

  • Cinemassively: Sand, Episode 3.5

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    At last, we have a conclusion to the Sand series. Episode 3.5, also directed by PG Provenzano, while short, answers all the questions from earlier episodes.While two of the Colonists are struggling for control of the weapon that was previously aimed at Gwen, the third works on releasing her. As she is freed from her sleep state, the weapon goes off, killing one of the explorers. With another knocked out, the third searches for something on his body. Read on for more about the story conclusion ...

  • Cinemassively: Sand, Episode 3

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    We're down to the last two episodes of the Sand saga. In Episode 3, directed by PG Provenzano, we learn that the mysterious lady's name is Gwen. The Colonists find her in a sleep chamber, but she communicates with them through a video screen nearby. She explains that the war for sunlight saw many victims, including her family.As a scientist, she knew how to solve the problem, but she misjudged. Scion City's water crystallized and turned to sand. When one of the Colonists decides to avenge the death of the citizens, the others attempt to take him down. Tune in tomorrow for the exciting conclusion to the story!Read on for more tidbits about the filming of the series ...

  • Cinemassively: Sand, Episode 2

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    The plot thickens as Episode 2, directed by Trace Sanderson, of the series sheds more light on the downfall of Scion City. The citizens relied on the sun for power, but when a great darkness came over the island, they only had one hour of it per day. Some colonists fled to the outer asteroids, which is where the group of explorers, whom we now know to be part of the founding Interstellar Colonists, came from. This led to two factions being formed in order to horde the energy. The Augmentationists, or Auggies, converted their cars into armor, and the Immersionists, or Mershers, became human machines that merged their bodies with SciTek. However, neither side won, as they lost all sunlight.One of the colonists is still having a sense of deja vu and is determined to rescue the mysterious lady. With their vehicle destroyed, the only thing they can do is go further down ...Read on for more facts about the series ...

  • Cinemassively: Sand, Episode 1.5

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    Episode 1.5, also directed by Michael Verdi, was originally part of Episode 1, but they broke it up in order to keep them short. So far, the story has taken us to a hatch, which they've attempted to open with the vehicle that they found. As they peer down the now open hatch, another transmission from the mysterious lady comes through. She is apparently the last remaining citizen and is in some kind of sleep state. One of the explorers believes that he has seen her before, but he can't place her face. After some contemplation, they decide to go down ...What's in the hatch? Will Scion City be waiting for them if they go down there? Have you found any clues yet?

  • Cinemassively: What is Scion City?

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    It looks like Millions of Us has some kind of Alternate Reality Game (ARG) going on in Scion City. They are encouraging user submissions in order to uncover clues about what went on in the fictional Second Life city. The first video release is a promotional commercial about the origins of Scion City.In the clip, the island is portrayed as a place to escape from troubled times and explore a new way of life. The people are always on the move and have visions of tomorrow. This is made possible by SciTek, a nanotechnology bioalloy that is powered by the sun. What could this mean for the future of the people?Over the next week, we'll be exploring the strange events that have occurred. Each video will hopefully lead us closer to the answer that they're seeking. In the meantime, explore their website and see what you can come up with!

  • Penny ARGade digging Iris

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Wednesday's Penny Arcade shows Tycho's heavy interest in the current Halo 3 ARG, Iris. His news post goes into detail about how he was an avid follower of I Love Bees back in 2004, and this time 'round appears to be no different. That being said, Gabe's little gem of wisdom does ring true when you look at the grand scheme of things, though we're not complaining. What are you thinking of this ARG so far? Is it up to I Love Bees high standard of depth, interactivity, and attention to detail? Or is it perhaps too early to make that assessment?

  • Perplex City: Receda Cube unearthed, Season 2 planned

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Amateur archaeologist Andy Darley has discovered the Receda Cube, ending the first season of alternate reality game Perplex City and earning a hefty $200,000 reward (before taxes). Darley was joined by more than 50,000 other registered players, spread throughout 92 countries, on the two-year hunt. The cube was unearthed in Wakerley Great Wood, England, about 110 miles north of London.Perplex City's first season was "played" using a deck of cards (collectible in packs) that featured various types of puzzles, from simple trivia to optical illusions; to an answer masked with heat-sensitive ink. Solutions often pointed players to further clues posted on websites, written in books, recorded in voicemails, and held by real-world individuals. Creator Mind Candy has confirmed that plans for a second season are underway.