

  • The Tattered Notebook: Dave Georgeson on EQII's Children of War

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    Even though Destiny of Velious has only been out for a couple of months, EverQuest II is about to see some big improvements and new content in the upcoming Game Update 60, Children of War. Despite the recent cuts to Sony Online Entertainment's staff, the team working on EQII seems more focused than ever, and over the past couple of weeks, fans have received a constant stream of information on both near- and long-term plans for the game. In this week's Tattered Notebook, Senior Producer Dave "SmokeJumper" Georgeson was kind enough to take some time to talk about the future of EverQuest II. In a bit of a surprise, he discusses how the team will continue to release Velious content in the form of regular updates rather than a larger part II as originally planned. He also gives some detail on highlights from the next update as well as future plans. Multiple housing, deity changes, the Freeport revamp -- Georgeson sheds some light on all that and more. Read on for the interview!

  • The Daily Grind: Do you care if players get free max-level characters?

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Poor Dave Georgeson. All he wanted was a bit of discussion regarding the possible (not definite, nor even probable) implementation of free level-90 characters as an enticement for returning to EverQuest II. What he got was a 16-page (and counting) thread full of whining about how it's grossly unfair to those who've "worked" for their levels. Never you mind the fact that Guild Wars has had a similar system in place for the last six years, or that Age of Conan started giving away free levels (and, essentially, free max-level characters if you subscribe long enough) in 2010. Georgeson ran afoul of that segment of the MMORPG-playing population that loves to grind, and the only thing that certain grind fans seem to enjoy more than the treadmill is forcing other players to partake of it with them. What about you, Massively folk? Are you outraged that some folks consider the grind an unfortunate (and disposable) fact of MMO life, or are you content to live and let live? Do you care about free max-level characters? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • EverQuest II's Georgeson mentions free max-level toons, community foams at the mouth

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    EverQuest II producer Dave "Smokejumper" Georgeson recently touched off a firestorm of controversy by asking the fantasy game's community how it would feel about a win-back promotion featuring free max-level characters. Predictably, the howls of protest are still reverberating around the internet, and EQ2Wire has a bit of analysis regarding both the discussion and the high-level flying mount portion of the game's latest expansion that led to it. Despite the fact that Georgeson was clearly engaging in a bit of speculative thinking with the community (i.e., there are no plans for EQII insta-90s), and despite the fact that Guild Wars has been offering max-level PvP toons since 2005, the EQII discussion quickly turned hostile and demonstrated the minefields that developers must occasionally navigate when engaging their playerbase.

  • The Tattered Notebook: If we all look cool, how do we know who's really cool?

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    Last week, we looked at the amazing job that EverQuest II does with providing ways to make your character look unique. EQII is one of the best when it comes to making your character look special, cool, and fitting of who you are. But there's another side of this coin, and as one forum poster has rightfully pointed out, the best-looking items aren't always the best items in the game. As Rayven2 noted recently on the official forums: A good example is the Elemental War Sword. Sure it drops from an easy-mode mob, but it's a 4x raid and takes time and effort to beat (at least the first time you do it). The sword should look somewhat cool, but the graphic is just the same reused sword graphic painted gold. The chillborne sword is the one that has the particle effects for 200SC. So you bust your hump beating a mob that took 24 people to take down only to get a reward that looks worse than an appearance weapon anyone can acquire for little or no effort. None of the scout weapons look anywhere as cool as the SC daggers out there. Senior Producer Dave "SmokeJumper" Georgeson replied, saying, "It's a fair point, although if we're not paying attention to that now, it's by oversight, not by intent. Everyone wants something cool looking (not just cool stats) when they overcome big challenges. That's natural." In this week's Tattered Notebook, we'll take a closer look at "looking cool" and how the rise of cash shops has changed the way we view each other.

  • New EQII producer's letter outlines roadmap for 2011

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Recent layoffs at SOE may have caused a certain amount of trepidation in terms of future development on some of the company's most popular titles. Thankfully, the most recent Producer's Letter from Dave "SmokeJumper" Georgeson should put many EverQuest II players' minds at ease. He took some time to sit down and give us an outline of plans the EverQuest II developers have for 2011, indicating that things are very good for the game's future. Those who purchased the most recent expansion, Destiny of Velious, will be glad to hear that en route is even more content that will further expand on the Age's End Prophecy storyline. That content will only be available to those who picked up the expansion, however, so if you've been thinking about getting it, now would be a good time. Next up, it appears that Freeport is going to be getting a pretty heavy makeover both in terms of layout and what it will offer to players -- along with becoming a single zone open to flying mounts! We don't want to spoil you for all the interesting information mentioned, so if you're curious, head over to the EverQuest II site and check out the newest Producer's Letter.

  • The Tattered Notebook: More on flying mounts, public quests, and prestige homes

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    SOE has been slowly getting new information out about Destiny of Velious. As part of an ongoing promotion to showcase the upcoming expansion, Senior Producer Dave "SmokeJumper" Georgeson and Greg "Rothgar" Spence took part in the second installment of the Destiny of Velious webcast. They took the opportunity to elaborate on topics from the first show and also revealed some exciting new features. In this week's Tattered Notebook, we'll look at the highlights of last Friday's webcast. Read on to hear more about flying mounts, prestige housing, and public quests.

  • The Tattered Notebook: Highlights from the Destiny of Velious webcast

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    With Destiny of Velious just around the corner, the team at SOE has announced a webcast schedule to provide details about the upcoming expansion and answer player questions. The first one was this past Friday and was attended by Senior Producer Dave "SmokeJumper" Georgeson and Siliam "Silius" Grant, whom Vanguard fans might recognize. While the show was brief, the duo did touch on many different areas -- from itemization to raids and even to the addition of new public quests. Read on for highlights from the first Velious question-and-answer session.

  • EverQuest II Destiny of Velious webcast schedule released

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    The EverQuest II development team is gearing up for the long-awaited Destiny of Velious expansion, and part of said gearing up involves disseminating information to the masses. Starting today at 4:00 p.m. PST, SOE will be hosting a series of live webcasts designed to spread the word about Velious as well as give anxious players a chance to have their questions heard. The webcasts will be taking place every Friday for the next month, with various guests and topics scheduled for each. Tonight's segment features Dave "Smokejumper" Georgeson and Salim "Silius" Grant, and the duo is scheduled to talk a bit about new Velious zones, raids, and more. Player-submitted questions are also on the docket, so visit the official EQII forums to submit yours. If you're looking for a bit of a preview, head to EQ2Wire, where Feldon shares his experiences with past SOE webcasts as well as the full schedule.

  • EQII Destiny of Velious beta in full swing

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    News of SOE's EverQuest II has been fairly sparse as of late. Aside from the recent server merges and a somewhat controversial vampire race, it's been pretty quiet relative to the deluge of information that followed last summer's free-to-play conversion. Presumably, the SOE gnomes have been too busy bustling about with the creation of EQII's next expansion to provide any headline fodder, and exhibit A is the fact that the Destiny of Velious beta is rolling right along. EQ2Wire's Feldon mentions community reports of the ongoing beta (which is under a strict NDA at this point), and he also provides a helpful sign-up link (viewing it requires SOE account credentials), as well as a link to producer Dave "Smokejumper" Georgeson's thoughts on the early closed beta process. "Depending on how many folks pile into the beta, and how many testers we need, we may authorize extra groups of people later this month. Stay tuned for more details," Georgeson writes.

  • The Tattered Notebook: EverQuest II's year in review

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    EverQuest II may be the ripe old age of six, but it certainly isn't showing signs of slowing down. With 2010 coming to a close, it's time to look back on the past year, which was marked with several major changes to the game. Read on for The Tattered Notebook's year in review, and then share your memories of the past year in EverQuest II.

  • Trading platinum for Station Cash items OK with EQII's Georgeson

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    EQ2Wire has an interesting tidbit regarding the exchange of platinum (EverQuest II's in-game currency) and items purchased with SOE's Station Cash. With players now able to gift Station Cash items, EQII vets wondered aloud on the game's official boards if trading some of their surplus plat for SC paraphernalia would lead to a ban. Surprisingly, EQII producer Dave "Smokejumper" Georgeson took a laissez faire approach to the discussion, in effect saying that players are welcome to the trades provided they're not facilitated by any third parties. "We really don't want to put a hard value on platinum to SC conversion rates, so we would probably only step in on this if we thought it was going to cause us legal headaches in the future. So...if kept on the low-down, it'll never cause problems. But if someone put up a website selling items officially with posted conversion rates, I have a feeling that legal might want to step in and stop it to avoid issues. Make sense? Keep it person-to-person and I don't think this will ever be an issue," he wrote. In addition to the exchange discussion, EQ2Wire's Feldon chimes in with a brief analysis of the game's economy and inflation troubles that's worth a read if you're thinking of heading back to the world of Norrath.

  • The Tattered Notebook: Station cash, server merges, and musings from the community

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Welcome to another chapter of The Tattered Notebook. There's a ton to talk about this week, as our favorite game has been making news left and right, in both its traditional and free-to-play flavors. Pull up a chair and grab a cup of your favorite beverage as we delve into our semi-monthly look at what's turning heads and generating discussion in the EverQuest II community. As it turns out, nothing stirs the pot more than server merges (and maybe Station Cash), and in this week's edition we'll highlight a few noteworthy conversations you may have missed. Turn the page for more.

  • EQII Live server merges begin this November

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    In a move that should surprise no one, Sony Online Entertainment has announced it will be officially merging EQII Live servers beginning this fall. Sixteen shards will be affected, though notably populated servers such as Antonia Bayle, Lucan D'Lere, Nagafen, and Crushbone are not among them (nor are the Live Gamer shards Vox and The Bazaar). EQII producer Dave "Smokejumper" Georgeson cautions that the merges won't happen quickly, as there is a lot of work to be done. The trade-off is that "bigger population density on a server is just simply more fun for everyone involved, so it's time to get it done," he writes. For the complete listing, check out the announcement on the official website, and also hit up this thread for more discussion and details.

  • Unlimited EQII character slots coming October 5th

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    If you're anything like us, you're a raging altoholic with an EQII character select screen crammed full of ratonga wizards, barbarian monks, froglok swashbucklers, and any number of other funky race/class permutations. One of the great joys of SOE's long-running EverQuest sequel is the huge number of races and classes available for play and now, courtesy of an update coming your way October 5th, Norrathians will no longer be limited to a select number of character slots. EQII producer Dave "Smokejumper" Georgeson announced the good news in a post on the official forums. "We've solved some technical issues recently and we can now offer character slots for sale," he writes. Each additional slot will be permanently tied to your account after a one-time purchasing fee of 1000 Station Cash ($10.00), and there is no limit to the number of additional slots you can buy. The service will also be available on both the Live and F2P servers.

  • EQII's Georgeson on LotRO comparisons, class manifestos, and more

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    With all the folks popping into the newly free-to-play world of Norrath lately, it's easy to forget that EQ2X has been a beta product up to this point. Now, with the testing tag gone away for good, Massively has taken the opportunity to sit down with SOE producer Dave "Smokejumper" Georgeson to get his take on how the grand experiment is going. Join us after the cut for a revealing discussion about Everquest II's new F2P flavor, the state of the Live servers, comparisons with Lord of the Rings Online's recent business model conversion, class manifestos, and a possible dungeon finder.

  • The Tattered Notebook: Community rumblings

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Ah, the Everquest II community. A fascinating melting pot of cynical veterans, middle-of-the-road types, and now (thanks to EQ2X), fresh-faced new bloods. While there is no shortage of informational destinations about the world of Norrath to be found around the web, the best is still the official boards when you're looking for up-to-the-minute anecdotes about the game (courtesy of its most passionate players). In this week's Tattered Notebook, I break down a few of the more interesting discussions from the past couple of weeks, many of them dealing with the recently released GU57, EQ2X, and of course the future of Norrath in both Live and F2P flavors. Turn the page for more.

  • Exclusive: EQII F2P interview with Dave Georgeson

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Earlier today SOE dropped the F2P bomb that is EverQuest II Extended, and Massively was on the front lines to bring you the scoop first. We also sat down with lead producer Dave Georgeson to chat about the particulars of the new service, as well as get his take on where the industry is heading. He had a number of interesting nuggets to share, about not only the game's alternate F2P business model, but also the fact that SOE is keen on respecting the wishes of its core player base. Read all about it after the cut.

  • EverQuest II jumps on the F2P bandwagon

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    var digg_url = ''; Despite assurances as recently as last month that EverQuest II wouldn't be going free-to-play, Sony Online Entertainment today announced that the game is doing just that... sort of. EverQuest II Extended is slated for a beta launch on August 17th, and features a separate server set providing all of the game's original content via the insanely popular F2P business model. "The very nature of an MMO is change, and the decision to create Extended was fueled by evolution of the industry landscape," says EQII lead producer Dave Georgeson. "By offering two services side by side we have given the power to our players to determine the program that best fits their game play style." Extended will allow access to all zones through The Shadow Odyssey, sans subscription, credit card info, or software purchases. Players will be able to purchase additional perks (such as races, levels 80 - 90, statistical gear, and potions) through the marketplace. Existing EQII subscribers will also be able to transfer their characters to the F2P servers, albeit without their gold. Bags, no-trade items, and attuned items will be transferred. Extended also offers a yearly subscription priced at $200 USD, which equals out to $16.66 per month. SOE is chipping in 60 Station Cash to make up the difference. Check out the membership matrix for all the details on the new service, and stay with Massively for our interview with Dave Georgeson later today. [Update: That interview can be found here.]