

  • PlayStation Home receiving bevy of new features, customization options

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Have your days spent in PlayStation Home grown a little tiresome? It sounds like Sony's injecting the game with a sizable pick-me-up in the near future. As revealed in the Sony GamesCom press conference, the life sim is getting a bevy of new spaces (including SingStar and Audi-branded areas), new character customization options, new character animations and dances, and a few other miscellaneous features like a "shrinking potion." Oh, and the new ability to roll dice. Finally, our chance to play virtual Cee-lo with strangers approaches!

  • Free Realms adds guild support and new quests with today's update

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Today's a good day for you, if you're a Free Realms wanderer. Rejoice as the new update brings guild support, new animations, and some brand new quest lines straight to you!The big addition for the update is obviously the guilds. Finally you can invite people and form guilds, as well as have a chat channel all to yourself. Past that, however, is the addition of six new quests which lead into a larger storyline. What do the content creators of Free Realms have up their sleeves? Well, you just need to complete the quests and find out for yourself.For the full notes on today's patch, jump on over to the Free Realms update page and check it out. It's not that long, but we're sure pretty much everyone is focusing on the addition of guilds anyway.

  • Breakfast Topic: Awesome Animations

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    So hot on the heels of the best mob noise in game discussion, I thought I'd ask another question: What about the animations? We probably don't think about it too much, but the sounds and animations of PCs and NPCs alike probably end up making a lot of atmosphere we take for granted. It fills out the world and makes it feel more immersive, more real.With that in mind, the noise topic got me thinking of what animations I really like. There's a lot of them that at least deserve a mention, from the howling of Coyotes to the nervous skittering of the Silithid. In the new animations, we get stuff like Stinker's escapades and the wildlife of Grizzly Hills going on with their every day activities. Beyond that, even PC animations can have their awesome looks, such as a Draenei twirling a Polearm to attack or a male Blood Elf dying with Shakespearean dramatics. Ethereals also have some pretty graceful moves overall, even in the way their bandages move and their energy pulses.What animations and graphics have you encountered in WoW that have made you stop and say, "Hey, that's pretty neat?"

  • New bear animations for eating and fishing discovered

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Everyone knows that bears are actually pretty good fishermen, but for some reason Ferals have to shift back out of form and use a pole like everyone else. That may be changing, however. Andrige, the same person who bought us the new data-mined Hairstyles, has discovered the animations showcased in the above video, which point to the possibility of more life injected into the old Druid Feral forms. One animation called EmoteEat shows the bear bracing a piece of food against the ground with his paw while tearing off a chunk with his teeth, while another is a fishing animation where the bear looks to be pawing at the water, waiting to slap out a fish. The other exciting thing in the video is the possibility of a closed mouth on my bear! Do you know how many flies he's caught with that constantly open mouth of his? I logged onto my Druid on the Beta servers to check on the status of the animations. While you can now eat, drink and use potions in Feral forms on Beta, there are still no animations associated with the act (You simply sit down while eating). In addition, you can't fish at all in Feral forms (Trying to cast my line put me back in Night Elf form). Unfortunately, the fact that these animations haven't been implemented yet does lead me to a bit of pessimistic thought: They simply be meant for bear mobs, and not for Feral bears at all. Blizzard's been adding a lot of cool little idle animations to mobs, such as mama beasts who flush out critters for their cubs to chase and eat, so this may simply be one more set. Still, since they exist, they could easily be added on to the Feral bear's animation list in a future patch even if they aren't originally meant for Ferals. Here's hoping we see them there!

  • New Book 14 screens show off Minstrel animations and Armethial

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    Turbine has sent along some brand new screenshots relating to the Lord of the Rings Online Book 14 update, primarily to display some of the Minstrel animations that are going to be introduced. We've added these high quality shots to our Book 14 gallery, and in them you can see various Minstrels playing their instruments like never before. As well as the Minstrel shots, we are treated to a close-up of Armethial (who we caught a quick glimpse of in our Book 14 video tour and gallery) looking undeniably bad-ass on her home turf. The new screenshots can be found at the end of our gallery, along with the other pictures we've collected from Book 14 so far.%Gallery-27269%

  • LotRO's new Minstrel animations

    Brenda Holloway
    Brenda Holloway

    Is your Minstrel looking down-in-the-dumps? Is he plunking despondently at the strings of his tired old lute? Does every song she sing sound like "Happy Birthday To You" and it doesn't sound like she means it? Has your Minstrel just "accidentally" stepped on his third harp this week? Well, help is on the way. All-new animations for the minstrels of Lord of the Rings Online are up on the Roheryn test server, and Sabacao has mastered them all. Check them out below the cut.

  • Conan's female avatar DPS bug will take weeks to correct

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    A few weeks back our own Adrian Bott took a close look at a very ... unique ... bug in Age of Conan. It seems that differing animation cycles in the game have resulted in an unforseen side effect: female avatars do less damage then male ones. At the time, the Funcom developers said they'd let us know as soon as they could about a fix. Today they let us know, but the news is mixed. The good news is that 'straight damage' (what they call white damage) has been fixed. Simple autoattack routines use few animations and they've all been fixed and pushed to the live servers.The problem comes in with the much-vaunted realtime combat system, which requires heavy use of combos and unique animations. There are almost a thousand of those animations, and every single one will apparently have to be tweaked by animators and then retuned by a designer. "I know that many of you will probably be disappointed to hear that it might take us as much as another three to four weeks to solve this issue, for which I can only apologize, but we want to make sure that we devote the amount of time that an issue of this magnitude and importance deserves ... I have to stress that even with our internal goal set and everything currently proceeding on schedule I cannot currently promise that this will be patched to Live at the projected date." Did you enjoy this? Make sure to check out our Age of Conan destination page, including all of our interviews, hands-ons, galleries and original features!

  • Exemplary conduct: WoW expansion adds over 80 new emotes

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    There have been some leaks from the "friends & family" alpha test for World of Warcraft's second expansion, Wrath of the Lich King. Our sister site WoW Insider has kept up with some of the finer details from the leak, but one recent bit of info got us thinking.The info: WotLK will add over 80 new emotes to WoW players' social repertoire. That's awesome, but it leads us to ask a question: why don't social emotes get more attention in the MMO genre? In general, things like that are sporadically tacked on as small bonuses, if they get added at all. Developers don't make them a big priority. We understand the reasons; gameplay always comes first, right?Well, maybe not always. MMOs are unique in gaming because of their social and community aspects. Emote animations play a part in social interactions. Maybe developers should think about more than just raid mechanics. Maybe they should consider devoting resources to expanding social interaction features. You don't have to be a Bartle Socializer to appreciate emotes, do you?[Via WoW Insider]

  • Tuskarr Animation movie

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    While 2.4 has been mostly concerned with the Sunwell and Kil'jaedan, there's still WoTLK to look for in the future, and still a few preliminary tidbits hidden away in the patch files. We've already showed you some shots of the Tuskarr that made it in, as well as the preview page for the race over on the official WoTLK site, and now it looks like someone's dug a bit deeper into the files and found the Tuskarr Animations. The animations are pretty straightfoward, mostly just running, fighting, and casting, but there is an animation in which the Tuskarr jumps up and slams his behind on the ground - perhaps a high powered War "Stomp" to make even Taurens envious? Enjoy this closer look at the gentle giants of the Borean Tundra!

  • AFS mechs' new animations show their mettle

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    As is usually the case, there were a lot of things that we wanted the Destination Games team to put into Tabula Rasa's patch 1.5 that we don't see in the build on the PTS. The opacity of the development process usually has that effect. But one of the nice benefits of our ignorance is that we are often quite pleasantly surprised by the unexpected things that we find every time a new build shows up on our a desktop. One of the things that eluded as when the patch notes were posted yesterday, but which delighted us when shown in motion is the new attacks and animations for the mechs that patrol the heavier AFS bases.One player who goes by the name of Flashburn on the Planet TR forums was courteous enough to record these new animations for our viewing pleasure. Notice the way the mech raps on his head to unjam the rockets. It's subtle, but worthy of a chuckle. And who can't be at least slightly awed by that new jumping attack? Are these new animations in some a way preview for what's ahead with the long-promised personal armored units? We can only speculate at this point, but we're suddenly excited about the prospect all over again. We'll have more on the new build as we explore it.

  • Remember the stealth animations?

    David Bowers
    David Bowers

    Rogues probably remember well the day that their current stealth animations were altered over a year ago now. People complained that their character suddenly seemed wobbly or constipated while walking around in stealth, but Blizzard responded with promises of brand-new super-cool stealth animations for rogues of all races to help solve the issue. They said, and I quote, "Currently this issue is expected to be resolved in patch 2.1," (which obviously didn't happen) "but there is a chance that the new animations will not be ready by that time, which may result in the fix being delayed for a later patch."A later patch indeed! Which later patch, you ask? 2.4 perhaps? The official word is "no new ETA," which, as you know, is Blizzard-speak for "sorry guys and gals, we wish we could do this right now, but there just isn't time. We might have time to do it sometime between now and the next global ice age, perhaps."No, to be fair, they probably will get around to it some day, probably even sometime during the 21st century!

  • Animations to die for

    Akela Talamasca
    Akela Talamasca

    I was chatting with a friend the other day (shut up! I do too have friends!) and we were playing reference poker -- you know, someone makes a comment referring to some aspect of pop culture, and the other person replies in kind. She said ' ... you are eaten by a grue.' I made the obligatory Zork return reference and we moved on, but the bit about being eaten stayed with me for some reason. That night, I was running around in WoW and realized that nobody in Azeroth is eaten by anything.Why can't we have encounter-specific death animations? I, for one, would love a chance to be messily devoured by a Sludge Beast! I can imagine the horrific wounds as it slid over me, eating away at my flesh until only bones remained. A much more affecting experience than merely swooning and dropping dead, as though nothing more mortal than narcolepsy had occurred. Or how about a set of pre-built death animations, available at the touch of a key? Everything from 'clutching at your heart: myocardial infarction', to 'going white as a sheet and dropping dead from fright', to 'Scanners cranial explosion'. In fact, wouldn't this make pulling off the ol' 'Feign Death' trick a lot more fun? I'm telling you, it's the little things in life that make existence bearable. Let's see more creativity with our dying moments, developers! Believe me, you stand to ... make a killing. Hahaha! Oh, I slay me.

  • Breakfast Topic: Should gender change be allowed in-game?

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    Players have called for the ability to switch races, switch factions and even switch back to a pre-expansion classic server, but it's the first time I've heard this request. Cryogenics of the Azjol-Nerub server would like to switch the gender of his toon.Other posters supporting his request listed a few reasons for wanting this: they don't like the animations of their toon; they created the character as the opposite sex of themselves and the novelty has worn off; they want to be the opposite sex in the game for some perceived advantage.Since this is a change that doesn't affect game mechanics, should Blizzard implement this ability? Isn't it no different than changing the outfit or hairstyle of your toon? Or does tinkering with a cornerstone of human identity make this a bad idea? Tell us what you think. And leave out any derogatory or insulting remarks. Those will get immediately deleted.