

  • Failbetter Games

    Get your first taste of 'Sunless Skies' on August 30th

    Mallory Locklear
    Mallory Locklear

    Sunless Skies, the sequel to Sunless Sea that reached its Kickstarter goal in just four hours, will be available for Early Access play on August 30th. Kickstarter backers will get their key via email and anybody else who would like to play and provide feedback can get the game for 10 percent of its regular $25 price during the first week of release.

  • Failbetter Games

    Nautical horror game 'Sunless Sea' heads to iPad

    Derrick Rossignol
    Derrick Rossignol

    Aquatic RPG Sunless Sea has been a big win for British indie developer Failbetter Games. The well-reviewed game has sold half a million copies since its 2015 PC release, and soon, iPad users will be able to get in on the Victorian Gothic adventure. Not long after sequel Sunless Skies very quickly exceeded its Kickstarter funding goal, Failbetter Games announced that Sunless Sea is headed to iPad on March 23rd.