

  • Game developers take a stand against Trump's immigration ban

    Timothy J. Seppala
    Timothy J. Seppala

    The opposition to the Trump administration's immigration ban has spread far and wide. Video game developers are joining the chorus against what some see as an unconstitutional policy put forth with no thought or consideration of the outcome. For a number of studios, that means making donations to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the non-profit organization that successfully challenged the ban in court over this past weekend.

  • Insomniac's CEO on the challenges of making games for VR

    Edgar Alvarez
    Edgar Alvarez

    As the Founder and CEO of Insomniac Games, Ted Price is responsible for esteemed console games like Ratchet and Clank, Sunset Overdrive and Fuse. Then there's Song of the Deep, a gorgeous 2D platformer that's slated to release this summer with GameStop as the publisher. But for Insomniac and other developers, virtual reality's arrival onto the scene has opened up a world of new possibilities in game-making. And Price's team is already dipping its toes in VR, with projects such as Edge of Nowhere, an insane third-person adventure designed for the Oculus Rift. To that end, I sat down with him at GDC 2016 to talk about developing for virtual reality, the promise of PlayStation VR, Oculus and the relationship between Insomniac and GameStop.

  • A ton more Resistance: Fall of Man info from the man himself

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    The man we're talking about is Ted Price, who is very, almost surprisingly, good at keeping up with reader requests on his blog at IGN. Let's go over some of the bits and pieces that really matter. The final disc size is 16GB. Why? PAL movies were removed and improved data compression (ah-ha! Knew that was going to be a part of it). Ted Price: "Still, having a lot of space on Bluray means that we're including things we wouldn't have been able to include if we had had to use dual layer DVDs: higher res game assets and more of them, HD movies, higher fidelity sounds, more dialogue, all languages on one disc, etc." He also says the whole disc size debate is silly and your experience with the game is what matters! The final resolution will be 720p, for a few reasons. Insomniac said they'd try and they did, but they wanted to keep the VRAM down (and 1080p used a lot more than 720p did, obviously). No video chat for Resistance, but future PS3 games will have such. Everything else is open-forum Q&A and more or less dismissable. So, the disc size is smaller, but still giving the thumbs up to Blu-ray. The resolution isn't 1080p, but that should only bother about 2% of people (about 60% who are interested in the PS3). No video chat? Okay. We're still excited about this game![thanks, portorikan!]

  • Some Resistance news from Ted Price's mouth... blog.

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Mouthblog. Mmmm. There have been a lot of people asking a lot of questions about the anticipated Resistance: Fall of Man. Questions that, when answered, would no longer be questions. With that not-unflawless logic in mind, Insomniac's Ted Price has decided to do just that -- answer questions. Let's listen in to the good ones, shall we?Someone cited that the aiming system seen in video footage was jerky. Ted Price responds! "When we were prototyping the game we realized that if there's any lag in the camera motion when aiming, the game can get frustrating so we came down on the side of quick response. We did of course look at other quality FPS's to ensure that we weren't too far off base. Even better, you can adjust the sensitivity of the controls in the controller options screen. This will give you the option of having the camera move very slowly and smoothly, extremely quickly or something in between." So, does this mean something like Counterstrike but sans the mouse? Forgive the ignorance, FPS fans, as it's not this blogger's primary joy.What makes the game different from Halo, Prey, Gears of War, etc? Price says it has to do with a few things. First is the way the story is told -- not through the eyes of a protagonist, but through a British Intelligence officer trying to put pieces of a mystery together (a cool twist on the conventional "this is my story... let's blow stuff up" method employed by many, many games). The unique weapons are also cited as a reason -- each carries a unique property instead of "B is stronger than A, C is stronger than B, if you have A against C you will die quickly." The 40-person online matches are pointed out next, with three unique play modes in addition to the normal three.If you're playing a splitscreen on a 16:9 TV, the screen is cut vertical. On a 4:3 screen, it's cut horizontal. A nice touch, really. No mouse/keyboard functionality, but there will be headset support. Geez, there are a ton of questions and answers! The above two seemed to be most relevant, but if you want to know about vehicles being supported, specific weapon types, more about Insomniac's relation to Sony... read the Q&A session. It's fairly interesting -- and amazing how nice Ted Price comes across.