

  • Kalashnikov Concern

    Kalashnikov's next military gear might be hoverbikes

    Mallory Locklear
    Mallory Locklear

    Popular Mechanics reports that a Russian defense company has developed a flying vehicle that took to the air earlier this week as manufacturers demonstrated what it can do. The hovercraft, built by Kalashnikov Concern, gets its lift from 16 sets of rotors and appears to run on battery power, not fuel. It's likely that a future version of this vehicle might be used by military as Kalashnikov is already involved in the production of guns and ammunition as well as combat vehicles and automated gun systems.

  • ICYMI: Bulletproof origami shields and hoverbikes

    Roberto Baldwin
    Roberto Baldwin

    Today on In Case You Missed It: Finally, the best part of Return of the Jedi is becoming a reality. Hoversurf Inc. is building actual hoverbikes for folks to ride. Well, not right away. It'll be a few years before you can buy one. But at least we can start saving all your nickels and dimes for a time when we can go barreling through the Redwoods like Luke and Leia.

  • Hoversurf

    Piloted hoverbike redefines 'dangerous'

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Good news: a private company has developed a manned hoverbike you might have a chance of owning one day, instead of something destined for the military or the corporate crowd. Only... you may want to take a pass on this one. Hoversurf has teased an electric quadcopter bike that offers both automated and manual control. It's marketed as safe thanks to "state of the art flight controllers" that keep checks on parameters like altitude and speed, and those are no doubt true. But, well, look at it -- you're one jolt away from losing your legs to those unprotected blades. And did we mention how easy it would be to fall off with that unrestrained, motorcycle-style seating?