

  • PS3 Poll Police: Your TGS Predictions

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    The Tokyo Game Show is right around the corner and with it, some undoubtedly large announcements by Sony and the other console giants. Not to be rude, but the Poll Police aren't interested in the others at the moment -- they need your help in deciphering the big announcements to come and it's going to take two weeks! This week the Poll Police have compiled what they feel would be the biggest announcements Sony could belt out during the show, but your duty does not end at casting a vote this week. Should you feel another announcement is bigger and/or better, leave a comment informing us so next week we can pitch those suggestions against this week's most talked about prediction. Without further ado, the Poll Police's ideas. Which of these could be Sony's biggest announcement at TGS? A new, rumbling Sixaxis Firmware 2.00 features (custom soundtracks, etc) The lineup of NCSoft MMO's Home gets true release date PlayStation Store redesign pollcode.com free polls We omitted most game-related announcements (Home isn't really a "game", per se) because there's the possibility of so very many. Those five are the ones most likely to get a mention, the Poll Police feel, but they are by no means all big announcements to come -- that's where you come in. Vote on these, let us know if you feel something has been horribly overlooked and next week, we'll have a battle royale amongst the biggest possible TGS announcements that may or may not occur. If you're curious about last week's poll, check the results after the jump to see how many of your friends have been Warhawk'd.

  • PS3 Poll Police: Have you gotten Warhawk'd yet?

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    The Poll Police have stumbled across a new epidemic sweeping the globe, originating from a game called Warhawk. This disease, tentatively titled Warhawk'd, is a degenerative disease that causes those affected to sink into their couch in euphoric bliss, idling away time playing the PS3's greatest downloadable online experience. With that in mind, the Poll Police need your help once again to measure the breadth of this affliction -- have you been Warhawk'd? That is, have you purchased Warhawk? Have you gotten Warhawk? Yes, I'm totally Warhawk'd. Not yet, but soon. I don't really plan on it. pollcode.com free polls The staff of PS3 and PSP Fanboy have all been taken down by this crushing disease and they couldn't be happier. They're curious to your status, even. What is everyone's rank? When you cast your vote, leave a comment telling everyone your rank to show who is in the "later stages" of the Warhawk'd epidemic. If you're curious about last week's poll results, they are after the jump as usual.

  • PS3 Poll Police: Are PS3 titles overshadowing one another?

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    The poll police make yet another triumphant return this week, despite the rainstorms plaguing their office. Even though they lost power and internet for most of the day, they worked by candlelight, researching files and folders of recent rumors and PS3-related gatherings until once more, the poll police call upon you for help. This week, the poll regards three upcoming titles that have all been hyped up since before the launch of the PlayStation 3: Warhawk, Lair, and Heavenly Sword. These titles are all coming out with little time between them, so now we ask: which one of these games is getting eclipsed by the others? What upcoming PS3 title is getting eclipsed? Warhawk Lair Heavenly Sword pollcode.com free polls Don't read too much into the poll, rather, listen to the poll police's logic (good or not). Since Warhawk is coming out first, some may pass it by since they plan to purchase the latter two anyway and can't stomach the investment for two or all three. Some might pass on Lair because they're still playing Warhawk, but will pick up Heavenly Sword since it comes out a bit later. Even still, Heavenly Sword may get ignored because it comes out last in the trilogy of releases. Some people might not want to buy it, as they're still enjoying the other two. This is all assuming more than one of these games interests you, but if not, just think abstractly about which of these titles is most likely to get overshadowed. Last week's poll results are after the jump.

  • PS3 Poll Police: Is Ratchet and Clank a hit or miss for you?

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    The sirens echo off the walls of your living room, bedroom, or wherever you stow away your computer and/or television setup as the Poll Police roll in once again to question all your motives. This week we've heard a lot about the upcoming Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction, but we've forgotten one major issue that needs to be resolved: how many of you care? Platformers are generally excellent games but have been cut down to very few successful franchises. This week, the Poll Police want to know how you feel about the game. How important is Ratchet and Clank to you? It's easily a day one purchase. I'll pick it up eventually. I may try it out first. It's just not my type of game. pollcode.com free polls If you're curious about last week's poll results, go ahead and click through to see if your fellow readers take game reviews into consideration with their purchases. As a whole, negative reviews for videogames will ultimately affect how the game sells, but it's only pertinent to those in a very small market anymore. Even so, people read reviews in the first place because they want to know if the game is worth the effort to play.

  • PS3 Poll Police: Is Lair still worth it or not?

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    The Poll Police have heard rumors that Lair isn't getting reviewed well in a magazine or two and have started a new investigation to see whether or not word-of-mouth from a handful of reviewers will bring substantial harm to a game's sales or not. The title, mixing dragons and death in what should be a heavy-metal-like winning combination, has been talked up over the past year and a half to be the first title to truly showcase the PS3's ability as well as new and original IPs to come. So, the Poll Police charge you with answering the following poll: despite reviews, would you still pick up Lair? Is Lair still worth it if reviews are mediocre? Reviews be damned, I want my Lair! Lair be damned, I take reviews to heart! pollcode.com free polls We'll still be getting the title so we can bring you our own review of the game, but the effect reviews have on game sales is always a popular debate. The only true way to decide if a game is right for you is to play it yourself, after all. In any case, feel free to check out the answers to last week's poll about Warhawk. The results may actually surprise you.

  • PS3 Poll Police: Will you get the retail version of Warhawk or download?

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    The Poll Police are back on track and updating their data files on the information that's most pertinent to their ongoing investigation. What are they investigating? We're sorry -- that's classified information. But to reach their conclusion, they need your help yet again. You may recall recently the debate over the mysterious pricing of the downloadable version of upcoming multiplayer game Warhawk. Even more importantly, you may remember the announcement of said mysterious price -- $40 for the downloadable version, $60 for the retail. The question this week is simple: which are you more likely to purchase? Recall the retail version comes with a bluetooth wireless headset, behind the scenes videos and a physical Blu-ray disc, while the downloadable version is just the game. Will you buy the retail or downloadable version of Warhawk? I'll buy the retail version. I'll just download it. pollcode.com free polls That's that. If you want to see the results from last week's less serious, but still very important question for our investigation, go ahead and take the jump.

  • PS3 Poll Police: What is your gaming snack of choice?

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    The Poll Police had to take a stop and pick up a few dozen donuts today, so they're a little late this time around. Surely you won't hold it against them? Since they've only got limited time, they insist to dive right into the poll for this week. The question for this week is a little odd, but it's a fantastic way to gauge what kind of gamer you truly are. Are you ready to succumb to the strong arm of the internet poll law? Whilst gaming, what is your snack of choice? Just liquids -- solids are a bit messy. Chips, pretzels Cookies, desserts Sandwiches, hamburgers, hot dogs TV Dinners Pizza Full course meals I don't eat while playing. pollcode.com free polls We at PS3 Fanboy, of course, eat full course meals while we balance the controller on one knee and work both sides of the controller with one hand. It's very hard, but what can we say? We're that hardcore. If you're curious about last week's poll results, check them out after the jump.

  • PS3 Poll Police: Will the PS3 shine brighter in '07 or '08?

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Poll Police here, searching desperately for a good question to ask our avid interviewees. With the Summer gaming season coming to a close, our hearts beat in anticipation for the fall and holiday titles -- fifteen exclusives, if we recall the E3 speech correctly. With that in mind, there hasn't been much comparison between consoles for 2008. We know that Sony has a lot planned -- exclusives such as Final Fantasy XIII may not even hit until 2009 -- but we haven't heard much future-talk from our friends at Nintendo or Microsoft. This leads us to our poll question for this week: Will the PlayStation 3 shine brighter this holiday season with its lush lineup of exclusive titles, or will it burst forth a corona of excellence from its bright core in 2008, casting shadows on the competition? As you can see, metaphors to the sun are popular today. Will the PS3 shine brightest in '07 or in '08? '07 is Sony's shining star! '08 will burn Sony's lamp the brightest! pollcode.com free polls If you're curious about last week's poll results, take the jump and see what you, the readers of PS3 Fanboy, have decided to personally dub the rumble-enabled Sixaxis controller. It's not an official naming, but this is what most of you will probably jokingly refer to the controller in our comments section, or to friends who hold the controller in awe of its fantastic new technological capacity.

  • PS3 Poll Police: Name the new Sixaxis controller!

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    It's over. E3 is finished. Sony, you had a good showing, but we're still unsure of something. The Poll Police have sifted through their archives and have come up with five potential namings of their latest criminal -- the new Sixaxis controller featuring Immersion's TouchSense technology. It's fancy rumble, really. Not like the last-gen off-kilter weight hammers. With that in mind, the Poll Police are asking you, the readers, to pinpoint which of these five is most likely to enter your home. That is, what name would you most like to see emblazoned on the new contoller? What would you call the new rumble controller? Dual Shock 3 ShockAxis RumblAxis TouchAxis VibrAxis pollcode.com free polls We'll inform you of your results next week. All of the above names are excellent candidates and we're quite interested to see which comes out the victor, though we've got it nailed down to two, ourselves. After you've voted, why not check out last week's poll result? It's right after the jump.

  • PS3 Poll Police: What hardware announcement will wait for TGS?

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Welcome to the final installment of the Pre-E3 (or PrE-3) Poll Police. This week, we want to ask all our readers what they think, hardware-wise, Sony is most likely not to unveil at E3. That is, what announcement will they keep up their sleeves to steal the show at the Tokyo Game Show? We've got a few ideas and you're going to vote on them! What announcement will Sony keep for TGS? The price cut. The Rumbling Sixaxis. A larger hard-drive SKU. Video-on-demand features. A complete PS Store redesign. XMB access during games, movies, etc. Different color PS3's! pollcode.com free polls We appreciate your votes and are completely aware there could be something else lurking in the shadows from Sony regarding the PS3. These are fairly common and popular hearsay, though, so we'll stick to these options. If you have a better idea, stick it in the comments section. Be sure to take the jump and check out the results from last week's poll!

  • PS3 Poll Police: What do you not expect at E3? [update 1]

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    [Update: Poll has changed, so please cast your votes again if you voted on the old version!]It's already Sunday again? We suppose we have to put our voting uniforms back on and arrest a moment of your time to vote once more. This week marks the second part of our E3 interrogation. Our question this time is more of a large "what if ... " scenario, but we like to think about surprises. What would surprise you most at E3? What kind of announcement would drive you crazy? This week will be software and next week we'll focus on surprise hardware announcements. Yes, that's right, part two of the E3 questionnaire is two parts long, too. What software would surprise you at E3? God of War 3 A new game from Team ICO Silent Hill 5 Resident Evil 5 Jak and Daxter Sly Cooper 4 Soul Calibur 4 Rise of the Argonauts Final Fantasy VII Remake Zone of the Enders 3 Other (specify) pollcode.com free polls There are an infinite number of games that simply should not be at E3, but those are some of the biggest ones we'd consider a surprise. Most of those aren't even slated for release, keeping a TBA 2008 stamp just for show. If you want to see the results from last week's poll, check it out after the jump. As always, thanks for your vote!

  • PS3 Poll Police: What do you expect at E3?

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    The Poll Police were on vacation last week, so you got a clean break from that pesky vote of yours. Did you miss us? We're back and we've got quite an ambitious agenda this week. Keeping with that, our poll question this week will be part one of a two-part question about the upcoming E3. This week, we ask you what you expect to be at E3 in regards to things that should be there. What we mean is: Killzone 2 has been in the works for a while, so it should be there. Will it roll or will it bounce? Perhaps a better explanation will be to check out the poll itself. What software at E3 do you expect to blow you away? Killzone better knock my socks off! LittleBigPlanet will be cutesy fun! A giant Home kiosk? Count me in! More WarHawk, please! Metal Gear Solid 4. Playable or trailer, it don't matter. Final Fantasy XIII, playable or trailer, it's an RPG! Heavenly Sword is always the bestest. Lair, as dragons are sexy beasts. Uncharted should be playable and play great! Definitely Ratchet and Clank. pollcode.com free polls Those are the heavy-hitters we'll let you choose from this week. We'll be back next week to give you the second part of the question -- you'll just have to guess what it is until next Sunday. In the meantime, check out the results from the last Poll Police after the jump.

  • PS3 Poll Police: What is your all-time favorite console?

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    The Poll Police need to bring you in for questioning again, this time to see if you've been harboring foreign consoles in your media center. While it's not a crime, we are curious to see what console has held the most of your love. Not necessarily gauged in playtime, but the console that really got you into gaming, or had that one game you just could not get enough of. We're not going to be putting every console known to man on the poll, but we'll cover the heavy-hitters. What is your favorite console, like, ever? Atari 2600 The Nintendo Entertainment System Sega Master System Super NES Sega Genesis Sega Saturn Nintendo 64 PlayStation the First Microsoft Xbox Nintendo Lunchbox-cube PlayStation the Second Nintendo Wii Microsoft Xbox 360 Sega Dreamcast PlayStation 3, naturally. pollcode.com free polls There are obviously a lot of choices, so we'll obviously need a lot of answers! If you want to see the results of last weeks poll, we'll discuss it after the jump.

  • PS3 Poll Police: Would you like to see PS3 Fanboy Theatre?

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    You can call it "theater" if you want, but it's the same thing. What are we talking about? The Poll Police are curious, not about your drinking habits, but about your willingness to accept an idea we've got brewing called PS3 Fanboy Theatre. Imagine this: downloadable game and movie trailers, up to 1080p. If you get that streaming function working on your PS3, you could easily stick 'em on there, or just open up the site on your PS3 to download them that way (javascript disabled, of course). To get an idea what it would look like, check out PSP Fanboy Theatre. Our poll this week is to gauge whether or not you, the readers, would be interested in such a feature. Would you care to see PS3 Fanboy Theatre? I would gladly check it out! I'd rather not. pollcode.com free polls After you get your vote on, feel free to check out the results from last week's poll. The result was predictable, but still worth looking at anyway. Even if just to see how many people are sick of a certain type of game.

  • PS3 Poll Police: What kind of game are you really sick of?

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Welcome back to another edition of the PS3 Fanboy Poll Police. We're going to crack down on the biggest offenders this week -- namely, those games that seem to saturate the market and induce a wave of eye-rolling when a new one is announced. We're not out to pounce on developers for making certain types of games. We just want to warn them that, while we're in a new console cycle, maybe they should branch out and try to make something different. Without further ado, our poll. What type of game are you just plain sick of? Sandbox games! "Street" style racing games! Driving Sims! Those pesky 3-D fighters! World War II themed games! Japanese Role-Playing games Western RPGs (there's a difference)! Artsy-fartsy games! These classic arcade titles! Actually, I love all games equally ... pollcode.com free polls Have fun voting for this one -- it's tough to choose for us. If you want to see the results of last week's poll, go ahead and click over to the continued section.

  • PS3 Poll Police: What game excited you most from Gamer's Day?

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Do you hear the sirens? We've come for you again. It's the Poll Police and this week we want to know (and subsequently measure) your reaction to Sony's Gamer's Day. We had a lot of galleries for you to check out and a lot of games went from "it looks okay" to "holy crap!" We're curious -- which game has gotten you most excited thanks to Gamer's Day? We've left out titles like Final Fantasy XIII and Metal Gear Solid 4 because they weren't featured, though they're completely viable reasons to get excited. Have fun! Which high-profile title has you pumped after Gamer's Day? Heavenly Sword Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Lair Folklore Devil May Cry 4 SOCOM Eye of Judgment LittleBigPlanet Um... Home? Ratchet and Clank Other -- drop it in the comment section! pollcode.com free polls If you want to know the results of last week's poll, hit the continued link below and we'll amuse you.