
Get your first taste of 'Sunless Skies' on August 30th

Explore the skies or murder a sun above Lovecraftian London.

Sunless Skies, the sequel to Sunless Sea that reached its Kickstarter goal in just four hours, will be available for Early Access play on August 30th. Kickstarter backers will get their key via email and anybody else who would like to play and provide feedback can get the game for 10 percent of its regular $25 price during the first week of release.

Players will get to check out the Reach, which is one of the High Wilderness regions, and can experience a number of gameplay features while the game is under development. In a statement, Failbetter Games included this description of the Reach, "The Reach is a verdant, sunless frontier. London pioneers— spearheaded by the avaricious Windward Company—establish far-flung colonies and plunder the riches of the region's ruins and wild gardens. But many colonists crave independence from the Empire, and the Reach is rife with conflict. Will you be one of the lucky few who strikes it rich? Or one of the masses broken amidst the green wastes?"

Failbetter said that feedback it received during Early Access play of Sunless Sea was important for the game's development and it's excited to open Sunless Skies up to players. The early look will be available on Steam Early Access and GOG Games in Development.