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    Twitter delays the shutdown of legacy notification APIs until August

    Mallory Locklear
    Mallory Locklear

    Last year, Twitter announced that it would be replacing its Site Streams, User Streams and Direct Message endpoints with its new Account Activity API -- a move that some noted would impact features like push notifications and automatic refresh in third-party apps like Tweetbot, Twitterrific, Talon and Tweetings. Initially, those legacy services were scheduled to be retired in June, but due to outcry over a lack of necessary migration time, Twitter decided to delay the deprecation date. Today, Twitter announced that the Account Activity API is now available to all developers and the legacy services will be retired on August 16th.

  • AOL

    Twitter changes may bring major issues for third-party apps (updated)

    Rob LeFebvre
    Rob LeFebvre

    If you use a third-party Twitter app like Tweetbot, Twitterrific, Talon or Tweetings, you might lose a couple of key features when Twitter replaces developer access to User and Site streams with a new Account Activity API this coming June. The folks who created the apps mentioned above have created a new website to explain that, as a result, push notifications will no longer work and timelines won't refresh automatically.