

  • Wasteland Diaries: The story of the fall

    I've determined that I'll make this week's post a bit of a history lesson. How did Fallen Earth fall? I'll tell you, because if there is one thing I can't possibly fault about the Fallen Earth dev team, it's their writing. Though it's a little far-fetched (in my opinion), the background lore is pretty good. The game dialogue is second to none, but it's the lore we are going to take a closer look at. Much of the story unfolds and is fleshed out throughout the game while talking to various NPCs. But knowing the back-story will help you understand a little better about what is going on in the Grand Canyon Province, especially how the factions inter-relate. So click past the cut and let's get started.

    Edward Marshall
  • Fallen Earth 1.7.4 patch detailed

    Fallen Earth's 1.7.4 patch is on the test server, and Icarus Studios' GM Carlin has your introduction to the laundry list of tweaks, fixes, and additions. The update includes significant changes to crafting components, a reduction of the critical damage modifier, and improved NPC melee AI. 1.7.4 also brings several new merchants, missions, and trainers, as well as a completely redesigned Boneclaw. In story terms, the town has been sacked by Alec Masters, allowing Icarus to improve both the content and the layout. The patch also features several improvements to Fallen Earth's visuals and sound suite, and you can find the complete list on the official forums. Also be sure and check out the Massively Speaking podcast featuring Fallen Earth's Marie Croall and lots of discussion about the new patch.

    Jef Reahard