

  • Scientists tie quantum materials into infinite knots

    As if quantum physics isn't knotty enough, scientists have now figured how to tie quantum materials into literal knots. A team from Finland's Aalto University, in collaboration with Amherst College, made a very fancy sailor's hitch with a quantum gas called a Bose-Eisenstein condensate (BEC). The material only exists at near absolute zero temperatures, but the team managed to tie it into a donut-shaped mass of loops called a Hopf fibration. It's not just an amusing parlor trick -- tying quantum materials into complex shapes may accelerate the development of ultra-fast, stable quantum computers.

    Steve Dent
  • Super-efficient solar cells can power homes in unforgiving areas

    Scientists have long talked about black silicon (that is, silicon with nano-sized structures) having the potential to trump conventional solar power, and there's now some proof that this is happening. Aalto University researchers have developed black silicon solar cells that achieve a record 22.1 percent efficiency when turning the Sun's rays into usable energy. That's a 4 percent absolute boost over the previous best in black silicon, and good enough that the technology could finally be ready to reach the market and replace existing solar panels. Black silicon is far better suited to collecting sunlight at low angles, which is common in northern regions -- you wouldn't have to live in a sunny, forgiving part of the world to get the most out of clean energy. It should be cheaper, too. So long as these black cells translate well to mass production, you may have an easier time ditching the conventional power grid.

    Jon Fingas
  • Linus Torvalds: 'NVIDIA is the worst we've ever dealt with' (video)

    Fresh from receiving technology prize plaudits, Linux creator Torvalds is still telling it how it is. In a recent Q&A session at Aalto University in Finland, he said that NVIDIA was "single worst company we've ever dealt with," responding to an audience member's question on her Optimus-powered laptop and its lack of Linux support. While she was finally able to get it working on her machine through some GitHub help, Torvalds was unequivocal about his thoughts on NVIDIA. Throwing in a middle-finger gesture to the camera, he was particularly irritated with the fact that the chipmaker's own Tegra range were faring so well on the wave of Android devices currently hitting stores, as Google's mobile OS itself came from a strong Linux background. Aside from hardware manufacturer gripes, Torvalds goes on to discuss his work with open source development in greater detail -- the full talk is right after the break. You can jump through to the 49th minute mark to hear the Linux founder's complaints, but be warned, family readership -- he drops the f-bomb.

    Mat Smith
  • Nokia and Microsoft create AppCampus to teach devs how to make more Metro apps

    Windows Phone may be picking up the pace in the hardware department thanks to some Nokia know-how, but the platform still lags behind its competition in the apps department. Team Redmond and team Espoo are taking steps to remedy that dearth of software, however, with their new AppCampus development program. The program will call Finland's Aalto University home, and is being created to provide design and technological support in addition to business coaching to help app developers build quality apps that make money. (Sound familiar?) In keeping with the motive to help developers grow their businesses, the program lets devs who utilize its services keep all the IP rights in their apps as well. AppCampus isn't only preaching the Windows Phone gospel either, folks wanting to code for Symbian and Series 40 are invited, too. Of course, supporting such a program isn't cheap, which is why both Microsoft and Nokia are kicking in 9 million euros ($12 million) each to make it happen. It's a good start, guys, but you've got a long way to go.

    Michael Gorman
  • Researchers put smartphones on a power diet, drastically improve battery life

    Nokia's Asha handsets already use browser compression to reduce data costs and power consumption for customers in the developing world, but the company's Finnish neighbours over at Aalto University have taken a totally different approach. By using a network proxy to squash traffic into bursts rather than a constant bit rate, and by forcing a smartphone's modem into idle mode between each burst, the researchers claim they can cut 3G power consumption by 74 percent. Now, we're fortunate enough to be surrounded by power outlets over here, but even we could use some of that.

    Sharif Sakr
  • Researchers develop means to reliably read an electron's spin, take us one step closer to the quantum zone

    Another day, another step bringing us closer to the next big revolution in the world of computing: replacing your transistory bits with qubits. Researchers at Australia's Universities of New South Wales and of Melbourne, along with Finland's Aalto University, have achieved the impossibly tiny goal of reliably reading the spin of a single electron. That may not sound like much, but let's just see you do it quickly without affecting said spin. This particular implementation relies on single atoms of phosphorus embedded in silicon. Yes, silicon, meaning this type of qubit is rather more conventional than others we've read about. Of course, proper quantum computers depend on reading and writing the spin of individual electrons, so as of now we effectively have quantum ROM. When will that be quantum RAM? They're still working on that bit.

    Tim Stevens