

  • Dominic Fike Fortnite concert

    Epic built a real-life soundstage for in-game 'Fortnite' concerts

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    A concert series starts Party Royale this Saturday, but iOS players can't join in the fun.

  • AOL

    Google hires Vive and Oculus developer to bolster its VR team

    Rob LeFebvre
    Rob LeFebvre

    If you want to see the potential of virtual reality, check out SoundStage: a virtual reality music sandbox app for the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. Google just snapped up developer Logan Olson for its VR team, further proving the company's continued interest in becoming a true player in the space.

  • ICYMI: Drunk dogbot and VR music machine

    Kerry Davis
    Kerry Davis

    try{document.getElementById("aol-cms-player-1").style.display="none";}catch(e){}Today on In Case You Missed It: An Osaka University robotics lab produced a dog robot that can run six miles per hour while being the most uncoordinated robot you've seen (that works), and the Soundstage app lets users set up a recording studio to rock out with a VR headset on. The Sunday breakfast machine is worth seeing, as is the winning entry in Amazon's robot Picking Challenge. As always, please share any interesting tech or science videos you find by using the #ICYMI hashtag on Twitter for @mskerryd.

  • Qualcomm's universal AllPlay streaming now works with Spotify

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Qualcomm's AllPlay is supposed to deliver a world of simple, universal media streaming, and it just came a lot closer to realizing that vision by both landing a raft of new partners and widening its app program. You can now stream to AllPlay devices using several additional music services, including Spotify; if you want to blast that new album on every system in the house, you can. Appropriately, both Fon's Gramofon media hub and Monster's SoundStage speakers will now take your AllPlay tunes.

  • More details on D-Link's upcoming 7-inch SideStage USB monitor

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    We swung by D-Link's booth at CES to check out its upcoming SideStage USB-powered monitor, hoping to see the thing in action and get some more details ahead of its release. What we found was quite familiar looking, to say the least. D-Link was disappointingly just demoing a Nanovision, but was quick to point out this would not be the product destined for a full US release sometime this summer. That new display will still be produced by Nanovision, but will be modified to better suit our market, graced with a different logo, and cheaper, too. No firm price yet, but the company is targeting sub-$100, which sounds good to us.