

  • The good, the bad and the weird at the Tokyo Toy Show

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    This year's Tokyo Toy Show failed to turn up anything as impressive as the things I cooed over back in 2014. (Perhaps that's why it's only held every two years.) However, I did get another glimpse into what (the hell) Japanese toy companies think about shoppers: nearly all girls' toys here are smothered in pink, gemstones and giant-eyed manga characters, while boys get a mix of trains, trains with cameras, trains that connect to your smartphone, and maglev ... trains. Barring the Disney/Star Wars juggernaut, as a non-Japanese resident of the city, I don't get the appeal of most of these things -- but then again, I'm also more than willing to lay down cash for a Magikarp coin purse. So maybe I'm not the best judge.