
  • Best Brains / Shout Factory

    Netflix offers 20 classic 'MST3k' episodes to the world

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    In the not-too distant future (April 14th, 2017 AD), a brand-new season of crowdfunded Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes will hit Netflix. Before then, however, 20 classic episodes of the show have been added to the streaming service globally both to whet appetites and create new fans of the cult classic. The episodes include fan favorites as Manos: The Hands of Fate, Time Chasers and Space Mutiny.

  • Netflix

    Crowdfunded 'MST3K' revival hits Netflix April 14th

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Tonight, after a "Red Carpet Kickstarter Screening" of the first new Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode, Netflix announced the revived series will launch April 14th. In a message to backers of the biggest crowdfunded video project, creator Joel Hodgson promised that backers with rewards including new episodes or a live screening of the new episodes will "have them by April 14." Netflix didn't have anything to share other than the cast photo above, but at least fans can mark their calendars.

  • Gabe Ginsberg/Getty Images

    'Mystery Science Theater 3000' comeback lands at Netflix

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    You won't have to go out of your way to watch the Mystery Science Theater 3000 revival. Netflix has picked up the crowdfunded make-fun-of-movies show and will be the only place to stream it in the US, UK, Australia, Canada, Ireland and New Zealand. The move isn't exactly shocking (Netflix has already offered classic MST3K episodes), but it's that much sweeter if you're already a Netflix subscriber and would rather not head to another service to watch. Just don't be in a rush to catch up with Joel, Tom Servo and Crow. In keeping with the tone of the series, Netflix will only say that MST3K is coming back "in the not-too-distant future..." and we don't think it means "next Sunday, AD."

  • 'MST3K' is the biggest crowdfunded video project to date

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    If you guessed that a Mystery Science Theater 3000 crowdfunding campaign would rake in a lot of cash... well, you guessed correctly. Joel Hodgson's quest to revive the poke-fun-at-bad-movies show has ended its campaign with nearly $5.8 million raised through Kickstarter, making it the biggest crowdfunded video project so far -- it just edged past the $5.7 million of the Veronica Mars movie. Between this fundraising and the $600,000 raised outside of Kickstarter, you're going to get 14 new MST3K episodes (including a holiday special) next year.

  • Watch an episode of 'MST3k,' with or without the jokes explained

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    Ordinarily, people talking during a movie is our idea of hell, but in Mystery Science Theater 3000's case, we're more than happy to allow it. The thing is, unless you've got a pop culture brain that'd make Tarantino blush, you're not going to know enough to get the joke. That's why a group calling themselves The Annotated MST have been painstakingly researching and explaining every single gag from the show so you don't feel left out. Thankfully, the group has teamed up with Shout! Factory, MST3k's DVD label, to release a fully-amended and legitimate copy of Mitchell onto YouTube (after the break) that you can switch on and off depending on if you need a joke explained. Just be glad they don't have this sort of thing in real life, or else no-one would go to the cinema ever again.

  • Vimeo snags 'MST3K' catalog and exclusive access to future releases

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    If Vimeo's determined to develop a pay-per-view streaming service, then the outfit is going about it in a rather strange way. The website has signed a deal with Mystery Science Theater 3000's distributors to bring 80 "cleared" episodes to the site's on-demand platform. Because of the myriad rights issues that surround the show, more than half of the episodes aren't legally available. Of course, that doesn't mean that you can't find them if you've got some time, a lax attitude to intellectual property and don't mind typing in phrases like "mst3k.s08.e20" into YouTube. If, however, you'd prefer to get your stuff through legitimate channels, you'll be able to rent each movie for $3, buy them for $10 or purchase the whole collection for a heavily discounted $300.

  • MST3K crew appears during the Summer Olympics broadcast?

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Now look, we're not sure if this was someone's drug-induced fever dream or not, but if it did really go down, it might be the best thing that's happened at the entire 2008 Summer Olympics. According to the Dirty Red Commie, sometime on August 17th between 2:00 PM and 3:13 PM Mountain Time, Joel, Tom Servo, and Crow T. Robot from Mystery Science Theater 3000 appeared on NBC's broadcast of the summer games. The DRC says they were simply static -- no hilarious jokes or animated banter -- but cut out during local commercials, giving him the impression that this was coming from the NBC mothership rather than his local station. Apparently a video of the action was set to go up on YouTube, but was "copyright-killed before it was even done processing." If anyone out there on the interblogs is able to confirm this, we'd love to hear from you. Update: While not exactly proving the authenticity of this, we've now got video of it after the break. Update: Aaaaaand... the video has been taken down.