

  • Fragile battle montage is very Hitchcockian

    Well, maybe not really, because there's only a brief segment at the tail end of this video for Fragile that shows several attacking birds on a sunny beach. The parts of the video leading up to that segment mainly focus on battling other creatures, such as glowing, floating jellyfish. Check it all out in the video above.%Gallery-26285%

    David Hinkle
  • Namco confirms Klonoa coming to North America

    And it's doing away with that pesky subtitle Door to Phantomile. Yes, Namco's remake of the classic PSOne game will release in North America, as reported earlier, and will simply be titled Klonoa. Should be easy enough to remember.All we have to go on right now is a 2009 release window. Namco hasn't specified an exact date within the year, but, hey, it's 2009 right now. Let's hope we get it sooner rather than later.See also: Born for Wii: Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil%Gallery-33429%[Via press release]

    David Hinkle
  • Bandai rolls out new Tamagotchi Music Star designs, earplugs not included

    Bandai's been busy in their genius labs brewing up some "high tech" amusement, and they have the newly announced Tamagotchi Music Stars to show for it. You've probably been dying to create a digital diva or virtuoso all your own, and now you can, with six different options such as Glam Rock, Techno Sound, and Rising Star to choose from. Your character gets to join a band, go through hours of practice, auditions and rehearsals before making it big. Sound exhausting? Well fame comes at a price, kid. No word yet on price or availability, but you can check out their site for lots of info and a few shots of the designs. Oh: and rock on.Update: We just got word from the company that the Music Stars will retail for $14.99

  • LittleBigPlanet skin coming to Lumines Supernova

    Dengeki Online is reporting that Q-Entertainment will be collaborating with Media Molecule to create a LittleBigPlanet skin for Lumines Supernova, an upcoming PSN-exclusive title (read more about the game here). Not many too details have been announced, except that it will appear some time this winter. There are also three screenshots, which you can check out here.[Via Kotaku]

    alan tsang
  • Tuttuki Bako "poking box" lets you torment low-res creatures

    While we don't expect it to be the type of interface that'll replace touch screens anytime soon, Bandai is certainly forging some interesting new ground with its so-called Tuttuki Bako device, or "poking box," which actually lets you stick your finger right into the device to control the on-screen finger. That's apparently done with the aid of some motion sensors which, as you can see in the video after the break, seem to work at least reasonably well. In addition to boasting various "games" like poking a panda, poking a face, or poking a stick figure, the device also doubles a desk clock, and it's available your choice of red, black or lime green. As you might have guessed, however, it's not available 'round these parts just yet, though you can apparently pick one up in Japan now for the rough local equivalent of $30.[Via Today and Tomorrow, thanks Lennart]

    Donald Melanson
  • Bandai's Gun O'clock: shoot the target or you'll never snooze again

    We've seen no shortage of unorthodox alarm clocks, but Bandai's latest creation is nothing short of spectacular. Rather than making users defuse a bomb or catch a runaway helicopter, the appropriately named Gun O'clock actually forces heavy sleepers to aim a gun and successfully strike the bullseye to shut the undoubtedly obnoxious alarm up. Best of all, those who enjoy challenges can set it to "Hard" mode, requiring them to blast the center target no fewer than five times in order to hush it; after you're satisfactorily awake, you can utilize the game mode to work on your aim. This magnificent wonder is all set to launch in Japan next month for ¥4,095 ($41), but we don't see any obvious signs of it ever coming Stateside. Anyone feeling an online petition? We hear those work really well.[Via UberReview]

    Darren Murph
  • TGS 08 picture tour: Namco Bandai booth

    click to enter Namco Bandai was all about the anime games at TGS this year. That's counting playable builds of Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm, at least three Gundam titles, Macross Ace Frontier and Soul Eater. Other titles like the Idolm@ster PSP games were also a hit with the crowd, as huge queues snaked beyond the booth's perimeter. Get a closer look inside our Namco Bandai Booth Photo Tour.

    Majed Athab
  • Bandai's Net Tansor Web bot steals blogger jobs from filthy humans

    We always figured this day would come, but so soon? We're obsolete, ladies and gentlemen. It's been a great ride, and we're glad we got to do just one more Stevenote with y'all before we fade into the night, but the robots have arrived, and they're going to blog harder, better, faster and stronger. We cannot compete. Bandai just announced the Net Tansor Web, a WiFi-equipped robot with a built-in camera for snapping his soon-to-be-award-winning exposés and posting them to the web at regular intervals alongside witty commentary. The bot can react to reader comments like "a little to the right," or "you suck, why don't you just call it Applegadget?" and adjust accordingly. Net Tansor also can handle live video, reads RSS feeds out loud and knows no fatigue. Bandai's going to be selling this for 50,000 Yen (about $490 US) whenever it's ready.

    Paul Miller
  • Bandai's Peri Peri keychain lets you rip open shipping envelopes continually

    Look, you don't have to explain to us how weird this thing is. Trust us, we fully understand. But as gadget editors, we have a certain love for receiving surprise packages and ripping 'em open as quickly as possible to discover what goodies reside within. Bandai's so-very-Japanese Peri Peri keychain is apt to appeal to the unboxers among us, as it recreates the unmistakable feeling of tearing open a rushed FedEx envelope. If there's a downside, it's that there's no new wares to be found after each opening, but on the other hand, at least there's no big dent on your credit card each time you "open" something new. Expect this gem to hit your keyring for just under $10 next month. Bonus video hosted up after the break.[Via BoingBoing]

    Darren Murph
  • Namco bundles DVD with National Geographic Panda

    Namco Bandai just dished out a press release about upcoming National Geographic Panda. With the game hitting U.S. retail shelves this fall, the prospect of playing with virtual pandas on your DS is not the only enticing aspect panda fans should be focusing on. All copies of the game will come packaged with a DVD titled Secrets of the Wild Panda. What is Secrets of the Wild Panda? Well, it's an hour-long special produced by National Geographic on the subject of, you guessed it, panda bears. So instead of just being a DS game full of cute pandas to play with, it also holds some educational value, as well.%Gallery-20748%[Via press release]

    David Hinkle
  • Bandai's Luminodot: 1,600 glass pegs for your child to swallow

    Bandai's Luminodot is a godsend for the light peg artiste looking to take his work to the next level. What we have here is essentially an updated Lite-Brite with over twice the resolution (read: pegs) of the original. Just like Hasbro's classic toy, several design templates are included with the kit -- and if you're feeling creative, there is an online template generator that will render your own designs to PDF. Also included with the kit are 1,600 pegs in twelve colors (or about half of what you will need to fill up the Luminodot's 70 x 50, 3,500 peg display -- you can order additional pegs on their website). But the most impressive feature is probably the LED backlighting: in addition to lighting the pegs, the Luminodot has twenty-five preprogrammed animated sequences. As with most toys this cool, Luminodot is only available in Japan -- though we have seen at least one for sale on eBay. Video after the break.[Via technabob]

  • Fragile trailer is more than solid

    Fragile continues to look like the most atmospheric Wii title since Samus did her thing. This short trailer doesn't contain much in the gameplay department, but what is there has a really eerie ambience to it. The haunting tune that plays as the beam from Seto's flashlight crawls across these desolate environments is perfect.The official Fragile blog still has this listed for a 2008 release in Japan, and producer Kentaro Kawashima has promised us there will soon be news of a release date. Then it's time to start crossing everything for a western localization!%Gallery-26285%[Via Nintendo Everything]

  • Fragile is the best-looking Wii game you'll see today

    Click image to check out the new screens Even though there are only four new screens of Namco Bandai's Fragile ~ Farewell Moon Ruins, their beauty warrants an update. Besides, we can't have been the only ones who thought of Yorda, of Ico fame, when we first clapped eyes on the slight, barefooted girl above (also seen here). We currently know nothing about this waifish character, though some Ico-style hand-in-hand gameplay wouldn't go amiss; Fragile's post-apocalyptic wasteland certainly seems like the ideal location for a bit of cooperation!%Gallery-26285%[Via Go Nintendo]

  • Namco trademarks newest Tales name in North America

    Fans of the Tales series, it would appear the possibility of the latest DS title, Tales of Hearts, to come to North America has become a bit more plausible. Thanks to Spencer over at Siliconera, we have word that Namco has trademarked the term for North America? Coincidence? We think not!So, it would seem that eventually the game should be making its way to our shores. Until then, we'll just sit back, relax and wait for an official announcement.

    David Hinkle
  • Bandai boldly introduces Smart Berry: the portable chat handheld for girls

    We're guessing the naming scheme here was quite intentional, though we'll be the first to say Bandai's Smart Berry has very, very little in common with RIM's stockpile of handsets. Nevertheless, this "mobile communicator" joins the small crowd of other tween-centric chat handhelds with wireless capabilities that enable four of these things to talk to one another "for email, chat and online games within a 10-meter diameter." For whatever reason, messages are limited to 64 characters (and you thought SMS was bad...), and in case that little tidbit grows increasingly frustrating, there's a virtual pet on board to take your mind to a more blissful place. Sure, we can see younger gals being entertained by this for a few weeks or so, but the ¥10,290 ($96) price tag just seems a bit outrageous, particularly when you consider the lack of a color screen. Yeah, for real.

    Darren Murph
  • E308: Namco Bandai's Panda game dated for U.S.

    The first English-language screens of Namco Bandai's National Geographic Panda have emerged from E3, as well as a North American release window of this fall. We also received a smattering of gameplay details, listed beneath the almost unforgivable title of "It's PANDA-MONIUM!"According to these, the aim of the game is simply to rear your own Baby Panda or Giant Panda (you can tickle and play with them via the touchscreen, as you would a Nintendog), keeping them fed, clean, and happy during their time in Panda Park (which, incidentally, changes depending on whether you play at day or night).To do this, you'll get a daily allowance which can be used for panda food or toys (such as ... gherkin-shaped see-saws?), and as you play more, further Baby Pandas will gradually begin to "move" into Panda Park, which is probably just Namco Bandai's way of avoiding the whole panda sex thing. Probably for the best.%Gallery-20748%[Via press release]

  • National Geographic Pandas are no slackers

    We simply can't fault Namco Bandai's inspired decision to develop a game based on panda bears. When it comes to pandas, there is no universal divide in opinion (as there is with dogs and cats) -- everybody is a panda person. That kind of popularity can only be gained from being extremely cute and extremely rare.Launching in Japan on July 31st, purchased copies of Panda-San Nikki (National Geographic Panda) will probably be anything but rare. That's because this game is freakin' adorable, as the latest screenshots in our gallery demonstrate. There are more pandas on see-saws, pandas trying to roll on a ball, pandas using a slide, pandas in hats -- in fact, Game Watch reckons there are over 800 animations (pandamations?) on display here. We always thought these wonderful creatures just sort of sat around, but they seem to be rather active!%Gallery-20748%

  • Bandai goes Blu-ray with Ghost in the Shell 2 as anime industry climate cools

    First announced back at Kawaii Kon, former HD DVD pioneer Bandai is making Ghost in the Shell: Innocence its first Blu-ray release. Bandai took the high road in finishing out its HD DVD/DVD Twin release schedule of Freedom even after the format's demise, and we look forward to some next gen features on the company's Blu-ray discs. There's certainly enough incentive, Home Media Magazine notes from last weekend's Anime Expo that output for the whole industry is down and is look for Blu-ray and downloads to help out the bottom line.

    Richard Lawler
  • Ton of new Naruto gameplay vids readies us for July demo

    Here are seven gameplay vids from Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm, the upcoming PS3-exclusive, anime-ramen-ninja title. The visuals in this game, as we've said for the longest time now, look spectacular and we can't wait to try it out. In fact, it won't be too long before we can -- remember, there's an exclusive demo included with this month's issue of Qore. So, while you wait for the issue (should be out this Thursday, July 3), enjoy these vids to get you pumped up for the demo. Six more after the break.%Gallery-20717%

    Majed Athab
  • Say 'awww' to these new National Geographic Panda screens

    Seriously, if there was anything that could melt the heart of the most cold individual, it's images of a panda bear playing with a beach ball. And, we have just that, in our gallery below, courtesy of Namco Bandai. We have to say, that with each new National Geographic Panda screen we're exposed to, our desire for the game grows. We just want to take care of cute little panda bears. Is that so wrong?%Gallery-20748%[Via press release]

    David Hinkle