

  • X3F Achievements 101: Dragonriding Swashbucklers

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    So the previous week has come to a close and I'm back with another glorious edition of X3F Achievements 101. The past seven days had some serious grinding behind it as I finished off the amazingly tedious Eragon. Hopefully Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End be a third time's charm for film-to-game adaptations. I'll also give my interpretation of the release of the Halo 3 Achievements, which took the interwebs by surprise this week. Either way, there's a lot to cover from the past week, so let's get started.

  • X3F Achievements 101: Superagon Returns

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Welcome back to another edition of X3F Achievements 101, where we take a look at the last 7 days in Achievement whoring of yours truly and any observations or interesting tidbits that got discovered along the way. This week saw a good jump in Gamerscore, as I plowed through a couple of mediocre games with some straightforward Achievements, along with others that require special attention to obtain. So, we'll take a look at Superman Returns, Eragon, and touch on a teensy bit of Shadowrun.

  • Overlord Achievements awakened

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    After being having one of the two good demos release on Marketplace last week, Xbox 360 Achievements got their hands on Overlord's Achievements. The first thing that caught our eye was that there are two Achievements for how much or little Corruption your character has, one for maxing it out, and the other for having none, so being a good-bad guy is going to be required for the completionists out there. Also worth noting are the ranked multiplayer Achievements, and "Mistress Master", where you essentially let her wear the pants of the relationship and do her bidding. Are you looking forward to torching some halflings later this month?

  • X3F Achievements 101: Bots, Bosses and Babalities

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    X3F Achievements 101 is back, and on its regularly scheduled time slot of Sundays. Initial response to our first edition was rather positive, so we're glad you like the concept and hope you enjoy reading, and even participating in the column. Emails with Achievement tips also came in at a good pace, and I look forward to playing and trading with you. One particular email stood out, which came from Casey over at, and the steps he took to get Achievements in one of the most time consuming Arcade games, Bejeweled 2.

  • X3F Achievements 101: The First One!

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Welcome to X3F Achievements 101, a new column here at Xbox 360 Fanboy, where I get to discuss one of my favorite Xbox 360 features: Achievements, and the whoring found therein. Each week I'll be bringing you my take on the latest Achievement news, as well as my quest in both my Achievement streak, and any specific Achievements I'm working on. Not only that, but you get to participate, as I'll be giving you a means to contact me, so we can work together on getting Achievements. So read on, as I start off by taking a look at one of the coolest Achievements to come out of a personal favorite, Shadowrun.

  • Achievements come out of the ... er ... Darkness

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Xbox 360 Achievements, the sly dogs, got their hands on the Achievement list for Starbreeze Studios' comic book adaption, The Darkness. Upon looking at the 50 Achievements available you can tell that there is a heavy emphasis on the multiplayer aspect of the game which we definitely like to see, although we can't tell if these require to be in ranked games in order to be unlocked, or if they can be performed in public matches. Our favorite from the list, would easily be "Knuckle, Meet Face", for indulging in your first melee kill. What's yours?

  • Two Worlds Achievements revealed

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Upcoming Online RPG Two Worlds had its 41 Achievements revealed today, at IGN, of all places. Either way it seems to be the standard fair of objectives. At the very least, one would have to agree that it certainly seems far more obtainable than Final Fantasy XI's current set. Also worth noting is the final Achievement of "Defeated the Grand Enemy" has the second third highest Gamerscore worth of 370 points, next Madden NFL 06's "Complete 30 Years of Franchise", for 400 GS, and 2006 FIFA World Cup's "Complete all Scenarios", a 500-pointer. Are you going to be unlocking away next month in Two Worlds?

  • Achievements revealed: Ratatouille, DiRT and more

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Yesterday, posted complete achievement lists for a few upcoming games including family friendly Ratatouille and the messy DiRT. Ratatouille offers a bunch of objective based achievements with nothing overly spectacular, except for the "Beat Hoisting the Hefty Weight" which caught our eye. DiRT's achievements are rather bland too, nearly a yawn-fest until we spotted the "First Clean Race" achievement. That achievement will be impossible for those of us who like to play dirty. Also, take a gander through Aegis Wing's achievements and focus on getting a few friends together to earn the "Epic Warrior" achievement. Hooking up four players has never been so rewarding. Read - Ratatouille Achievements Read - DiRT Achievements Read - Aegis Wing Achievements

  • Shadowrun Achievements pinged by Enhanced Vision

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Matt Webster, better known as "fall" in the Shadowrun community, played the retail version of the game, revealing the Achievements to the world. Overall, they seem pretty balanced, actually encouraging players to give various magic, races and weapons their due play time. The cool thing is because of the lack of ranked matches, unless specified, you'll be able to get Achievements in private games with your friends. We all know how difficult the alternative can be. On top of that we've got 6 Secret Achievements, including the lone one worth 100 Gamerscore. So, Training Levels aside, what do you plan on trying to unlock first?

  • Readers pick best webcomic: Living Achievements Vicariously

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Blending real life with virtual life is usually reserved for those who think it's wise to incorporate 1337 speak into grade school essays (and shame on you for thinking Shakespeare doesn't r0x0rz j00r b0x0rz). Dueling Analogs, for splicing what makes the Xbox great with what makes ... well, we don't want to go there either way, has been crowned the winner of this week's webcomic wrapup.Second place goes to still-newbie 2P Start and third place went perennial favorites (and our rocketeering racketeering partners) Penny Arcade. Thanks to everyone who voted and be sure to let us know of any game-related webcomics you stumble upon this week!

  • Achievement unlocked, now download the sound

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Last month we furnished you with the agility orb sound clip from Crackdown and today we have another clip for your downloading pleasure. The generous Major Nelson went out of his way to get the community a clip of the greatest sound that has ever graced the Xbox 360 ... the achievement unlocked sound. It's short and sweet, but any fanboy will know that this sound can make grown men break down in tears. This sound makes us gamers froth from the mouth, perspire profusely, and shake violently all because we know our gamerscore just increased. It's truly that enjoyable. So, be sure to download it and feel free to share with us how you'll be using your new achievement unlocked sound clip.

  • Cowabunga! TMNT achievements uncovered

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Those busy bees over at Xbox 360 Achievements discovered all of the achievements for upcoming Ninja Turtles game TMNT. Getting all 1000 gamerscore points doesn't look all that hard either, because simply beating the game will get you 800 points. Also, it looks like Ubisoft decided to not make all the achievements have a nice rounded gamerscore point total, opting for annoying ambiguous numbers. And overall, these are still pretty lackluster achievements with no creative flair ... hopefully they put a little more thought into the game than they did into its achievements.[Thanks, Peter J]

  • NBA Live '07 1000 man achievement chance now! [update 1]

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    A reminder regarding one of the most obnoxious Xbox 360 achievements ever conceived. For the next hour, if you've got a copy of NBA Live '07, turn that puppy on, it may be the best chance to get the "1,000 People Online" achievement. The achievement is worth 100 points. The event was promoted by It is going on right now, and here's the simplest way to lay it out: February 10th at 5:00 to 6:00 pm (Pacific) February 10th at 6:00 to 7:00 pm (Mountain) February 10th at 7:00 to 8:00 pm (Central) February 10th at 8:00 to 9:00 pm (Eastern) February 11th at 1:00 to 2:00 am (United Kingdom) February 11th at 10:00 to 11:00 am (Japan) Even after you gain the achievement, stay on. Remember, you got 999 people to thank for your easily gained, but ridiculously conceived, achievement.[Update 1: Apparently the event was a success. Congrats to those who participated.]

  • Games for Windows Vista: how the new brand & OS will change PC gaming [update 1]

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    We recently sat down with Games for Windows (GFW) Marketing Director Kevin Unangst and PR Manager Michael Wolf for a brief pre-launch tour of gaming on Vista. Admittedly, the implementation hasn't changed much since we first previewed Vista nearly a year ago. Even so, from a GUI-perspective, Vista features a user-friendly central location for cataloging, accessing, and tweaking (settings, parental controls, updating, etc.) GFW-branded games -- non-GFW games won't necessarily be excluded, but they won't feature many of the required functionalities built into the branded titles.Games for Windows is still very much a vision. The first priority, a retail initiative, is currently underway. By employing marketing strategies used by console makers, namely platform-branding, Microsoft hopes that PC gaming (under the 'Games for Windows' banner) will become less intimidating to mainstream consumers -- no longer will the PC games isle be a cluttered mess of disparate titles. Computer Gaming World was also renamed as Games For Windows to help drive Microsoft's new brand. Aside from retail consolidation, this branding will ensure certain requirements are met by games' publishers. To earn the GFW brand, a title must comply with certain Microsoft-tested specifications, including widescreen support, compatibility with the Xbox 360 controller, parental control features, and simple installation. GFW games will also begin to carry a system rating, based on a 5-point scale. Vista will assess the value of your PC's gaming abilities and assign a rating (or "WinSAT"), say 4.5. You can then weigh that rating against a game's recommended rating (example: 5.0) and its required rating (example: 3.5) before purchasing. Update: The scale will begin at five points, but is designed to grow as newer technologies enter the market.

  • No gamerscore, no achievements on PS3

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Speaking with Game|Life, SCEA's executive vp Jack Tretton confirmed that PlayStation 3 user accounts will not feature an aggregate score based on gaming accomplishments, squashing rumors that Sony would counter Microsoft's gamerscore/achievement system with "entitlements."Tretton did suggest plans to incorporate a "pan-console" scoring system into first-party titles, but admitted that Sony had not decided on a name for this feature and that developers of first-party launch titles would likely pass on it. While excluded from Sony's aforementioned scoring system, third-party publishers will have the option to include their own achievement-like rewards, "on a game-by-game basis."

  • Oblivion infinite gold cheat undermines Tamriel society [update 1]

    Vladimir Cole
    Vladimir Cole

    We've been hearing of a bushel of defects with just-released Xbox 360 title Oblivion IV, most of them relatively harmless. But this one's a real zinger because it allows players to stop leveling altogether and simply play the equivalent of a medieval playboy. Shall we elaborate? What happens when you couple unlimited gold with a level one character's limited judgement? Wanton carousal, all-night mead keggers, illegitimate NPCs spawning all over the place, and legions of trust fund kids who forego the noble professions of blacksmithing, shoe-mending, and inn-keeping for jobs in architecture, museum curation, and film studies research. The world of Tamriel is going to look an awful lot like Manhattan island if this defect isn't patched, quick. [Via Xbox 360] [Update 1: fixed really stupid spelling mistake. It's medieval. medieval. medieval. Got it now!]

  • Breakfast Topic: Proudest moments

    Jennie Lees
    Jennie Lees

    Whether it's downing Onxyia, getting Nef to 10% or even picking up that weapon or pet you've always wanted, we've all celebrated some happy times. The process of getting my first mount -- saving up, playing the auction house to make enough money, then frantically beating up gorillas to get that last bar -- was probably the first real feeling of accomplishment in-game I had, especially as it had some tangible reward.Soloing difficult quests, completing instances when you're a man down, finding a rare drop -- what are the highs of your time so far in WoW?