

  • Ask WoW Insider: How does tier gear work?

    Barb Dybwad
    Barb Dybwad

    Our question today at Ask WoW Insider concerns tiered gear and where to get it. Candide from Hallowed Arcana on Farstriders writes: "So as a new lvl 60, (Actually to 61 now)I have no tiered gear. Whats worse is I have no idea where to start. Do I need teir 1 through 5 gear before I can get teir 6? I have been playing WoW for a year now, but actual time played is only something like 20 days so in most things I am still a noob. My guild is usually very friendly and helpful but they are all working the run to 70 while im limping along at 61. Can you please expalin to me what gear I should look for, what tiered gear is, and where to get it. The whole tiered armor concept can be daunting to new players -- can you help Candide sort it out? Got questions? Hit us up at ask AT wowinsider DOT com; every week we'll pick one of your questions to publish and be answered by your peers.

  • Confessions of an Outland clown...

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    I feel for Grim, posting on the EU forums about some of the armor options in Outland. I really do. As my Troll priest (above, in both soloing and healing gear) stocks up on Outland quest rewards I have to wonder what Blizzard's item designers were thinking. Are they all colorblind? Did they never consider that people might use many of these quest rewards together, and perhaps in a way that would encourage their eyes to bleed? I certainly don't feel like a hero defending Azeroth from the Burning Legion -- I feel a lot more like a clown. And all I can say is thank goodness I have shadowform, which obscures all of the conflicting colors. And considering Grim's post on the EU forums, I can only imagine I'm not the only one.

  • Official PvP Armor Set Information

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Blizzard has put up official info on the new PvP set updates on their armor sets page (just select the PvP superior or PvP epic set from the pull-down menu on the right).  We will see these new sets up on the live realms after the 1.11 content patch.  This does make the PvP sets look less shabby in comparison to the PvE options, and hopefully further planned PvP improvements planned for 1.12 will make matters even better for those that prefer PvP content.

  • New Armor Sets Revealed

    Mike D'Anna
    Mike D'Anna

    Blizzard has updated the official site with a page for the new Tier 1 & Tier 2 Raid Armor sets, so all of you can put down your Twinkies & go drool over them for a half-hour, or however long it takes you. Since I know this is probably the only time I will ever get a good up-close look at these armor sets, I might just take a little longer.As to whether they're any good or not?  Well, they're better than what I have....

  • New Armor Graphics! Oh Wait...Just Placeholders.

    Christopher Linton
    Christopher Linton

    Shadow's Edge has pics of the new AQ armor sets up on their website. I was excited until I realized that they were reused and they looked rushed and unfinished. Oh well, that's what they look like right now, and hopefully they will be updated in short order.

  • Daddy Wants a Conqueror's Crown

    Christopher Linton
    Christopher Linton

    Blizzard has put the quest rewards for the Brood of Nozdormu up on the main site. I for one am very excited, because there is some excellent defense gear in there for Warriors, to help us reach that elusive 420 defense. Also, the armor from that set looks halfway cool, a quality which has been somewhat lacking for Warriors lately. This isn't that important on regular servers, but for those of us on RPPVP servers it helps us to get into character. There isn't much in the way of resistances, but there are other armor sets for that.