

  • The 15 nastiest trash clears of WoW

    Allison Robert
    Allison Robert

    I was reading through some links while writing a follow-up to Robert's Not-So-Original WoW Miscellany when I happened across some discussions concerning the game's most agonizing trash. This is a popular subject for players, not least because complaining is a lot of fun, but I don't think anyone's going to argue that there haven't been some legitimately unpleasant trash clears in WoW. Fortunately, most of the really bad trash clears are a distant memory, but there was at least one recent one that almost everyone who raided Dragon Soul could agree on. I'm going to include both dungeons and raids here, mostly because Shattered Halls was among the first things to go on this list. After including that, I knew there were other, equally nightmarish 5-mans that had to be included in the interest of fairness.

  • The OverAchiever: More Accomplished Angler

    Allison Robert
    Allison Robert

    This week we'll finish our look at the Accomplished Angler meta-achievement. As with all matters concerning WoW fishing, El's Anglin is your best friend here, and more particularly their page on fishing-related achievements (which also addresses a few we don't cover here, as they're not part of the Accomplished Angler meta). Continuing from our previous article on the first set of Accomplished Angler achievements: The Old Gnome and the Sea Apparently someone at Blizzard is a Hemingway enthusiast. At any rate, this achievement's easy as pie, and you'll get it after fishing successfully from any pool of fish in the game (although it does have to be fish -- it can't be the wreckage pools you need for The Scavenger). You can get this doing either of the following achievements --

  • Things that annoy me

    Allison Robert
    Allison Robert

    Or, how to celebrate the birth of a nation via an ugly series of Horde losses in Arathi Basin:1. Every single Alliance character in the game has a Black War Tiger.2. Every single Horde character in the game has a Black War Raptor (yes, myself included).3. I could be wrong, but I don't think "Lich King" is pronounced "Lick King," as I keep hearing it pronounced on my server.4. However, it might be because the word looks somewhat Germanic, and I will be unable to keep a straight face for the duration of the next expansion.5. To the point of losing it completely if I hear "World of Warcraft: WRAAAAAAATH OF THE LICK KING" intoned by the Deep-Voiced Serious Trailer Guy.6. How male human characters run. There's a lot of great animation in the game. This is not one of them.7. Practically every main-tank of every Hordeside raiding guild is a male Tauren.8. An egotistical male Tauren. Look, Spanky, just because Bulwark of Azzinoth is bigger on you than anybody else does not mean that the same is true of appendages elsewhere.

  • Exploit or not?

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    I was scanning the internets for my nefarious purposes (I was bored. Yes, nefarious boredom.) when I came upon this thread in the Dungeons and Raids forum. While the discussion is not particularly polite, it seems poster Selenae of Mannoroth would like to know if a particular method of killing Archimonde is considered an exploit or not. From watching the video and reading the various posts, it seems that the method in question is to cluster on a hilltop in order to avoid having to deal with Doomfires. Now, I'm not sure if it means that they get Air Bursted more this way or not... to be honest, I could barely watch the video, the cluttered UI made my eyes hurt.Some posters seem to be of the opinion that this is 'cheesing' the encounter, while others compare it to ducking behind the pillars on Talon King Ikiss or ducking below the water to avoid spouts on The Lurker Below. So i put it to you, dear readers: when is terrain use 'creative use of game mechanics' and when is it an exploit? In the case of the Archimonde encounter, is not having to worry about the fear/doomfire combination really that big a deal? Or is the exploit inherent in the removal of the doomfire from the encounter entirely? Go ahead, discuss, mix it up, the comments await you.

  • Guildwatch: Unannounced visitors? Preparations must be made...

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Let's face it-- anybody can down Attumen. A Karazhan PUG can drop Attumen in their sleep. But Moroes is the first real boss of Karazhan. If you can get him down, you're ready to roll all the way up to Curator. Finishing that undead steward off for the first time just feels so good.News of Moroes downings and more in this week's GW, which starts right after the jump. Send us you drama, downed, and recruiting tips, as always, at Click the link below to read on!