracelet, a book, and a gift card. Okay, now that we got the TLDR version out of the way, I will give my analysis and opinion on each of these "tech products" and various other techie thoughts along the way. Fitness I thought this was a funny gift to receive, as I am relatively in shape. I go running once a week, play basketball, and mostly get 7 hours of sleep every night. Which is why it was curious to me that I received a Jawbone bracelet as a gift. (Makes me wonder if it was re-gifted to me – but who am I to complain?). Like any curious techie, I put the thing on my wrist and observed it's every move. Or better yet, it watched my every move. It has gotten pretty good reviews overall, but I never fully got used to the idea of constantly wearing something around my wrist. After about a week, I kiiiinda-sorted started to forget that I was wearing it, which was a good sign. I was most excited about the sleep tracking aspect of it, but to be fully honest, and similar to the Engadget review I linked to above, it seemed lacking in that regard. I did have a feeling that that was a common deficiency in this arena (for fitness tracking bracelets), and I started to explore the fitness tracking arena a bit more. Three fascinating things I learned: There is a fitness bracelet that currently sells for $400 (Sheesh!) Microsoft was briefly in this market but discontinued their product. (No surprise there!) There exists an entire sub-niche of Fitbit-style fitness trackers for kids! *Watches every parent take notes for next Holiday season* A Book, Really? I received a book from a close friend who works in the hi-tech industry. The book is called Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future by Peter Thiel. I'm not going to lie, I was kind of hoping for a gadget. But being the good soldier that I am, I indeed read the book. Or, I should say, I devoured it. Thiel is known as a non-conformist, and has been in the news recently as he has been advising President Donald Trump on a number of matters. But regardless of what you think of his politics, one cannot dismiss his ingenuity (and his investing prowess). Zero to One is a masterpiece, and has actually caused me to look into other startup books because I've gotten hooked as a result. The premise behind the book is the notion of being first. Thiel attacks the notion that practice makes perfect, and rather stresses that innovation (sort of how he launched Paypal) is the key to forging a new future in which there is no competition, if you are indeed first in your niche or field. Though not a gadget, I can't say that I was disappointed in this gift, after all. But next year I am still hoping for a gadget. 😊 Free Money Ahhh, gift cards, the most fan-friendly copout gift that one can give. Let's talk about gift cards for a quick second. Buying someone a gift card means that the gift-giver hasn't really given much thought or infused any originality. However, name a single recipient who would be upset with a gift card as a gift. Probably not a single person (unless it was for a paltry amount). If you've been reading thus far, and have processed my thoughts on Fitbits and books, you might be wondering as to what I purchased with this gift card. (The card is for Amazon, so I can buy almost anything). Now the truth is, and I hate to leave you hanging this way, but I have yet to buy a gift with the card. I'm still hemming and hawing over what gadget or item I should get. There are certainly things I'm curious about, like oversized headphones, snazzy drones, or those ergonomic keyboards I keep seeing in random offices. But, until I choose something, the notion of having a card which can purchase nearly every product is alluring in and of itself. I might need some recommendations, so if you've been reading 'til now, do drop a comment below on any gadget recommendations – I am all ears! And eyes, too.

    Solomon Wiesen
  • A Beginner's Guide to Encryption

    Mobile apps have replaced texting. Cloud storage have replaced pen drives. Hardly anything exists in the offline mode. Everything is online, interconnected and also increasingly prone to security attacks. Even if you have nothing to hide, cyber security threats can cause serious damage in the form of identity theft or forgery. Here you can see the dark side of cybercrime report. In fact, the US Federal Trade Commission says that it has tracked nearly 50% increase in online identity thefts since 2013. High-profile hacking and cyber attacks have also been reported on several entities including popular eCommerce stores like Target, HomeDepot, eBay, etc. IT security measures help prevent enterprise-grade data loss. However, for regular and routine Internet safety, the need for a specific made security measure was felt. Such a measure must be capable of keeping miscreants out while giving legitimate users safe access to data. Thus was born, Encryption. What is Encryption? Encryption is a proven way to protect information on the Internet. It scrambles text into something that only someone with a key or special password can read. Anyone else who manages to get the data will not be able to use it or read it without decoding. Decoding an encrypted message is literally impossible since there will be hundreds of combinations and permutations that can be formed by the scrambled text. Encryption has become to be accepted as a reliable way to slow down and even prevent cyber security threats. It is now considered to be the cornerstone technology in cyber security that even government security agencies are deploying to protect national digital treasures. How does Encryption work? Encryption is grounded on the age-old practice of cryptography. In the past, scholars used to decipher sacred texts and documents in scrambled language that only those with the knowledge of decoding it can read it. Today, in the digital era, encryption is done using computers and algorithms which convert plain text into incorrigible text. The text which looks like jumbled code can be decoded back to plain text using an encryption key. Encryption key An encryption key is a string consisting of several bits which act as the key that decodes the scrambled code or text into readable content. Workflow of an encryption key (Source: The encryption key ensures that any unauthorised individual who accesses the data, sees only nonsensical text from which no meaningful information can be derived. Thus, an encryption key ensures that exchange of information over the Internet happens only between trusted and authorised individuals. In a real-life scenario, it encrypts the flow of information between the server and the web browser used by the client. Only such users who have the key to encrypt and decrypt data will be able to access it. Types of Encryption There are three main types of encryption: Hashing, Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption. Hashing: In this form of encryption, a definite-length signature set is created for each data. Data which is deciphered using hashing cannot be reversed or changed. Thus, this ensures that data remains encrypted and protected at all times. Symmetric method: The symmetric method of encryption uses a public key to encrypt and decrypt data. Refer image below. Image Source: Asymmetric encryption: In asymmetric encryption, a different key is used for encryption and for decryption. The key used for encryption is known as a public key and the one used for decryption is known as a private key. Image Source: Each method of encryption is best suitable for given scenarios. There is no one fit solution for all. For instance, hashing may be perfect for signups and logins, for websites and asymmetric encryption for high-level websites where login credentials need to be guarded heavily (For eg: banking and finance companies.) How can businesses embrace encryption to ensure data security? Encrypting cloud and email servers With cloud becoming easily available and affordable, most small and medium enterprises are resorting to cloud solutions instead of having owned network solutions. Combined with that they use third party email services, which may not have the best security features at all times. This causes a precarious condition giving an opportunity for hackers to penetrate the system and make way for sensitive information. The key is to encrypt cloud networks and email servers with an SSL certificate. An SSL certificate will ensure that all the data flow between the Internet and the browser is encrypted and safe from unauthorised infiltration. Encrypt operating systems Unlike in the earlier versions, the recent versions of Windows, Apple OS X and Linux come with system-level encryption. In Windows, it is referred to as BitLocker and in Apple systems, it is popular as FileVault. These applications are encryption and ensure high-level data security, similar to online banking websites for the exchange of data from and to the system. Needless to say, upgrading to the latest OS with system-level encryption is a great start to ensure data security. Set up minimum password strength Strong passwords are the launchpads for encryption. In fact, history of data breaches pinpoints poor password strength as the main cause. According to a study by Lastpass, passwords are still the weakest links which hackers break to gain access to sensitive areas. The remedy for this common trap is to raise the bar for password health. Passwords that satisfy minimum password strength like a combination of capital, small letter or special characters will help data breaches at bay. Alternatively, users may also be asked to change the password compulsorily every 30 days or such period as deemed fit for the organisation. Finally.. Since 2016, the average number of ransomware attacks per day has increased to 4,000. Security is no longer a topic that businesses can bother less about. It is the only ray of hope to keep data secure in an increasingly complex and sophisticated digital environment. Encryption is the first foot forward to ensuring data security. Encrypting email servers, cloud servers and operating systems can help reduce the number of data leaks that are bound to happen in an organisation. Depending on the organisation and its business model, the business can adopt encryption to stash away data from hackers.

    Martha Hill
  • The Public Access Weekly: The end has no end

    It's been a few weeks since the last Public Access Weekly newsletter, when I mentioned we were working on some significant changes to Public Access in order to make our community better. I'd like to share what's been happening behind the scenes since that last update. We spent a lot of time reading through the more than 2,600 articles that have been published on Public Access, discussing the volume of articles that are awaiting review in Pending status, and the number of incoming registrants who want to join the community. We looked at page views, social shares, how many articles each member has published and how many members has never published a single post (or even logged in once accepted). We went through all the articles, removing and rejecting those that ran afoul of our community rules, and looked at how many members had been disciplined for violating them. In doing so, we came to a difficult, but necessary decision that it's time for the great Public Access experiment to end. The official announcement will come on Monday, but we wanted to let our members know first. On Thursday, March 9th we will shut down Public Access in order to refocus our community efforts and resources into other areas. What does that mean for you? It means there will no longer be a Public Access page on Engadget, or a log in to access your Public Access profile or articles. Stories that have already been published will remain live, but only accessible via URL -- so if you want to hold on to your work, you'll need to copy the links to your articles (as that will be the only way to read and share them going forward). There will no longer be any Public Access author profiles, so please save the individual links to your stories! If you have an article in Draft status, you will have until Thursday, March 9th to snag it out of our CMS. If you have an article in Pending status, your article will be published or returned to you by Thursday, March 9th. We will no longer be sending back edits or corrections to articles, and will not review articles that have been re-submitted after being returned. If you have registered to become a Public Access member, you will be receiving an email with the details, however we encourage you to sign up for the Engadget community. Currently, members can comment on any Engadget story and create product reviews for any and all gadgets they have. However, additional tools and features are in our plans for the community, and signing up is the best way to stay informed as we roll them out later this year. We are, truly, so very grateful for all the members and authors who helped to make Public Access what it is -- we are proud of the excellent contributions that were made to the page, and we hardly imagined that it would grow to its current size. It's been a real pleasure to work with you on publishing and promoting your stories and growing the Public Access community, and I look forward to seeing you all in the next phases of Engadget's community plan. Oh, and one last thing -- the email address will stay open for anyone who has questions or needs assistance.

    Amber Bouman
  • The Future is in the Ear of the Beholder

    By Simon Carlile and Stuart Karten Seeing might be believing, but for many people, hearing is being there. Our sense of being in a space, and our awareness of objects in that space, are strongly driven by our auditory perception of that space—far more so than our visual perception. Think how 3D audio creates an immersive sense of being someplace. That's one reason why in the near future, augmented reality (AR) glasses and other interfaces could be supplanted by "hearable" devices that people wear in their ears like a Bluetooth ear bud (think the Bragi Dash). Hearables would be designed to listen all the time, just like Amazon Echo and Google Home do today. But as a wearable device, hearables would provide those kinds of virtual assistant services wherever the user is. Hearables also would be sophisticated enough to know what to listen for and how to act on it, all without requiring the user to speak a prompt first. For example, hearables could: Detect a noisy environment and respond by turning on speech-enhancement processing so the user doesn't have to struggle to understand what people are saying. Automatically translate foreign languages. Have a virtual assistant feature that listens for key words and then provides uses contextual information. These examples aren't blue sky, either. They're all features that are possible today or within just a few years. These features also are just the tip of the iceberg of what can be achieved with such ear-level devices. Connecting to Your Smartphone and Your Brain All of these examples show how hearables can augment the reality of daily life in ways that enable people to focus on what they're doing instead of being distracted, such as by trying to sneak a glance at their smartphone to look up that information manually. Hearables could be particularly attractive to people who find it easier to understand and retain information when they hear it rather than read it. Hearables are like having a virtual assistant who's always there to help. By rendering the assistant at a virtual position in space, you can choose to ignore them or focus your attention on them as if they were just another person in the conversation. Today, hearables complement the smartphone, but in the 5G future, they will likely replace them. Current-generation hearables connect to the user's smartphone, but instead of simply serving as a mic and speaker for the smartphone, next-generation hearables would be sophisticated enough to perform a variety of tasks on their own or connect directly to services in the cloud (think Alexa's "skills"). The smartphone just provides the cellular or Wi-Fi connection. With its own wireless modem to connect directly to a cellular or Wi-Fi network, the hearable doesn't need a smartphone, at least for those who can live without a touch screen and find it more convenient just to ask their hearable for something rather than pecking it out on a virtual keyboard. Although users could simply ask their hearable for something, that probably won't be the only interaction option. We're among the people developing electroencephalography (EEG) technologies that would enable hearables to analyze their user's brain waves to identify what they want or need—and when. EEG-based "pass thoughts" rather than passwords will transform the security model. Mental gestures are reflected in changes in the EEG patterns and can supplement or supplant physical gestures. Understanding listener intent will be critical in managing the interface. For example, when you're completely absorbed in a conversation, your EEG would effectively tell the hearable, "Don't bug me right now." Hearables also will act on input from their surroundings. Museums are one current example of how architects, interior designers, and others are using the Internet of Things (IoT) and other technologies to equip everything from buildings to artwork with the ability to provide AR experiences. Today, those devices are primarily smartphones, but AR headsets will become increasingly utilized. Tomorrow, they'll include hearables, which will leverage those AR technologies and use cases, and then take them to the next level. Leveraging the Environment While Blending In The trick for hearables designers is to take all of these types of existing and emerging information sources and present them in ways that are intuitively and cognitively meaningful for users. EEG can provide a window into the wearer's intent and identify which information a person needs at a particular moment in a particular place (for instance, the wearer's focus of attention), and then seeing what's available from that environment's IoT devices, the Internet or both. Another challenge is coming up with form factors that people are willing to wear—something that designers of AR glasses have struggled with for the past few years. For starters, hearables have to be comfortable enough for all-day wear. They will also have to complement or augment the real world and not block it out (be open), unlike current headsets and headphones. Hearables also have to be inconspicuous or conspicuous rather than somewhere in between. In other words, people who don't want to look like geeks might prefer a hearable that can be hidden inside their ear, like today's hearing aids, or at least look no different than today's Bluetooth headsets. Other people will prefer designs that showcase their technology choice, the way that the Beats logo or the AirPod form factor have a cachet. Skeptics might scoff that most people will have zero interest in wearing a hearable, even one as discreet as a hearing aid. But many people wear hearing aids because they enhance their environment, something that hearables will do—albeit in different, even richer ways. And many, many other people wear Bluetooth headsets, a device that didn't exist less than a generation ago. Hearables will leverage the fact that tastes can evolve as fast as technology. Intrigued? We will provide insight on this topic at the annual SXSW Conference and Festival, 10-19, March, 2017. The session, Hearables and the Age of Mediated Listening, is included in the IEEE Tech for Humanity Series at SXSW. For more information please see

  • The Public Access Weekly: Ch-ch-ch-changes

    Hey y'all, remember last week when I mentioned there were a lot of things happening at Public Access and I would fill you in later? Well, in lieu of our more traditional newsletter format, today's Public Access Weekly is all about filling you in on the big, big updates being made to the Public Access section and community. As Public Access articles were shared and spread around the internet, our modest community content section started growing, and growing, and growing. When we started, we were getting maybe 30 or 40 articles up a month. Now it's hundreds. We're now getting thousands of page views, with some articles going viral on Reddit. And everyday we get dozens of incoming applications from folks who want to be members. In short, Public Access is a little like bringing a puppy home from the shelter... and then realizing six weeks later it's crossed with Great Dane. Basically, it has grown much bigger than anticipated, much faster.

    Amber Bouman
  • 4 Luxurious & Best Tech Accessories To Gift You Tech Savvy Friend

    Are you planning to buy a gadget for a tech-obsessed male friend? Easier said than done, we all know how difficult it can be to select one particular product out of thousands of flashy and handy gadgets available these days. Then, of course, there are other things to consider like a person's preference, type of product, brand, price and more. No doubt It is confusing and overwhelming. To make things easier, we have compiled a list of hot and trending luxurious accessories that are not only useful but would also make quality presents for your guy friend. 4 Luxurious Tech Accessories To Gift A Guy 1. Speakers Be it standard or Bluetooth ones; speakers make excellent gifts for guys and girls alike. Even if a person is not a fan of music, he or she can use them for a variety of recreational purposes. The more modern speakers available today are not only aesthetically pleasing but are also very compact. If you want to present your friend a gift that's'smart' and dashing at the same time, speakers more specifically wireless ones are items worth considering. 2. Luxury Power Bank Of all the handy gadgets available in the market, there are hardly any as beautiful and as useful as Luxury Power Banks. With most of our lives revolving around the virtual world, there are hardly any of us without a cellphone, tablet or laptop these days. More importantly, these are items that we all carry everywhere with us. With luxury power bank in the pocket or backpack, you don't have to worry about finding power outlets to charge smartphones, tablets or laptops. Luxury power banks are available in stylish designs and come with multiple power input/output options adding more to convenience. In my opinion, It is hands down the perfect tech gift for guys these days, especially after I saw the happiness on one of my friend's face when he received a fully handmade powerbank that I ordered for him. 3. Headphones The range of headphones is another item that is very useful. Whether it's listening to music or audio books, they not only enhance the listening experience but also eliminate the element of causing a disturbance. There are hundreds of headphones available these days with the most 'in-ones' being wireless ones. With headphone specifically designed to serve a specific purpose like gaming, music and more available, finding one that suits the need of your guy friend won't be a problem. 4. Virtual Reality Headsets Virtual reality headsets are the most sought for gadgets among guys these days. Nowadays, both expensive and low-cost ones are available that let you experience the new sensation of virtual reality that has gotten everyone talking in the tech industry. Virtual reality headsets indeed offer a unique feeling unlike no other and are at the top of every tech lover's 'to-get-list.' Bottom Line Be cool, Be creative and stop gifting usual items to your friends, especially those who are tech savvy.

    Shekhar Mishra
  • One Website Multiple Versions: 5 Things you should know about Mobile Responsiveness

    With the increase in the use of mobile devices (Which includes Ipads, Iphones, Smartphones and android tablets). More people access the internet through these devices and don't use the PC these days. Hence, businesses/ individuals need a version of their website/ blog which is responsive and can be operated on all devices (which includes desktop, tablets, laptops and mobile phones). Since Mobile Responsiveness is essential for every website, so what's it all about, what are the things you should know about it, how do you test it (both manually and on the web). This article addresses this and many more. What is Mobile Responsiveness? According to Studio Press: "When a website is responsive, the layout, and/or content responds or adapts based on the size of screen they are presented on. A responsive website automatically changes to fit the device you are reading it on" In a nutshell, a mobile-responsive website must be; Flexible: To respond to the screen of the device with which it's viewed Automated: Changes automatically from one screen to the other. What you should know about Mobile Responsiveness Optimization: A mobile-responsive website is optimised in terms of its interactive design, and how it facilitates the ease with which it can be used. The fonts of a mobile responsive websites are easy to read and could be easily navigated. Multiple platforms interaction: With a mobile-responsive website, you are sure of a website that can interact across platforms. It does this with little change in user experience. There are four major screen sizes that responsive mobile designs are aimed at. This includes: The wide-screen monitor, the laptop, the tablet and the mobile phone. Hence, for a mobile responsive website, as the screen changes or get smaller, it adjusts to the best display for it. It aids SEO: Search Engine Optimization, otherwise known as SEO is the concept of writing for search engines to index your posts and pages and make it appear in its pages on the web. While a good SEO strategy explained by experts is perfect, a mobile responsive website will aid this a lot. In fact, it will make your website to be in the good books of search engines. This is because Google and other search engines prioritise websites with good user experience. Optimal performance: A mobile responsive website performs well and loads faster (within a second or less). Since mobile responsive websites connect a website's contents to a single URL, it makes it easier for Google to crawl and index. A mobile responsive website reduces page load speed and offers fast loading which makes the contents discoverable. It's good for all: Mobile responsiveness is good for all, irrespective of where you belong to (or what you do). It's the reality of the web today, as it offers a website multiple versions. It is also revolutionary for online publishers, as it allows them to reduce cost of app development. The user is also not left out of the experience, as they will enjoy every bit of navigating your website on various platforms. How to test Mobile Responsiveness for your Website - To test if your website is mobile responsive manually. Input your website's URL using multiple devices mentioned above, and see how they respond as shown in the images. - To test your website's mobile responsiveness on the web, you can check it through google via: On a Final Note Mobile responsiveness is good for any website publisher, developer and designer. It makes your website unique and distinct from the rest. It drives more traffic to it, as it gives the users an experience they will always relish.

  • 5 Must-Have Cool Kitchen Gadgets for 2017

    In today's world, kitchens have become the focal point of many homes. Not only is the kitchen a place to have family meetings around the dinner table, but it's also the room where plenty of great food dishes are created. However, if you want to be the coolest chef in your neighborhood, you'll have to stock your kitchen with the latest and greatest gadgets on the market today. But when it comes to deciding which gadgets to purchase for your kitchen, there are several factors to take into consideration. So if you're ready for a cool kitchen, here are five must-have kitchen gadgets you'll need in 2017. Rice Cookers As more and more people make eating healthy a top priority, rice cookers have become a must-have for those who want to have a kitchen that does virtually everything. When it comes to getting pressure rice cookers, induction-heating rice cookers, or other types of cookers for a tasty meal, many people turn to Cuckoo Mall. Although a Korean company, America is its largest market when it comes to these cookers. Not only do professional chefs use these items, but also plenty of ordinary people who simply want to have the best cookers in their kitchen. For many cooks professional or amateur, induction heating rice cookers are all the rage. With marble interiors, stainless steel exteriors, numerous cooking functions, and safety features, induction heating rice cookers as well as pressure rice cookers make great additions to any kitchen. Nespresso Machine For those who consider a cup of coffee to be an art form, having a nespresso machine is a must for their kitchen. Whether it's making a cup of chestnut coffee or a delicious vanilla and caramel latte, a nespresso machine can turn having a cup of coffee into an experience unlike any other. If you've got a more sophisticated palate and demand coffee that is considered to be higher quality than that found at Starbucks or Keurig, then having a Nespresso machine will turn your kitchen into a place where coffee and technology come together to create a true culinary delight. Flame Monitoring Stove Tops If you've ever used a gas stove range, chances are you are well aware of how often you need to bend down to look underneath your pot or pan to check the flame. However, thanks to continuing advancements in kitchen technology, chefs everywhere can now look forward to using flame monitoring stove tops. Rather than having to lift your pot or pan to take a look or crouch down to look underneath them, cooks can simply take advantage of a v-shaped accent in the rear section of the stove that acts as a reflective mirror, allowing the chef to see the size of the flame. By solving a common problem in a streamlined fashion, kitchens everywhere will now have one less problem on their plate. 5-in-1 Soup Appliances If there is one thing that tastes great any day of the year, it's a wonderful bowl of soup. However, many people hesitate to make this delicious meal because it often feels as if it is an endeavor that takes too much time and planning. But thanks to kitchen technology that continues to amaze, soup lovers everywhere can now have their own gadget that will help them create plenty of soup masterpieces. Thanks to the Gourmet 5-in-1 Soup Appliance, it's now possible to not only create hot and cold soups, but also porridge, fruit and vegetable juices, and even soy milk. Along with giving chefs everywhere the option to create so many different foods, it also makes the process much easier by simply letting a cook put in the necessary ingredients, turn it on, and walk away to do other things. In addition, it also lets you create customized meals and not rely solely on what's found on the shelves in a grocery store. By doing so, you'll be able to avoid prepackaged foods and create healthy meals that everyone in the family will love. Molecular Gastronomy Appliances As one of the hottest trends in today's kitchens, molecular gastronomy has become part of many people's routines when it comes to their cooking. Letting people cook meals without having to study one manual after another, these appliances let flavors penetrate foods in such a way as to taste better than ever. As a quicker and much cheaper alternative to letting consumers create meals that taste as good as any award-winning dish they could find in a restaurant, these appliances are viewed by those who purchase them as essential items in their kitchens. By having any or all of these cool kitchen gadgets in your home in 2017, chances are you'll find yourself eating plenty of great meals and also drinking lots of cups of gourmet coffees and other drinks.

  • First-Time Buyers Using Technology To Make A House A Home

    Buying a home for the first time has always been a somewhat daunting task, but the advent of so many technical innovations in and around the home have made it far more user-friendly. There will be some people, of course, who will be more confused than ever before about home ownership, but those who have embraced technology will look to incorporate some highly impressive gadgets and gizmos from the outset. First and foremost, searching for the right property is easier than ever before nowadays. Also, thanks to the latest search engines, home-seekers can tailor searches to match their requirements perfectly, filtered by location, size, price and various other specifications. Email alerts will also allow them to find out about available homes ahead of the rest of the pack. There was a time when wealthy people could afford butlers, but nowadays we can all have our very own assistant in the home thanks to Amazon Alexa and, after a UK release sometime in the future, Google Home. Electronic assistants are becoming increasingly common now, and first-time buyers who seek brand new properties may one day find them already incorporated into the home as standard. New homes are ready homes The design and construction of new homes in the UK invariably include modifications for cable or satellite TV, Wi-Fi and various utilities. Another new development is one that purchasers are increasingly keen on, in part because it can save them a great deal of money. Smart thermostats are controllable from a mobile phone, and the best on the market have become increasingly intuitive in recent months. And while we're on the subject of saving money, high-tech light bulbs are designed to last longer and use less energy in the process. In addition to these valuable plus points, many of them will now work with Alexa and other platforms. The days when we had to scrabble around in the dark looking for a light switch are coming to an end, and that's good news for anyone who comes home struggling with some heavy shopping. Home security is often a top priority for home buyers, and many of the best security cameras on the market are ideal for the domestic market. Even the most basic models incorporate a great range of features, including motion-detect activation, HD screen quality and wide angle lenses. First-time buyers who want total secrecy can purchase cameras which look like clocks, mirrors and even air fresheners. In control even when you aren't at home Smart plugs bring us a degree of control that was perhaps unimaginable only a few years ago. Wi-Fi enabled and controlled externally by our mobile phones, they allow us to switch various appliances on and off even when we aren't at home. If you'd like to activate heaters, lights or air conditioners just before you get home at the end of the day, you can do so with ease. With more and more home gadgets relying on a good, strong Wi-Fi connection, we have become increasingly aware of the need to avoid skimping on routers, connectors and hubs. There are several to choose from on the current market, but given the fact that we know how fast improvements can come along it would perhaps be prudent to invest in appliances which are future-proof. The property market is a busy, ever-changing entity, and keeping tabs on developments isn't always easy. The good news for potential buyers is that the internet plays host to a comprehensive selection of informative websites. A guide to buying property for the first time can make the difference between a smooth purchase and a long, complicated ordeal. Stay on target by staying on budget It isn't always easy to keep tabs on the spending sometimes, and this is particularly true for first-time buyers. There are so many payments to take into consideration – far more than just the monthly mortgage commitment – and the best way to remain on track is to plan ahead. Accurate budgeting always helps, and there are several software applications which can do the job in style. While the concept of a robot butler may seem a long way off, our most modern homes are already capable of performing a wide range of functions on our behalf. Some fridges are able to keep track of which items have been consumed, for example, and will even remind us of what we need to order on our next visit to the grocery store, or the next visit to the store's app, of course. First-time buyers who are keen to buy brand new properties will often have a choice of houses and flats which offer a range of eco-friendly benefits. Everything from the bricks used in construction to the energy source will be greener and more sustainable. As more and more homes do their bit for the planet, it may be that older residences will start to be seen as unwanted white elephants. We all love a nice garden, but of course keeping this area in tip-top condition can be hard work. Those people who don't have the time, the energy or the money to keep everything in bloom may want to consider automatic watering systems which are able to monitor the local weather forecasts in order to remain as effective as possible. Inside and out, technology is helping to make life for home owners easier than ever.

    Matthew Marley
  • 5 Tech Gadgets Music Lovers Will Die For

    For musicians who are serious about moving beyond the amateur label and into the world of professional music, there's a lot that goes into being successful. And while musical skill certainly plays a key role, there's more to being a professional musician than being able to play a sick solo. Sometimes, you need a little help. Try These 5 Tech Gadgets Want to know why most people aren't able to become successful musicians? Contrary to popular belief, it has very little to do with ability. Most people simply aren't willing to commit to learning or don't want to use the right aides. Furthermore, unsuccessful musicians tend to scoff at getting help from others and denounce learning/help aides that are otherwise seen as effective by others. If you want to be successful and take your musical talents to the next level, you need to use the right aides. That means checking out the following tech gadgets and tools and leveraging them. 1. Topspin For musicians who are creating music and trying to build a following, nothing is more powerful than the internet. And while social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are important, you also need to use Topspin. This services lets you collect email addresses, engage followers, and even sell music and merchandise through your profile. Definitely consider using it if you're serious about expanding your online presence. 2. Pryma Headphones Few things are more important than the way in which you hear music. While there's something powerful about listening to music with a group of people, there are plenty of moments when you have to slip on a pair of headphones and listen on your own. In these moments, you'll find the Pryma headphones to be amazing. While they cost a whopping $500, Pryma headphones are handmade in Italy using leather, copper, stainless steel, and die-cast aluminum. They look great and sound even better. 3. AfterShokz Bluez 2s Headphones There are two potential issues with listening to music through traditional headphones. To start with, you may be wrecking your eardrums. While this still isn't a known scientific fact, there are plenty of studies that highlight the detrimental impact of in-ear headphones. Secondly, wearing headphones greatly reduces your situational awareness. This can be dangerous when driving, walking on a busy street, or doing any number of other things. The solution is the AfterShokz Blues 2s, headphones that don't actually go inside or over your ears. Instead, they rest on your cheeks and deliver music through the bones in your face. Pretty cool, huh? 4. Snark Super Tight All Instrument Tuner There are a lot of good tuners on the market. And while they all work pretty well when you're sitting in your bedroom and strumming to yourself, very few do an adequate job of properly tuning a guitar when you're on stage or in a loud environment. This Snark tuner is different. It tunes based on vibrations, which means it's accurate, even when other instruments are being played. 5. The Shredneck There are a lot of times when you want to practice guitar, but can't because you're in an environment where you don't have your guitar or can't easily pull it out. This is where the Shredneck is super valuable. It's a standalone tool that's essentially the neck of a guitar and lets you practice scales, pull-offs, hammer-ons, and picking patterns wherever you are. Use the Right Tools There's no magical recipe for becoming a successful musician. However, if you're willing to commit to learning, you'll do well for yourself. The aforementioned gadgets should help.

    Larry Alton
  • The Top 7 Technology Upgrades Employees Want to See

    Technology is most often designed to make life easier for employees and employers alike, but not all technology systems and policies comply with this vision. Companies face a number of challenges when finding and implementing new technologies for their workers, including managing expenses, finding the "right" platforms to use, minimizing dissonance when switching systems, and navigating the red tape of bureaucratic decision-making. But ultimately, employees are the ones who will use the technology you provide for them, and their performance depends on getting the right tech in their hands. So what does that tech look like? Most Desired Upgrades These are some of the most demanded technology upgrades, according to workers: 1. Better training software. Better training software allows you to get new people on the job faster, more efficiently, and with greater confidence. Not only does this improve productivity and make your turnover smoother, it better integrates employees into their work environments so they're more confident and better empowered in their individual roles. Software like TalentLMS offers gamification elements to better engage employees, and cross-platform compatibility so your employees can use it pretty much anywhere. 2. Better project management software. After training, your employees will be spending most of their time working on various tasks and projects, according to their team and managers' needs. If your project management system is a mess, it won't matter how efficient or productive your workers are—they'll wind up confused and frustrated. Tech products like Producteev attempt to make life easier by intuitively organizing high-level projects and low-level tasks, so all your workers and supervisors stay on the same page. Every business has different types of projects to work on and productivity goals to aim for, so do your research here. 3. More consistent, integrated communication tech. Everything in business requires some degree of communication, and the better your communication tech is, the more efficiently and accurately your workers will be able to exchange information. Standard tools like Skype are a good choice, but today's worker also wants integrated solutions; for example, they would prefer to hold small conversations in the platform relevant to that conversation, rather than opening an entirely new program. That means you'll need to scout all your new software—including project management and training software—for internal communication abilities. 4. Tech that enables remote work. Remote work is a rising trend, with almost a quarter of workers doing some to all of their work at home last year. It's in demand, which means employees want better tech that enables them to work from home. Most of your internal processes should be digitized, with little to no reliance on tangible things like whiteboards, printed papers, or even physical meeting rooms. 5. Improved devices (or a BYOD policy). Employees are also starting to feel more comfortable using their own devices, rather than company-issued models. Rather than juggling multiple computers and multiple phones, having one tablet or similar device to manage everything can make life easier—especially as workers come and go from the office. Consider instituting a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policy, possibly compensating your workers for their work-related tech purchases and optimizing your policy for your company security. 6. Regular updates. Technology changes quickly. Every year, new devices flood the market that outcompete their obsolete counterparts by a wide margin; they're more reliable, they're faster, and they're capable of more complex functionality. You don't have to replace your employees' devices every year, but some kind of regular update policy can prevent your workers from being stuck with a slow or unnecessarily old device. 7. Minimalism. There are hundreds of tech products out there, but that doesn't mean you need to have hundreds of tech products running in circulation within your business. Instead, most employees would prefer a more minimalistic approach, utilizing only a handful of different solutions at any one point in time. This means it's usually better to find one or two tech products that achieve a dozen functions between them, rather than a dozen products that all specialize in different areas. It makes things less confusing and easier to learn. Balancing Costs In an ideal world, your company would have enough money and resources to buy every new technology product and update your employees' tech regularly, but that just isn't feasible, even for the richest and most profitable businesses. Your job, therefore, is to find a way to balance your employees' wants with the resources you have available. Talk to your employees to learn what they want or need the most, and set a schedule of updates that fits into your budget. Not only will it help you adhere to your technology upgrade goals, it will boost the morale of your employees as they find they have something to look forward to.

    Anna Johansson
  • Valentine's Day Gift Idea For Tech Enthusiasts

    There is surely a tech enthusiast in your family, whether it is your spouse or offspring. Valentine's Day is just around the corner, so surely you have contemplated on gift ideas. If the recipient is a tech enthusiast, you should immediately skip all options except those that are tech related. To help you choose the perfect gift for your technology lover, below are several ideas to help get you started. Digital Pencil Stylus In today's world almost everyone owns an iPhone, iPad or iPod. These electronics are very convenient, because they provide the user with instant access to the Internet. Many people spend hours on their mobile devices, surfing the Internet, chatting with friends and family members, watching videos and playing video games. If this sounds like familiar, then you should consider the digital pencil stylus as a Valentine's Day gift. The stylus is great for doodling, writing and drawing, without damaging the screen. It will offer tons of convenience, plus it stylish design looks cool and very modern. Sleep Tracking Smart Watch Smart watches have taken the world by storm, because they offer so many benefits. The smart technology embedded into the watch is capable of monitoring blood pressure levels, heart rate, steps and now sleeping patterns. Not only do these watches look cool and stylish, but they are also very useful, which makes them the perfect Valentine's Day gift for a tech lover. You will find an array of smart watch brands on the market, but the Withings Steel HR Smart Watch is creating a lot of fuss. It is also available with a black or white band, so you can easily find the perfect color to suit the recipient's personality and preferences. Mobile Photo Printer Most people utilize their smartphone as a camera, because they always have it on their persons. However, there comes a time that the user may want to share the picture with someone that does not have a smartphone. This is where the mobile phone printer will come in handy. The printer allows users to instantly create a 2" X 3" photo, which is developed on sticky-back paper. If your tech enthusiast is also a bird watcher, you will not go wrong with this gift. Plus, it connects directly to the smartphone via Bluetooth. Conclusion Valentine's Day provides an opportunity for everyone to express they feelings to their loved ones and that special person in their life. While many people may find shopping for this popular holiday a chore, others enjoy gift giving so much that they do not seem to mind. The above gift ideas will be the perfect option for that special tech admirer, so keep them in mind, while you are shopping.

    Gil Downey
  • What to Expect From The Websites of Tomorrow?

    In order to build the perfect website for your business today, you should look into the web design trends of the future. And as with any development in the IT world, the future is just around the corner! The first fundament you will need to consider is the "mobile first" approach. In 2015, the global amount of those people accessing the WWW via a mobile device overtook those surfing from their desktops. As a result, web designers and marketing agencies changed their tactics from mobile-friendly to mobile-first websites. Not the desktop sets the standards for the design of the site, but mobile devices, like smartphones and tablet computers. Designers first create a "small" version of the website and then convert the lay out and navigation to the big desktops screens. At a first glance, this might look like a step back for the companies presenting their products or services on the internet, but this approach is actually positive. They can only showcase the essence of their core content, making it clearer for the user and thus more effective. Responsive web design – key feature of any modern website Today, any website without the ability to react to the demands of the individual end-device (smartphone, tablet, or desktop) is bound to fail.In 2017, RWD becomes even more pivotal! In April 2015, Google has already introduced a new algorithm which favours mobile optimized websites. Together with the knowledge that nowadays most users access the web via their mobile devices, companies who sell products or offer services over their website simply cannot ignore RWD. A great example for a company running a business that is exclusively internet-based is one of America's most renowned DNA testing company. You can examine your DNA and order your 23andme kit from their mobile device or their desktop. RWD of the future goes beyond the ability of a website to react to the individual end device: it also reacts to the individual user! Age-responsive design: adapting content from 6 to 80+ Making a website which automatically reacts to the individual age of the user still sounds like science fiction. But it is already happening! Big Data and the ability to use this massive amount of digital information makes this development possible. Websites in 2017 will be able to adjust structure, layout, and content to a wide range of ages. Which is great, as the needs and the demands of a six-year-old are light years apart from those of a person who is 80 and older! Just as an example: Navigation menus will expand or be reduced according to the age of the user. The font size will automatically increase to make reading easier for elderly people. The colour schemes of the website will change with the individual age – from funky wild to more subtle and relaxed. Websites for the Non-ideal User! "Failure mapping" describes a practice for creating the UX (user experience) of websites. When designing a site, user flows and journey maps provide the basic framework for understanding user touch-points across the full cycle of interactions with a product or service. So far, these focused on the ideal user in terms of age, income and so on. But keeping in mind that by 2017 more than half of the world's population is going online, designers need to consider all those non-ideal users surfing the web. Thanks to failure mapping, web designers are able to build websites which can handle incorrect usage of products and services from elderly people or the gigantic and still internet-unexperienced population of the "Global South" (Africa, Latin America and most of Asia). De-Linearity Apps and Website Usage Keep it simple! This was and still is the design fundament of apps. If you look at the taxi service "Uber" for instance, the app will lead you through the process of hiring a driver with just a few very simple steps. Set the pick up, get the estimated time of arrival, pay the service, and rate your experience. But although they are very easy to use, these apps put the user on fixed rails which leaves the fun part of the UX totally out of the picture. More and more users do not want to be herded like sheep from one screen to the next, but interactively be part of the process. The De-Linearity approach addresses this demand and is one of the key web& app design trends in 2017. It honour the intelligence of the user and provides more than one navigation path through the process. These are just some of many new and upcoming web design and RWD trends for 2017. As a matter of fact: We can look forward to some fantastic developments in UX.

    Mark Magnussons
  • 6 of the Best Uses of Drones

    Drones – also known as unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) – are fun and they shoot amazing aerial videos, but that's not all drone technology can offer to humanity. Drones come in many sizes and shapes and they are perfectly suited for carrying packages or conducting aerial inspections. All around the world organisations, companies and governments have started using drones for various purposes. Amazon, DHL, UPS and NASA have invested in their own drone fleets for delivery, security surveillance and other purposes. In light of the latest developments in the industry, drones have proven that they are more than flying cameras. You have probably seen aerial photographs taken by drones and heard about drone racing, but from transporting people to beaming down Internet access, these flying robots have become a multi-purpose tool that offers the possibility of reimagining the fundamental ways humanity works. While most people are still freaking out about Amazon's plan to use drones for shipping and delivery, UAVs can do much more than just move packages. Real Estate Aerial drone photography is easier to implement in terms of price and planning when compared to the next alternative – helicopters. That's why the first commercial use of drones was to shoot videos of real estate. Using flying cameras, real estate photographers are producing stunning shots of landscapes and recording videos of residences in ways never imagined before. The laws in the USA and UK currently allow commercial, for-profit use of drones in real estate under registration and limited access. Fishing Drone fishing may sound ridiculous, but a few months ago a video captured anglers catching a giant tuna after using a drone to place their bait 100 meters off a beach. Drone enthusiasts are creative and resourceful people, to say the least. Since the release of that drone fishing video, many people have followed this trend and there's now a drone manufactured just for fishing called the AeroKontiki. Internet Access Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg has plans to bring wireless Internet to undeveloped countries around the world using the Aquila drone. WiFi drone Aquila uses solar charging panels and laser systems to beam down Internet access from 90,000 feet, covering a radius of 50 miles on the ground. The Aquila drone will be able to stay up in the air for three months and is able to deliver data at speeds of 10 Gbps. On June 28, 2016, Facebook completed its first test flight of the Aquila with success and Zuckerberg said, "Eventually, our goal is to have a fleet of Aquilas flying together at 60,000 feet, communicating with each other with lasers and staying aloft for months at a time." Aerial Inspections Drones can be equipped with all kinds of cameras and sensors. Using heat sensors, farmers use drones to monitor crops and animals. Using various cameras, drones have been used for inspecting offshore oil rigs, commercial jets, wind turbines and power lines. Human investigations are only able to go so far as people are often limited when it comes to heights, and drones can see much farther than the human eye. Companies and organisations are increasingly using drones for inspections as they face the challenges of having humans conduct inspections. Surfing This has to be one of the coolest ways a drone has ever been used. Freefly produces large drones that are waterproof and can carry 20 pounds. These drones are manufactured for the media but instead of carrying a camera, their latest drone, ALTA 8, was outfitted with a rope to pull a surfer. The drone costs $18,000 but definitely introduces a new way for surfers that doesn't depend on good waves. Fire Fighting Fighting a raging fire is one of the toughest jobs in the public service world. Firefighters are often forced to rush into a blaze, having no idea of the scope of it. Lately, the use of drones by fire departments and police agencies has grown across the globe. An aerial view from a drone help firefighters figure out the size of the fire and develop tactical methods accordingly. The idea of a New York skyscrapers swarming with tiny drones might seem like sci-fi right now, but with the latest innovations in precision and accuracy of GPS technology, it could happen in the near future. We have yet to see the changes these little flying machines will bring as the tool of the 21st century.

    Ekim Saribardak