

  • E3 2009: Entering our bedcaves with Arkham Asylum room keys

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    click to embiggen Riddle us this: What insane card will let many E3 attendees find their way to a bed each night?Answer: The Batman: Arkham Asylum room keys that apparently all associated hotels of the show will receive. Yeah, we're definitely taking this as a souvenir. Sorry, Hyatt.PS: Eidos spent all that money on these cards and they were printed backwards (the arrows point the wrong way). Clearly, the Joker teamed up with The Riddler in the production. [Thanks, Sam Houston]

  • Roundup: GTTV's E3 trailers

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Did your late night Canasta tournament keep you away from your television last night, preventing you from catching all of GameTrailers' exclusive ... trailers for a number of highly anticipated titles that will be appearing at E3? Fear not -- we've got them posted conveniently after the break. What games are present and accounted for, you ask? Well, let's see (deep breath): Mass Effect 2, Brutal Legend, Lost Planet 2, Split/Second, Brink, DJ Hero, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Just Cause 2, Dragon Age: Origins, Supreme Commander 2, Dante's Inferno, Madden 10, NHL 10, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2, Need for Speed Shift, Alpha Protocol and Heroes of Telara. Check 'em out!

  • Interview: Paul Crocker of Rocksteady on Batman: Arkham Asylum

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Not pictured: Paul Crocker Paul Crocker is the lead narrative designer at Rocksteady Studios, where he's been hard at work on Batman: Arkham Asylum for the past two years. Thankfully, he hasn't taken on any of the Dark Knight's unfriendly tendencies in that time and gladly opened up to us about the game, explaining key omissions like Robin and Batmobile driving, and offering up his (not-so-creative) pick for the DC character he'd most like to create a game around. Continue past the break for the full interview.%Gallery-64370%

  • Impressions: Batman: Arkham Asylum

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Unlike the character it's based on, Batman: Arkham Asylum has been prancing about in broad daylight quite a bit as of late. We've seen walkthrough videos, tons of screenshots, and we've gotten our hands on it. In fact, if you really find yourself itching for some quality time with the Caped Crusader, you can head down to your local Target and try out a combat demo on the PS3 for yourself. Even PlayStation Home broke news via an in-game ad that players will be able to control the Joker, only in the PS3 version (video just after the break). Seriously, the game has been everywhere.So how did Eidos and WB decide to whet our appetite even more? By showing us another gameplay demo, of course. This time, it was all about showing off Batman's CSI skills, which should come as no surprise (he is the World's Greatest Detective, after all). Get the details after the break, and dust the brand-new screenshots below for fingerprints.%Gallery-64370%

  • Batman: Arkham Asylum committed to retail Aug. 25 in NA, Aug. 28 in Europe

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    The Dark Knight is finally ready examine the bats in Arkham Asylum's belfry on August 25 in North America and August 28 in Europa. The game had previously been delayed to "late summer" from its June 23 release date, so the wait doesn't appear to be much longer, but it's already felt like a Ra's al Ghul lifetime.Remember that if you're not looking to play so seriously, that the Joker will be an "exclusive" character in the PS3 version of the game. Batman: Arkham Asylum will be playable at E3 next week and we'll be sure to give our updated hands-on impressions of the game that might actually do Batman justice.

  • Poison Ivy, Batman's green-thumbed nemesis, revealed

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    It ain't Uma Thurman (thank goodness), but Batman's plant-loving adversary, Poison Ivy, has been revealed as a baddie in the upcoming action title, Batman: Arkham Asylum. A new trailer (posted after the break) for Rocksteady and Eidos' impressive Arkham features the green thumb merging with a giant piranha plant with the intention of killing The Batman. Kill Batman, huh? Why hasn't anyone ever thought of that before?

  • You must CQC this new Batman: Arkham Asylum footage

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    What do you do when the most promising Batman game in, oh, years gets delayed to "the end of summer?" You get angry. Well, that and you watch every bit of gameplay footage you can leading up to when it's finally in stores ... and hopefully doesn't disappoint. It's with the intent of helping you through this time of Batman: Arkham Asylum-focused longing that we bring you what you need: video of the Dark Knight smashing goons' faces with man's earliest weapons, his fists and feet. Walking you through the on-screen beatings is Shefton Hill, designer of the game and a rather pleasant-sounding fellow given how dark and violent what he's making is. It's almost like getting a hands-on demonstration, only without ... your hands ... on -- oh, who are we kidding? Eidos, can we at least have a demo?

  • Batman: Arkham Asylum delayed until 'summer 2009'

    Jason Dobson
    Jason Dobson

    Like a bat signal against a cloudy Gotham skyline, Eidos and Warner Bros. have sent official word to Joystiq regarding the alleged delay of Batman: Arkham Asylum: It appears we'll be waiting a little while longer for the Dark Knight to rescue us from the summer release schedule.While the Bat's' upcoming jaunt through the famed comic prison won't take quite as long to get to store shelves as previously rumored, the game is likely to miss its already announced June 23 release. According to an official statement, Batman: Arkham Asylum will ship sometime during the noticeably vague "summer 2009" window. No reason was given for the delay, with parties saying only that the extra time will let devs ensure that the game "is of the highest quality for gamers." We're following up for some more details and will update if we hear anything.Update: Joystiq has received a slightly more specific ship date for the game, with a representative saying that Batman: Arkham Asylum will ship sometime at the "end of summer." [Image]

  • Rumor: Batman: Arkham Asylum delayed until holidays

    Jason Dobson
    Jason Dobson

    It may take a bit longer for the Caped Crusader to round up his rogues gallery in Batman: Arkham Asylum, as "sources close to the game" tell Game Informer the title has been pushed back from its expected June release until sometime later this year.Despite impressing us earlier this year, the unspecified sources tell Game Informer than the game will now ship in 2009's fourth quarter. If true, and while disappointing, the delay will give us more time to work on work on our Batarang hurling technique. Neither Eidos nor Warner Bros. have offered a comment on the cause behind the delay, though we have reached out to both ourselves for more.[Thanks, Christian]

  • The Dark Knight takes out the trash in Batman: Arkham Asylum clip

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    In a new clip for Eidos's best effort yet, we get a glimpse at some of the stylish ways The Bats can dispatch his many foes. Whether it's a clothesline, or a full-on bodyslam, the world's greatest detective knows how to handle a crowd (and look while doing it!). Generic thugs, your days are numbered!Batman: Arkham Asylum fights its way onto PS3, Xbox 360, and PC June 23.%Gallery-31781%

  • Home ad reveals Joker DLC for Batman: Arkham Asylum on PS3 [update]

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Click for big bow tie-sized image There's a very peculiar ad in PlayStation Home right now. As you can see above, it would appear the PS3 is on the receiving end of Joker's brand of funny, as several billboards sprinkled throughout Home advertise "Exclusive Joker challenge maps" for the PS3 version of Batman: Arkham Asylum. We decided to hop on Home ourselves and snapped the pic you see above.We've contacted Eidos for clarification and will update as soon as we've heard back. Oh, and if you're scratching your head at the concept of "challenge maps," then you didn't read about our time with the game back at GDC09. For shame. We're dialing your mother right now.Update: We've added a gallery with another delightfully precarious shot of the Joker, just below. Don't shoot!%Gallery-51010%

  • Harley Quinn flips out in latest Batman: Arkham Asylum trailer

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    There's not a comic book nerd aficionado alive who doesn't have a profound appreciation for The Joker's right-hand gal, Harley Quinn. The most recent trailer for Rocksteady and Eidos' surprisingly appealing Batman: Arkham Asylum (posted after the jump) shows a clear explanation of why this is -- she's out of her flippin' mind. Also, sometimes, she's just flippin'.If you're not familiar with the prowess of Ms. Quinn, the trailer details her sole, villainous super ability: "Total disregard for human life." However, considering the footage we just saw, we think her skill set is a bit more diverse than that. For instance, she shows real promise in the "kicking costumed millionaires in their big, ugly faces" department.

  • See Bane in Batman: Arkham Asylum clip

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    We sure hope that Eidos is saving a few surprises for those who actually play through Batman: Arkham Asylum, because the above clip of Bane (who once broke the Dark Knight's back) seems like it could have been a good one. As would be expected, Bane looks totally huge and totally scary.Though we're starting to get a little prudish about these spoilers, we'd like to reiterate that holy crap do we ever want to play this game.

  • Holy collectors edition, Batman (Arkham Asylum)!

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    click to Bat-size There's really only one question you have to mull over when considering plunking down the cash for the Batman: Arkham Asylum Collectors Edition. That question is: How much am I willing to pay for a batarang? We'll admit that the behind-the-scenes DVD (or Blu-Ray), Arkham Doctor's Journal (with embossed leather dust jacket) and DLC are nice items, but it's still all about the batarang. Whether or not it's worth the price -- $100 according to GameStop -- is up to you. Sure, Bruce Wayne can afford to throw that kind of money away, but it's a difficult question for most of us.While thinking it over, feel free to peruse the game's new official pages on MySpace or Facebook. You can also check out the gallery below for a closer look at the batarang in question.%Gallery-49789%

  • Eidos: Batman: Arkham Asylum will be one of our best games

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    "It's as close to perfect as we've ever come ..."- Eidos' head of UK marketing, Jon Brooke, on Batman: Arkham Asylum So, there you have it, Arkham Asylum will be better than 25 To Life, Chili Con Carnage, Daikatana, Deathtrap Dungeon, Revenant, Cutthroats: Terror on the High Seas, Fighting Force, Reservoir Dogs, Mad Maestro, Spider: The Video Game, Top Trumps Adventures: Horror and Predators, Virtual Resort: Spring Break, Way of the Samurai and Chuck Rock.Start polishing those GOTYs, people. [And yeah, we know we ignored Hitman, Tomb Raider and Soul Reaver to serve our gag. Sorry.]

  • Peruse, weigh in on extended Batman: Arkham Asylum footage

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    "Alfred, have you seen this?""Your impossibly enormous supercomputer and one of the only sources of light in this cave? Yes, I do believe I glimpsed it while dusting once.""No, I mean this article on Joystiq. Computer, enhance RSS feed item, number 16. There. They claim to have new footage of an upcoming game based on me, Batman.""Good heavens, Master Bruce! Do you mean to tell me you're Gotham city's masked protector?""Very funny, Alfred. This new Arkham Asylum game is supposedly very promising.""You mean it's not just you prowling dark alleys and beating the snot out of some generic thugs?""Apparently not. It has elements of action and stealth, not to mention classic villains and iconic imagery. The blog authors say that Arkham Asylum is where I belong.""Well, your propensity for manic vigilantism and outlandish costumes would --""In the game, I mean.""Yes, of course, sir. In the game."%Gallery-31781%

  • GDC09: Actual Batman: Arkham Asylum gameplay footage, no joke

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    There's only so much we can say about Rocksteady's upcoming Batman: Arkham Asylum. There's only so much screenshots can convey. So it's pretty nice to finally be able to show you what we've been jabbering on about via the magic of video -- and not just any kind, this is (at last) actual gameplay.Specifically, this freshly released footage is of the "Silent Knight" challenge stage we wrote about in our earlier GDC hands-on. Marvel (er, DC?) as Bats blows up walls, glide kicks and sneaks around all Sam Fisher-like. So, after reading about it and seeing it in action, what do you think?

  • GDC09: Batman Arkham Asylum hands-on

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    click to Unreal Engine anatomy-size We've been going batty really looking forward to getting our hands on the Dark Knight's latest video game ever since we saw a very impressive -- but hands-off -- demonstration of Arkham Asylum in early February. Today we finally got that chance, but it was over before you could say, "I'm Batman."Rather than opening up the game and letting us explore the infamous Arkham ourselves, Eidos limited the experience to two challenge rooms -- both of which were areas we'd seen when the game was first unveiled. The first was, well, the very first playable scene in the game, the entrance to the asylum immediately following the Joker's escape. This brief (less than three minute) brawl with a gaggle of goons was just long enough for us to get a feel for the close-quarters fighting controls -- and we liked what we played.%Gallery-48701%

  • Rumor: Batman: Arkham Asylum CE only affordable for Bruce Wayne

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Batman: Arkham Asylum's collector's edition could be a bittersweet proposition, if a GameStop listing is any indication. Bitter in its ridiculous $100 price of admission, sweet in the fact that it includes a 12" batarang. Sure, there are other items in this supposed collector's edition version of the game, such as a DC custom encyclopedia, DLC Pack 1, soundtrack, and behind-the-scenes DVD, but all of that pales in comparison to being able to literally fight crime. Just rent a costume from your local shop, paint your car black, and you, dear friend, are a superhero. Then it's only a matter of finding Falcone ...[Via Kotaku; thanks, TheDarkWayne!]%Gallery-31781%

  • Batman becomes the fear in latest Arkham Asylum trailer

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    We don't know what it is about Mark Hamill's brilliant portrayal of the Joker that does it, but we're shaken to our core each and every time we hear him. And this latest trailer for Batman: Arkham Asylum starts off with a great Joker narration, but it doesn't stop there. Adding to Joker's dialogue is plenty of Batman-kicking-ass action. Watch the world's greatest detective employ his powers of stealth, as well as his powers of wealth through the use of his high-tech gadgetry. This trailer is set to air tonight on MTV, but thankfully Totilo posted it early for everyone to drool over, so check it out after the break while we run out to the store for a new keyboard.%Gallery-31781%